
9/11 FGNW Prima Facie Case

This article makes the prima facie case that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9/11. "A prima facie case is a cause of action or defense that is sufficiently established by a party's evidence to justify a verdict in his or her favor, provided such evidence is not rebutted by the other party."

Note: A 2016 version "Beyond Misinformation: 9/11 FGNW " has been circulated on various websites and Facebook groups catering toward 9/11 discussions. Neither those championing the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) nor those in various camps of 9/11 truth (e.g., nano-thermite, DEW) have disproved or rebutted FGNW. Many exhibit tactics & traits of a disinformationalist. Common features across many forums were mockery, game playing, and avoidance of objectively discussing any of the specifics presented in the establishment of the FGNW presumption, followed by eventual banishment from the forum.