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x89 Señor El Once : The "challenged" aren't going to come.


{mcb: This is in reference to the x88 comments.}

Meaningful comments on the Pentagon topic have petered out. The "challenged" aren't going to come.

*Sigh.* With Mr. OSS's stellar work off-list and targeted URL bullets, the Pentagon debate was wrapped up four or more times over in as many or more other T&S threads. Somewhat *yawn* to see the two or three A.Wright carousel spins in this very thread necessitating a dizzying dive into "SOC/NOC" witness nuances, before GOTO links are applied to handle the heavy-lifting. *Snore.* But now a new crank to the merry-go-round with a "challenge to cowards." *Snooze.*

Mr. Adam Ruff brags about skipping my comments unread. More power to him! He and a few others should not read any further. Get a head start on ignoring me right now! Certainly don't bother writing a jejune response, because it'll only engage me and allow me to make more nookiedoo-ish comments!

Simply let this comment pass, unaddressed. Win-Win!

Mr. Ruff wrote on June 21, 2014 at 6:27 pm:

My litmus test for real truthers is now the pentagon evidence and how well the persons arguments stand up here on Truth and Shadows.

Guess I passed that litmus test of my "real trutherism." No issue there. No debate.

But there are at least a couple of fundamental insights being missed, because truth isn't afraid of circling back around to get its due acknowledgment.

First insight: imagery manipulation. The discussion above proves an instance where it did happen with regards to 9/11. It isn't an isolated case. Yet the eifer that many had to dismiss the entirety of September Clues (and its premise of imagery manipulation) without proper rescue of valid nuggets of truth stands testament that participants in this forum could stand more practicing what they preach and being open-minded. What other imagery manipulation nuggets should be re-visited, and what distracting purpose did they serve? What would they have been masking?

Second insight: The culprits successfully attacked the very symbol, if not center, of US military power even after ample advanced notice (e.g., two attacks at the center of financial power) and radar tracking. The attack at the Pentagon was very precise in terms of what it destroyed (ONI investigative efforts into the missing $2.3 trillion) and killed (ONI investigators into the same) and the high-tech, thoroughly-practiced, redundant defenses that the attack circumvented.

Worse, the culprits made everyone believe that a real plane crashed into the Pentagon (while at the same time propping up disinfo about no planes at the WTC), even though they have yet to convincingly substantiate it with video evidence (that they themselves were Johnny-on-the-spot to confiscate), with the bulk of witness testimony, or with even sufficient serial numbered airplane parts from the crash site and untainted flight data recorders.

What does this say about the abilities of the culprits?

It is a bit of the same game that the culprits would propagandize the pulverizing WTC destruction -- a massive energy sink -- as a gravity-driven pile-driver acting at physics-defying gravitional acceleration. However, that doesn't have to be the extent of the games.

Genuine truth seekers need to validate their assumptions with regards to controlled demolition, particularly when such assumptions rule out exotic means. [Fourth Generation Nuclear Devices are real-world and match much of what Dr. Wood's work drives at, although she doesn't come out and say it.]

If the WTC bomb-sniffing dogs took their holidays starting September 6 (Thursday before 9/11), the resulting window of time by all accounts of demolition experts would have been too short for the implementation of the observed overkill controlled demolition using chemical-based explosives and incendiaries, radio detonation, etc. Assuming such to be the primary mechanism of destruction begins to fall apart even before the evidence (e.g., comparatively low decibel readings, low seismic measurements, duration of under-rubble hot-spots, the tritium circus, the blatant errors and omissions by 9/11TM's resident nuclear physicist, etc.) shoots holes in it.

P.S. Mr. Rogue has >46% of the total 396 comments to this thread, which makes it STFU-time in anybody's book and reason number one why he should ignore this comment.

Mr. Rogue above all others should simply let this comment pass, unaddressed. Win-Win!


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x88 ruffadam, Craig McKee, hybridrogue1 : Truther In Name Only


{mcb: This set of x88 comments is out of sequence. They happened before the previous x89 comments. They are included for the sake of context.}

June 21, 2014 at 5:57 pm

I posted several replies to Adam Taylor's blog which are now down the memory hole. I can say this about him now that I have observed how he operates. He is a TINO (Truther In Name Only) as far as I am concerned. He has the same snide arrogant tone in his remarks as just about every JREF'er I have ever come across. The fact that he deleted his own blog speaks volumes about his integrity as well. A genuine truth seeker would either debate the issues in good faith in the open or admit he was wrong and change his stance accordingly, he would never try to disappear the whole thing by flushing it down the memory hole. Adam Taylor as far as I am concerned is a TINO. Just like on 911blogger when he started to be exposed as wrong he censored everything in true Stalinist fashion. Very poor showing Mr. Taylor and if you ever want to regain credibility in my eyes (which I am sure you do not care about) you owe several people a public apology and a complete retraction of your baseless attack article on Mr. McKee. A genuine truther would do exactly that which is how I know at this point that you are not a genuine truther.

June 21, 2014 at 6:35 pm

Ok fair enough I was wrong about Taylor flushing the whole blog down the memory hole and I retract those statements here and now. Upon reading what is still posted on his blog though much of what I just said about Taylor stands. I freely admit however that Taylor did not delete his blog.

June 21, 2014 at 6:27 pm

By the way Mr. Taylor you can still show your face here and debate this issue like an honorable man. This blog is where the rubber meets the road in the truth movement which is why I post here and almost never anywhere else. My litmus test for real truthers is now the pentagon evidence and how well the persons arguments stand up here on Truth and Shadows. Ken Doc is also welcome here to test his metal along with any other pentagon official story believers.

The fact that certain people referred to by some as truthers refuse to debate us here or anywhere for that matter on the pentagon issue is a testament to the power and importance of Truth and Shadows. Craig you should be proud of what you have created here, it is an anvil and hammer where real truthers are forged and where fake ones are destroyed.

Craig McKee
June 22, 2014 at 12:38 am

Thanks, Ruffadam. I am proud of the fact that such serious and well-informed truthers comment on this blog so regularly. This group, if I can call it that, can be counted on to show where the official story is provably false in all aspects of 9/11, but especially with the Pentagon evidence that shows so clearly that a plane did not hit the building. Most importantly, this group relies on facts, not the kind of empty attacks we've seen from Mr. Adam "tell someone who cares" Taylor.

June 23, 2014 at 12:11 pm

David Chandler, B.S. (Physics), MS (Mathematics) still hasn't responded to my email. And although I really didn't expect him to, it still pisses me off to high heaven that these guys won't come out of their bunker and face the music.

Every mature person knows the consequence of remaining aloof "holding court" and surrounding oneself with sycophants. In such circumstances arrogance blooms into full hubris. And hubris is a form of psychosis, one that puts the afflicted in a state of delusion and blindness to reality.

"Out here in the fields we fight for our meals…" ~The Who

There is a certain humanity, and even "manliness" to the humility of having to answer for ones position, to face up to ones bullshit. And this clique of arrogant pricks surrounding Frank Legge, of which Chandler is one, are liable to ever escalating criticism for pretending to their positions as "Leaders" in the 9/11 Truth community, while isolating themselves from the reality "on the streets" of 'mainland Trutherville'.

I will end with this challenge to these punks, with the words of Alex in Clockwork Orange:
"Come and get one in the yarbles – it you have any yarbles"

~Willy Whitten \\][//

x90 Señor El Once : couldn't resist cranking the neu nookiedoo carousel


2014-06-26 at 12:54 pm

{mcb: This was published but then later was put back into moderation.}

Awe, shucks. Mr. Rogue couldn't follow well meaning advice to ignore me. No. He couldn't resist cranking the neu nookiedoo carousel:

What the fuck does the disinformation about Nookiedoodoo have to do with the Pentagon?

Without substantiation that fourth generation nuclear devices ("neutron nuclear DEW") are "disinformation" makes such statements but mere hypnotic assertions having no basis in reality.

Removing that "disinformation" word from the question, the answer was in the two insights that Mr. Rogue ignored. The abilities of the culprits are underestimated and arbitrarily cut off in the cul de sac of nano-thermite, when they shouldn't be. Anything top-secret leaking into media that we could conceivable imagine as 9/11 weapons are not excluded. It is the "in for a penny, in for a pound" metaphor. Why limit themselves to chemical-based methods easily tested?

Mr. Rogue so beautifully writes the very justification for ignoring me in his very question:

Why the fuck does this asshole mention me and then suggest I ignore his bullshit technique of wanking every thread that comes along with both his attacks on myself and Mr Ruff as well as promotion of his agitprop about DEW and Nuclear?

... Because Mr. Rogue doesn't debate nuclear means in good faith, and as demonstrated above, comes unhinged way too easily. Nothing from the above quoted paragraph is worthy of addressing except as being pointed out as Mr. Rogue's own wanking effort. Mr. Rogue has shot his wad (>46 of the 398 comments) both in this thread but in any type of rational, civilized debate with me, where he has been discredited at the onset by being unable to objectively review on his own much of the supporting documentation. It just ain't possible to the wanker. So he should be the bigger man and ignore my comments.

Mr. Adam Ruff wrote on June 21, 2014 at 5:57 pm:

A genuine truth seeker would either debate the issues in good faith in the open or admit he was wrong and change his stance accordingly...

Indeed, this has been my desire, my ambition, my consistency... when researching "Neu Nookiedoo" and fourth generation nuclear devices in use on 9/11 at the WTC for some of what was observed. [To apply the brakes to the repeated "mutually-exclusive" straw-man, please note the weasel-words "some of what was observed", which leaves the door open for many destructive mechanisms -- from super-super nano-thermite, to lasers from space, to neutron nuclear 4th generation devices, to kitchen sinks -- to have been involved.]

But judging from the above statement, pompous Mr. Ruff has acted in the past a bit hypocritically on this hobby-horse nuclear subject of mine, making assertions that he can't even prove (e.g., "no radiation"), thereby leading him to erroneous conclusions (e.g., "no radiation = no nukes".)

The no-nuke work of Mr. Rogue has been shredded: first by his reliance on reports that can't be trusted in either the data collection or its analysis; by his unwillingness to acknowledge errors and omissions in the same; by his habit of trumping up tidbits from such skewed reports (e.g., "miniscule tritium") that itself isn't to be trusted; by introducing his own bullshit (e.g., "tritium leaching back to the WTC from landfills and thus already tainting what could be considered background levels"); by his inability to objectively review disinformation sources for nuggets of truth that remain valid and necessitate rescue; and lastly by his inability to debate in good faith (e.g., Mr. Rogue loves his flame-wars more than he loves getting at the truth.)

Mr. Ruff wrote:

The fact that certain people referred to by some as truthers refuse to debate us here or anywhere for that matter ... is a testament to the power and importance of Truth and Shadows.

I know that some of the participants have been avoiding nuclear discussions because nuclear physics is outside their area of interest or expertise. Understandable, but the extent of knowledge that must be acquired to ascertain the viability of these 4th generation devices on 9/11 [and matching the blatantly skewed analysis of the data] isn't that great: a hurdle easily overcome with a brief detour into nuclear weapons.

If a participant isn't going to pony up the effort, they should let this comment pass without reply.

Reserving judgment on the specific errors in Mr. Rogue's preparation, the reasons are many why Mr. Rogue should pass by this comment, too. Leading the list,

(1) Mr. Rogue has been proven untrustworthy and unhinged -- surprise, surprise -- primarily in discussions with me on my hobby-horse, Nookiedoo. Ain't nothing more "good faith" about it. I predict that Mr. Rogue will add a half dozen cranks to his Carnival thread before bedtime, which will prove me right.

(2) Mr. Rogue has already made >46% of the 398 comments to this thread. [*Yawn*. STFU-time.]

Mr. Rogue writes:

Never one to actually partake in the discussion in any meaningful way this blowhard entity is always willing to pop up for a commercial interruption for Nookiedoodoo, and another swipe at me.

This isn't true. I'm just more astute at recognizing faux romps through thoroughly discussed realms as being mere props for Mr. Rogue to get "street-cred in smacking down a government troll" using material of Mr. OSS.

Mr. Rogue writes:

I suggest the obvious answer is that the Señor entity is part of the Sunstein infiltration movement.

Gee. The phrase "part of the Sunstein infiltration movement" would have been exactly what I think regarding the totality of Mr. Rogue's efforts here on T&S, on COTO, and on his own lame-ass blog to "shutdown with vengance" any rational discussion on Fourth Generation Nuclear Devices.

And this just lit the fire for more commentary on his favorite thread on HR1blog.

Better there than here.

Repeating from above, I predicted that Mr. Rogue will add a half dozen cranks to his Carnival thread before bedtime, which will prove me right.

As an aside, Mr. Rogue won't prove me "A.Wright", his latest misguided belief. Why? I have a writer's ego. I preserve and take credit for my words and for all my online aliases. If Mr. A.Wright were my sock-puppet, (a) my blog probably would have copped to it years ago; (b) I'd be engaging Mr. A.Wright at most every opportunity for the purposes of generating wordy arguments worthy of preservation. I haven't seriously engaged Mr. A.Wright since prior to Mr. Rogue's T&S entrance (January 2012), deeming such exchanges futile and redundant.

As long as we're comparing Mr. A.Wright to me, Mr. A.Wright has never once been given the white flag of "surrender" (or "ignore") by Mr. Rogue, although Mr. A.Wright did get a couple of "Wright should go fuck himself" [June 22, 2014 at 3:34 pm and June 23, 2014 at 2:19 pm.] Despite cranking spins over previously-delt-with turf, Mr. Rogue tirelessly keeps pace. Despite 2.5 years of engagement, Mr. A.Wright doesn't have a Rogue-ian thread dedicated to him, with unhinged comments aimed at him like I do... Nyah, nyah, nyah!

This exposes a couple of discordant aspects to the Rogue/Wright circus. If Mr. Rogue's commentary [tiny sample: ~46% of the total commentary in this thread] were all the "jizzle" and more, the writer's ego -- the artist's ego -- in Mr. Rogue would have re-purposed and re-published those tireless A.Wright shillackings on his blog -- "real honest-to-goodness 9/11 Truther activism street cred in taking down a stilted government troll" -- if for no other reasons than having a reference GOTO URL to put the brakes on subsequent looping carnival rides and having a forum for unchained, unhinged, Rogue-ian, flame-baiting diaria.

[In the immortal words of John Belushi...] "But NO-OOOOooooouuuuu!"

Mr. Rogue lets his valued wisdom to great measure be pissed away on forums that he doesn't control, his memorable words not rescued and faithfully re-published on his blog as a testament to his existance and treasured wealth of knowledge. For shame, for shame, and such a massive pity and undervaluing of one's efforts in the digital realm... for posterity and future generations to judge.

At the risk of redundancy, the reasons are many why Mr. Rogue should pass by this comment. Much to do the padawan still has.

Mr. Rogue should ignore me and let this detour stop here.


x91 hybridrogue1 & Craig McKee : bullshit technique of wanking every thread


June 26, 2014 at 12:13 pm

"P.S. Mr. Rogue has >46% of the total 396 comments to this thread, which makes it STFU-time in anybody's book and reason number one why he should ignore this comment.
Mr. Rogue above all others should simply let this comment pass, unaddressed. Win-Win!"~the Señor entity

What the fuck does the disinformation about Nookiedoodoo have to do with the Pentagon?
Why the fuck does this asshole mention me and then suggest I ignore his bullshit technique of wanking every thread that comes along with both his attacks on myself and Mr Ruff as well as promotion of his agitprop about DEW and Nuclear?

I suggest the obvious answer is that the Señor entity is part of the Sunstein infiltration movement. Never one to actually partake in the discussion in any meaningful way this blowhard entity is always willing to pop up for a commercial interruption for Nookiedoodoo, and another swipe at me.
And this just lit the fire for more commentary on his favorite thread on HR1blog.

June 26, 2014 at 1:14 pm

Such utter bullshit from the anonymous entity Mr Once…

I have no carousel to crank-up until this idiot sets it down here where it has no legitimate place in the first instance.

Having nothing on topic to say here, Mr Once is simply crashing the party while essentially saying, 'oh don't mind me, I'm just pissing on the walls..'

The entity will not come to grips with his irrelevance.

More irrelevant bullshit by Mr Once. Another attempt at hijacking a T&S thread with his Nookiedoodoo nonsense. It is NOT on topic regardless of how far the entity can stretch his sphincter.


Craig McKee

I have removed the last several comments because I have no interest in another installment of the war between Senor El Once and Hybridrogue1. Please, no more mention of nukes and no more mention of either of these contributors by the other or the comment will be removed.

June 26, 2014 at 2:45 pm

My strategy in making a challenge to the cowards who have been hiding in their bunkers rather than facing their challengers is not so much to induce them to actually show up here for that debate.

No, my purpose is in lighting a fuse that will spread to other venues as well, to keep the pressure on this crew of disingenuous characters to finally submit to such a debate, or retract their nonsense and throw in the towel on their spurious take on the Pentagon issue.


x92 Señor El Once : unable to satisfy the least and slightest request


2014-06-26 at 1:52 pm
{mcb: This was posted and published, but then later was placed back into moderation.}

So sad, our poor little Mr. Rogue has become. Unable to satisfy the least and slightest request to ignore my comments.

No restraint whatsoever, our unhinged Mr. Rogue, as he cranks and cranks and cranks... saying nothing, really, except adding more piss to the walls that his nearly 200 comments out of nearly 400 comments didn't already permeate.

I have no carousel to crank-up until this idiot sets it down here where it has no legitimate place in the first instance.

My comment was legitimate and related to the topic at hand at multiple touch points, the very essence ignored by the Rogue. So easy to expose Mr. Rogue lying.

The true after-party topic and the one that ought to open the eyes of the sheeple:
Fourth Generation Nuclear Devices

Mr. Rogue writes:

... Mr Once is simply crashing the party...

Liar. I've been at the party all along [June 13, 2014 at 5:49 pm], even as the kegs were tapped. I've been following the discussion keenly. Ego-centric that sociopath Mr. Rogue is, he just didn't notice anyone other than his own blinding reflection.

Because I've been here (while living my real-life off-line), I know that the first party in this T&S had already run its course, two or three times!

What is happening now is that Mr. Rogue was asked to leave so that an after-party doesn't get out of control with another 200 wall pissing comments from Mr. Rogue.

The entity will not come to grips with his irrelevance.

Mr. Rogue will not come to grips with his irrelevance to the fourth generation nuclear devices discussion, the after-glow party not needing his "willy whit".

Such utter bullshit from the asshole entity Mr Rogue...

Mr. Rogue demonstrates that he can't stay on topic, so he should leave and take his >46% of the comments to the bank, assured in the mathematical statistic that I'd still need ~60 comments here before Mr. Rogue's contribution is reduced to a mere 40%.


x93 Señor El Once : hacked out 50% of it leaving that portion to languish on the cutting room floor


2014-06-26 at 2:47 pm

Dear Mr. McKee,

I had "no interest in another installment of the war" either, which is why I respectfully asked that my comment pass, unaddressed and even unread in cases.

For the record, I had been composing my contribution [published June 26, 2014 at 10:46 am] since first reading Mr. Ruff's June 21, 2014 at 6:27 pm posting. It went through several revisions, and the last one hacked out 50% of it leaving that portion to languish on the cutting room floor. How was I to know that I'd be able to re-purpose that excised portion not even two hours after being edited out, so I guess it wasn't in vane except in now being relegated to the moderation queue?

Be that as it may, my heavily pruned comment is legitimate and relates to the topic at hand at multiple touch points.

My assessment of the low-activity, end-of-life of this thread was valid. My comment took nothing away from any of the discussion, and only added insights to it in a positive fashion.

Thank you, Mr. McKee, for your moderation efforts and in making it win-win. [I got my important say, and a nasty war was nipped in the bud.]


x94 Señor El Once : Why does Agent A.Wright ignore me so?!!!


{mcb: This was published and live, but then was placed back into moderation.}

I'm glad that Mr. OSS [June 27, 2014 at 10:00 am] had the foresight to apply the "GOTO" links to Mr. A.Wright's looping rhetoric.

Some would fault me for not getting in the A.Wright pile-on and chiming in about the Pentagon fly-over. Let's ignore for a moment that this isn't my hobby-horse. Let's ignore that I have no fundamental differences with the compilations and conclusions of Mr. OSS about the Pentagon. [I'm not afraid to speak up when I do have a different perspective.] Let's ignore for a moment that I'm a member of the choir on the CIT song, not the choir director or preacher.

Once a participant has more than one ganging up on them and against them, that participant has his/her attention divided and may not serve them all equally well with satisfying answers. My additional participation in A.Wright's pile-up would not have output a loop more coherent. And I've known this since late 2011. Been there, done that, moved on. I don't need to engage, if others are. [And if others weren't, long ago Mr. McKee would have shown him Albury's door.] Not paying serious attention to him has done wonders for me.

Here's an anomaly to consider. In all this time that Mr. A.Wright and I had comments on the same T&S threads, I do not recall Mr. A.Wright ever engaging me in my hobby-horse area-du-jour, that has covered some remarkable outside-the-box territory. Not even the dabbling of a toe into the tritiated waters of correlated heavy metals in the dust, did Mr. A.Wright venture. Nothing on the impossibility of what my research says was possible and was done. Nothing to frame the innocence of the government in this nuclear matter. Nothing to egg me on or encourage me in such whackiness, either. [If my memory of A.Wright engagement is in error, such an engagement obviously was not memorable or REPEATABLE, in accordance with his looping M.O. on other themes.]

Why does Agent A.Wright ignore me so?!!! Oh, boo-hoo-hoo! *Sniffle*

... But wait! He really doesn't ignore me! I'll be damned if Mr. A.Wright doesn't ride his pogo-horses in at some pretty opportune times to get other participants eagerly hoisting a circus tent high!

From my much longer historical perspective on T&S, I consider the A.Wright carousel-spins the distraction from my hobby-horse. The pompous, breast-beating, over-the-top responses that Mr. A.Wright's contribution is designed to illicit (again and again) are comments that flood: to separate and dissipate and bury lingering nuggets of truth needing rescue.

... But hey! That's just my opinion and my paranoid perspective.

P.S. Good work, Mr. OSS.


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