
FGNW Discussions Vol. 4

This article defends the premise that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed as the primary mechanisms of destruction in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. Discussions from 2023-07 through 2023-10.

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Part 1: FGNW Discussions with Lauralei Burnette, Andrew Kelly, Russell Weber, Jeff Hunziker

x2 Maxwell C. Bridges : gauntlet against individuals who were influential and in leadership roles AE9/11Truth


A 9/11 Truth colleague, Mr. Craig McKee, who I've internet-known and respected for over a decade, has legitimately thrown down the gauntlet against certain individuals who were influential and in leadership roles (mostly with Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth): for their support of the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) of alleged commercial aircraft impacting the Pentagon.

From a different direction, my 9/11 hobby-horse exposes those same individuals and 9/11 organizations: for having no explanation (even with super-duper Nano-thermite) for many anomalous pieces of evidence that suggest nuclear involvement, and for completely side-stepping any rational, scientific considerations of the matter when they weren't malframing it into strawman arguments.

An FAQ from AE9/11Truth that attempts to debunk "all forms of nuclear involvement" exhibits this steering-disinfo quite clearly. The FAQ does indeed prove -- even to my conspiracy minded satisfaction -- that "nuclear blasts" did ~not~ destroy the towers. Very true. "Nuclear blasts" implies sudden and violent changes in air pressure that brings destruction in the surrounding structure from where the device was installed. Nuclear blasts violently push air (like conventional explosives) would indeed have been deafeningly loud, would have been observable, etc. Further in their malframing, they suggest only individual nuclear devices per tower, deep underground; they suggest the nuclear blast would have blown bad radioactive things everywhere. So, yes; I agree; nuclear blasts did not destroy the various buildings of the WTC.

Because I read footnotes/endnotes, follow references from footnotes, and was familiar with the scope of the work (of Jeff Prager) that several of those same footnotes tried to debunk: I noticed that they cherry-picked lame issues and completely ignored Prager's analysis of the USGS dust tables that revealed not just Uranium and its decay elements, but in correlated quantities sample-to-sample. The FAQ made general, wide-sweeping, supposedly "debunking" statements in its flowing text that the footnotes were supposed to substantiate, but in reality did not. The FAQ had two versions: one with endnotes only, and one with footnotes (where footnotes=endnotes in terms of content). The endnote version front loads their work with the flowing text which really wasn't that many pages out of the total and highlighted its general and unspecific claims; looked very week. The footnote version looked much beefier, with footnotes consuming half or more of the space on some pages, but with the content of the note though not actually substantiating the claim from the flowing text and in cases making it worse in its attempt to discredit Prager's work with cherry-picking and smear.

Back to the nuclear theme: late-3rd/early-4th generation nuclear weapons (FGNW) would release, say, 80% of their already tactical nuclear yield in the form of targeted highly energetic neutrons. Being able to aim the cone-shaped output of highly energetic neutrons is what allows these devices (FGNW) to work in tandem -- 4 per detonation levels, 6-12 detonation levels for the towers --, because otherwise the typical spherical (or hemispherical) nature of "traditional" big-bang nukes would have fouled or destroyed neighboring devices.

The type and nature of destruction when 80% of the destructive energy is highly energetic neutrons would be vastly different. Concrete, floor pans, trusses, office furnishings in the cone path of a device: Dustification. Pulverization. Vaporization. Of everything the cone-shaped output went through, and aimed away from the inner-core and only grazing at the extent of its destructive range the wall assemblies. While 20% of the already tactical energy was the traditional blast wave, heat wave, and EMP, and there is evidence of this. Refer to the 500 images of 9/11 destruction published in Dr. Judy Wood's disinformation book. The "steel doobie" (wall assemblies that were wrapped up with their spandrels as if they were "steel doobies" or rolled-up carpet rolls.

The evidence that WTC had nuclear components leaks out all over. The USGS survey of the dust has Uranium and all of its decay elements in correlated quantities sample-to-sample, yet no plain-text explanation from USGS why this (evidence of fission) would be present, and complete ignorance of these factoids by those in AE9/11Truth (e.g., Dr. Steven Jones) except lame attempts to frame the "speculated" devices as large fission whose blast wave and nuclear fallout would have been what was observed.

True 4th generation nuclear devices (FGNW) are pure fusion; and the technology isn't there. Which is why late-3rd/early-4th generation devices (that I mislabel FGNW on purpose) are hybrid fission-fusion. A conventional chemical charge kicks off the fission stage, whose sole purpose is to generate the heat requisite for the fusion stage, which then releases its highly energetic neutrons in a targeted fashion. Because fission wasn't used for destruction (or nuclear blasts), its traces would be much much smaller compared to the large nukes they wanted to distract you with in their strawman argumentation. Further, tritium is the building block of all FGNW, lest we forget the tritium report (accepted unquestioned and unchallenged by Dr. Jones) had a stilted scope from the onset (limited to building content), did a shoddy job of tritium measurement, re-defined trace-element measurements to be 55 times greater than it was previously, etc. Evidence of fusion.

The following pulls together all sorts of evidence of 9/11 nuclear involvement. But the name "Dr. Andre Gsponer" and his research into FGNW in the decade leading up to 9/11 is a ~grand~ omission by Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. Judy Wood. I mention Dr. Gsponer's work early in this article to prove "I'm not pulling this out of my ass."


FGNW are technical in the category of DEW, making Dr. Wood closer to the truth than Dr. Jones. However, Dr. Wood let her work get framed as "beams-from-space" [which, along with ABL, is a real thing, but both have major energy-source related issues to create the observed destruction.] Dr. Wood on disinfo purpose did not research nuclear means properly; she let "cold-fusion" disinfo offer distractions for the obvious obscenely massive energy requirements of what was observed.

FTR, most of the previous "9/11 nuke" (ur-)champions were disinformation, because they framed things as single-nukes-per-tower deep-under-ground and falsely attributed the geological formation under WTC-4 (known to exist for decades, just not its extent until they excavated it) as being the results of a nuclear detonation.

The true measure of the Woodsian-DEWers and the 9/11-Nukers DISINFORMATION is that they never fucked around with one another, let alone got married -- despite FGNW being the real-world offspring of such a union.

At any rate, the 9/11 Truth Movement was deceived by the leadership of AE9/11Truth with their promotion exclusively of nano-thermite, despite admitting (Dr. Jones paraphrased) "NT would have had to have been mixed with something more brissant, like RDX, to achieve the observed pulverization" and "something else maintained the hot-spots, not just NT"; despite NT not being able to address even a fraction of the anomalies; despite evidence of fission/fusion both staring them in the face.

I'll single out Mr. David Chandler (and Mr. Wayne Coste) in particular, both of whom Mr. Craig McKee lambasts for their illogical and unscientific support of the OCT alleged Pentagon plane.

On the FGNW front (or more correctly in my 9/11 journey), I had been a champion of Dr. Wood's work, even while suspecting it was disinformation (that I later was able to prove on my own). Mr. Chandler was given a copy of Dr. Wood's book (with his permission) and asked to help me/us/"the 9/11 Truth Movement" to legitimately debunk it.

As an aside, several different disinformation pysops groups promoted different premises (e.g., Woodsian DEW, Nukers, No Planes at WTC, hollow-towers/simVictims) that then duped useful idiots (such as myself) championed (until I researched further and found the errors). With 20/20 hindsight, these different pysops groups were under the marching orders, and this is evident by the fact that pysops group 1 promoting disinfo A would never directly take on and attempt to debunk disinfo B (from pysops group 2). Neither group would really even acknowledge, let alone defend or debunk, the disinfo from their brother pysop groups.

Hence, Mr. Chandler put zero effort into a "good, bad, ugly" review of Dr. Wood's book, of ~any~ nuclear premise, of NPT. [Of course, he also didn't review my FGNW works, either.] Part of the reason for this is that a legitimate debunking of ~any~ disinfo premise necessitates acknowledging nuggets of truth that may supposedly support the disinfo premise. Dr. Wood's book has a great collection of evidence that the AE9/11Truth FAQ, which tries to debunk it, completely ignores. Geesh, that FAQ's meager word count had no images or quotes from Dr. Wood's book that they found to be in (disinfo) error, kind of screaming that their FAQ book-review was accomplished without even sniffing the new ink from Dr. Wood's book's crack. And then 40% of that FAQ's word-count ended up promoting the limited-hand-out NT.

I've been disappointed (but it shouldn't have been the shock it was) when my attempts to shop my FGNW premise around with the purpose of having others review it and debunk it (or vet it) did not provide me with any useful (let alone debunking) criticism, even when Mr. Chandler and Mr. Coste (through separate avenues at different points in time) were asked to assist in setting me and my premise straight.

They don't go there, because taking my work even 25% seriously requires acknowledging nuggets of truth that I've collected that the 9/11 truth movement gate-keepers knew would undermine their promoted limited-hang-outs for the simple fact that (NT) can't explain it.

I've been a member of AE9/11Truth since they first put word out seeking scientists and engineers to join their website/efforts. [My credentials were vetted (for my Bruce Wayne).] I was sorely disappointed in their gate-keeping, steering, and closed minds over time. The debunking of two of their fundamental FAQ's makes their deceit just too blatant.

In conclusion: Mr. David Chandler, Mr. Wayne Coste, (Dr. Steven Jones, Dr. Harrit, et al), and Mr. Richard Gage deserve condemnation for their gate-keeping on WTC destruction, in addition to their Pentagon gate-keeping as exposed by Mr. Craig McKee.


x4 Maxwell C. Bridges : title


Maxwell Bridges

Dear Mr. Andrew Kelley, Thank you for posting that. Whereas an unjust instance, this middle-aged white man still has more sympathy for Miss Shanika and Jamal than the author or his co-workers or Boeing.

The terminated author and his co-workers have the education and skillset to land on their feet and plow forward with their careers. They all felt the sentiment "fuck bullshit Boeing" prior to this instance for other reasons, because this is true in all corporations. And all probably already are better off.

So how is it that I have such sympathy and respect for Miss Shanika and Jamal? When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When your family has had to endure over generations systematic racism and lesser from neighborhoods, to schools, to employment opportunities... you use what you can to prosper. I have great respect for Black Music and how oppression caused it to grow, in popularity and quantity. [I enjoy Funk.] Still, they were taken advantage of, stolen from, black listed in favor of white copy cats.

It is unfortunate that Miss Shanika and Jamal had to resort to deceit to get ahead. I'll be damned, though, if Facebook doesn't put into my feed these click-bait collections data-mined from reddit and other places of stories of employment deceit [primarily of us crackers.] Many even document cases of white generational nepotism of the white owners over the skilled and educated and experience underpaid workforce. More to the point, I've read parallel and similar stories of ethical code breeches, and it proves such things aren't race specific.

The number of stories of subtle systematic "defirmative" action across centuries overshadows this. Their tool used deceitfully was affirmative action. Karma isn't finished with them, because it can be a dangerous thing to be promoted to the level of your incompetence, but when promoted way above that?


x6 Lauralei Burnette : Real men work and build


Maxwell Bridges maybe you need to read Color Communism and Common Sense. If you feel bad for liars and cheaters you have a moral compass problem.

And RAP is Tavistock Institute manual on how to debase the black mind which is easy to do.

You also might want to read the Bell Curve and Race Difference in Intelligence by Richard Lynn.

Rap music isn't music, it's hate speech and vulgarity with beats that are low frequency.

Real music was classical and Monk chants and Buddhist chants are music with higher frequency.

And Miss Shanika and Jamal will fail because they have no moral compass, no work ethics and zero skills, they're tools for the Jew. Because the Jew knows the average IQ of these people are low and are easily manipulated.

It's not Conjecture it's facts.

Companies are going Woke because they need funds.

BlackRock and Vanguard are owned by the Jew, who hates all European people and is hell bent on destroying us.

We've been to nice, white guilted for far to long.

One only has to look to their neighborhoods to see what they are really made of.

Poverty is not an excuse to be lawless and cheat and liar.

During the Great Depression Rigged by the Jew , they stole wealth and generational wealth from Europeans but they rebuilt and created wealth again.

Not the African though, he is unable to build that wealth because he likes to play victim and blame the White Man.

Real men work and build.

Every human has faced adversity and discrimination at some point.

I'm of Irish and Scottish decent, my Irish folk were slaves, and outcasts when they came to this country.

No Irish or Blacks allowed. Remember.

But did the Irish man cry Racism , no they built the cathedrals and bridge's and Sky Scrappers instead.

They don't need reparations or hand outs , because they have something that Jamal and Sheneka don't have, it's called Skills and Integrity.


x8 Maxwell C. Bridges : Let us agree that this story has not been vetted


Dear Ms. Lauralei Burnette, I thank you most kindly for taking the time to make an in-depth reply.

Let us agree that this story has not been vetted, and it could very well be a clever psyops (created by a chat-bot) to stoke racists fears, get the racists to rally around the flag, and get eyeballs on the adds run in our feeds and the sides.

But assuming truth in the story for the sake of discussion, the story isn't complete, doesn't reveal the karmic conclusions to any of the participants except the manager who went into retirement early -- what a bonus!

"Systematic racism". That's the phrase you need to embed in your thinking. Whereas it doesn't condone the deceit perpetrated in the story, it does explain why that might have been the only tool or skill in their wheelhouse -- instead of actual technical or leadership skills.

The Ohio schools I went to as a child imposed bussing, mostly on black kids from farther away into our schools. While true they sat in the same classrooms as I did, many did not come from households that fostered learning and doing well. So this turns into a huge factor (in any race household) in no success.

Granted, crack came a decade later, part of the conspiracy behind it is that it was aimed at black communities to decimate them; cannabis laws were aimed at black people (and leftist hippies; according to those in the Nixon administration, because these ain't gonna vote Republican so might as well throw some red meat to the conservative racists in the GOP.) In the larger scope of things, this is what filled the prison-industrial complex that grew up around it and its own version of slave labor.

Here's a parallel white story. There once was an offspring to a wealthy man with no great skills or intellect, and was no stranger to ripping people off, not paying contractors, etc. whose only value was the millions that he inherited and invested (often poorly, and sometimes with Russian mafia.)

At any rate, this pathological liar got himself elected president despite lacking any skills or disposition for the job, and installed into his administration -- despite them also lacking any skills -- his own daughter and son in law, both of who go sweat-heart Chinese contracts and a shit ton of money from certain middle east countries.

Trump was right that we'd be tired of all the winning! How many court cases have we won against Trump so far, how many are in the works, how serious the crimes particularly THE INTENTION to give national secrets to others.

Talk about generational wealth and how money corrupts! Trump's only skill is casting spells.

Point is: deceitful people (sociopaths) with no other skills will leverage the only tool in their toolbox to advance their own personal interests, and it is independent of race. If race is a factor, then Trump is the poster-child for white crimes and how they are so much bigger than any perpetrated under "affirmative action."


x10 Andrew Kelley : a different animal in forcing equality


Maxwell Bridges thank you for your reply.

Again, it's one thing to treat people equally, it's whole a different animal in forcing equality on industries who bare the responsibility of life and death in the construction of a product whom others trust their life and the life of their children in its structural integrity.

Turning engineering construction education and the military into a societal racial experiment with unqualified parts and pieces which do not fit the qualifications is akin to forcing a square peg into a round hole.

Then making them team leaders only exasperate the dysfunctional and dangerous insanity. IMO.

x12 Maxwell C. Bridges : the story is |<--this-->| close to being a complete fraud


Dear Mr. Andrew Kelley, you wrote: "... forcing equality on industries..." Yes. Because when private industries aren't regulated, they do what the hell they want, they fire you with or without cause (at-will), and if a federal issues wasn't made of it, they have no motivation to change, be inclusive for minorities, and this is a historic trend.

If Boeing doesn't want clueless employees being forced on them through affirmative action, maybe they should take a step back and donate money to the schools in neighborhoods where minorities are raised so that they have the education and skills to compete.

Again, I think the story is |<--this-->| close to being a complete fraud and made-up narrative [because armed with the evidence of foul play, I doubt the Miss would remain.] But even if it is not fake, what is fake is hyping it and making it a red-meat appeasement right in this era when similar right-wing radicals pushed got the bought-and-paid-for SCOTUS to strike it down (just like Roe-vs. Wade.)

The right-wing doesn't know how to run government. They certainly don't know how to improve it, piece-meal or whole-cloth. They only know how to break it and make it completely dysfunctional so, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, we all have to agree that "government is broke". They are clever enough to make it so that the breaks they make financially benefit the owning class, and not any other class. [I'm still waiting for the details of Trump's health care plan that was going to be totally awesome and he plugged while campaigning in 2016. Where is it?]

But hey, I too have a real world story of the (appointed) black CEO of a small high tech company where I worked (last century). Based on how his business decisions affected me, my project, and whatnot, I really thought that he was "affirmative action," although in truth just about everybody I've ever known who advanced to the executive level were in some way "legacy", "affirmative action for the connected white", nepotism (rare but still present), and in clever ways were sociopaths. In other words, they didn't work their way to the top; they didn't intern in every department before getting to the top which would have been reason for respect. Nope, they were foisted on us by venture capitalists.

Nope, the stories are far greater where career advancement for whites came through "bro-think" and not skills or merit.

Further, given the extent of the lies perpetrated by Miss and Jamal, if true, their balderdash lies and spell-casting make them emulators of Trump and his organization itself, so the right-wing actually should be applauding them for the extent of the ruse they were able to carry forth and not get derailed (if true). Because that signifies the Trump years and his campaigning: double down on the lies, because the truth is too damning.


x14 Maxwell C. Bridges : Right-wing fascist, constitution-shitting, domestic terrorist in the flesh!


Dear Mr. David Busch, Correction. Now we know who YOU are. Right-wing fascist, constitution-shitting, domestic terrorist in the flesh!

Man, I always knew that Trump knew how to get his share of unearned media time, but the downfall media coverage is a particular schadenfreude and delight, I must say.

How many indictments does he have? He has so many, and so many concurrent court cases, I've lost count.

Make sure that you have a made-in-China Trump dildo in your mouth when you explain that Trump had absolutely no intention of leaking (for money) the classified documents that he illegally horded, refused to return, and conspired to keep away from investigators. If that isn't a class act of a law-abiding Presidential candidate... A real ratings grabber and AI-driven social-media feed driver.

Please, please, please, make sure that the aforementioned implement remains within your oral cavity in any further discussion to demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt your loyalty to his spells and lies and making clear the extent of what you'd do (on your knees) for dick-tator Donnie.


x16 Maxwell C. Bridges : left-wing middle aged white-fucking-male democratic socialist who can read minds


Dear Mr. David Busch, and as if it is any of your business, I'm an enlightened and educated left-wing middle aged white-fucking-male democratic socialist who can read minds, and I already know you're thinking "TL; DR woke-pinko-commiee."

The irony is, Trump's casino was a joint venture with Russian mafia figures and failed for those reasons: too many criminals leaching off the profits. Trump did condo deals with them, but didn't get in trouble because -- like his party-buddy Jeffry Epstein who Trump totally idolized and wanted to emulated -- Trump was a CI for the government on Russian activities. Trump wouldn't have become president without Russian help. [People from Trump's campaign and administration were found guilty of this and served prison time.]

So who is the real commie-loving bastard? Trump. And you ain't woke enough to see it.

x18 Russell Weber : lying is wrong and lying is a sin


Maxwell Bridges Do you understand that lying is wrong and lying is a sin, because clearly you don't. You need to be tossed off in north st louis on a Friday evening to wake up your woke ass to how everything in this world revolves around race, religion and politics. Why don't you have a moral compass or a developed Christian conscience?

x20 Russell Weber : trump and kornpop joe and every US senator and congressman are bought and paid for whores of aipac and the adl


Maxwell Bridges Do you understand that trump and kornpop joe and every US senator and congressman are bought and paid for whores of aipac and the adl. And another thing, do you understand that Jesus Christ and his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary call the Holy Land, Palestine.

x22 Maxwell C. Bridges : a chatbot programmed to be: "Right-wing fascist, constitution-shitting, domestic terrorist!"


Dear Mr. David Busch, So your entire rebuttal is less-than twitter length and SQL-extracted from a database of generic one-liner flamers: "I was correct. Lib commie and you don't know sh**."

Clearly, I was wrong, to which I offer apologies. I wrote: "Right-wing fascist, constitution-shitting, domestic terrorist in the flesh!"

Nope. You're not. You're a chatbot programmed to be: "Right-wing fascist, constitution-shitting, domestic terrorist!"

Go away. You are not up to the challenges of an intellectual discussion to improve our country for everybody.


x24 Maxwell C. Bridges : not saying it is fake (but reeks so). I assumed the premise true


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, let me start off by lauding the wisdom exhibited behind your two comments. To your point, Zionists and Israel are the power behind the scenes that completely overshadows the valid examples of Russian collusion. We are in more agreement than you surmise, precisely because I'm woke.

I do take passing issue with your language impugning my understanding and morals regarding lies and deceit. When you read my words, I don't condone the lies (from the story) and wrote that karma would act.

The issue for me is that this witty little piece -- hot on the heels of the SCOTUS ruling on affirmative action cases -- seems a bit conjured up and hyped up, as a weak explanation almost, aside from the story not being vetted and possibly being completely fake.

I'm not saying it is fake (but reeks so). I assumed the premise true. I expressed however sympathy for the perpetrators. I related that I've seen lots of other stories [datamined from reddit] of dysfunction in [blank]. I wrote about karma for the perpetrators still unknown in the works.

In short, you can take back your insults to my morals and character, because they do not apply.


I am a Master Mason, and the Masonic fraternity revers Truth. I was raised Christian Science that uses Truth as one of seven synonyms for God.

You wrote: "this world revolves around race, religion and politics."

But it shouldn't.

Be the change. We can change it.

On a hair split about Jesus and his mother. Agreed that according to the official Christian dogma, Palestine is closer to their homeland than Israel.

Alas, in my woke-study, the notion of Jesus-the-composite in their creative writing of Jesus 100 years after the events, attributing to him wonders and signs that actually Jesus's predecessors in history exhibited. Just like the writers of Christianity consolidated holy calendar dates, they consolidated wonders from history so those other famous and spiritual predecessors could be forgotten.


x26 Maxwell C. Bridges : Threatening someone face-to-face with their physical stench seems pretty damn low to me


Dear Mr. David Busch, Your comment is particularly troubling. You wrote: "How about I go away meeting you face to face?"

Aside from that seeming threat of your physical stench in my personal space, it is troubling for hinting that your inability to articulate and argue your point in this forum will remain so in person, frustratingly ending with you engaging upon the "V"-word [and that ain't "vagina" unless you're packing.]

You wrote: "Like I said you are the enemy."

The enemy of what? In that I support the constitution more than you do [*nyah-yah-yah*] and am woke enough to recognize that supporting a candidate who castes spells over his followers to "suspend the constitution to install him as President" (after which the spell goes that he'll not only re-instate the constitution but follow it, a promise as glorious as Trump's health care package has been) is in truth figuratively "sh**ing on the constitution". All domestic terrorists "sh** on the constitution" while wrapping themselves in blue line flags.

You wrote: "Your attempt at being "intellectual" reveals how brainwashed you are."

How so? Please explain yourself.

That whole sentence reeks of recycling. Meaning, in a previous discussion with an intellectual superior, they must have thrown that comment at you. So. Kudos on your re-purposing here, except that it doesn't apply unless you defend it. No defense? Then it unravels as "hypnotic suggestion" instead of "substantiated truth" and validates the insult having been thrown at you previously.

You wrote: "Typical lib."

Please explain what a "typical lib" is, because otherwise that sounds just like what a brainwashed person would recycle.

You wrote: "Always thinking they are above everyone else, but really the low of the low."

Correction: I know I'm above you; it just is. I don't think about it.

Threatening someone face-to-face with their physical stench seems pretty damn low to me, so you maybe oughta avoid positions that also out you as a flaming-hypocrite.

You wrote: "Keep talking Maxwell and show yourself. You know you have to."

Oh, MYYyyy! Dear Mr. Busch, I am so flattered by your invitation to keep talking! Don't mind at all if I do. Indeed, as a star-seed and embodiment of Truth, I DO KNOW I HAVE TO... A fucking requirement of this incarnation on the planet, leavening the masses, feeding the sheep.

Some are just too stubborn to listen, except to their confirmation-bias social-media news-feed brainwashing. You can lead a jackass to water, but you can't make him drink.


x28 Russell Weber : a lost soul and quite the windbag


Maxwell Bridges Clearly you are a lost soul and quite the windbag. If you actually are a master mason and was raised christian science, what I wrote did not insult your morals or character, you have neither. And I used to run a print Christian ad agency, LPI of St. Louis, and dealt with 500+ Christian churches in 25 states, and that was 500+ pastors, priests, preachers, ministers, church staff and 10,000+ Christian businesses. What Christian churches have you actually been in? I don't seek approval from females or sissy boys, and whether that story was real, the fact is eeoc hires are a nightmare, they can't have a moral compass or developed Christian conscience to accept a job where they are the least qualified, these idiots are a hell on Earth to deal with. There isn't a hair split about Jesus Christ and his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, you don't get it mr magoo. Are you aware of the Blessed Virgin Mary's documented appearances and miracles at Lourdes and at Fatima? Using words such as karma and this incarnation on the planet are not what a practicing Christian would use. Do your boyfriends actually like the snooty, self-absorbed way you talk and write, it is so long winded and shows that you are a product of the frankfurt school of political correctness and social conditioning. I would be surprised if you have ever done any hard physical labor, you strike me as a poofer.

x30 Maxwell C. Bridges : who are you to call me a windbag? At least I know how to use SHIFT-ENTER to create breaks


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, Ever hypocrite much? I mean, who are you to call me a windbag? At least I know how to use SHIFT-ENTER to create breaks so my readers can take a breath when reading my wisdom. If your "ad copy" in the above is any indication, it is no wonder your "Christian ads" convinced no one but the already subjugated.

Given that your theme is hypocrisy, there isn't a single gap in your verbiage above [literally] that let's in Christ Love. Not a single space where "unconditional love" is evident. And you did "Christian ad copy"?!! What a hoot!

Again in the hypocrisy vein, "poofer", "boyfriends", "approval from females or sissy boys"... Sounds like some deep-seated psycho-trauma unhealed from one of your past lives that you should really address in this life time, assuming you want to evolve and ascend like your way-shower, Jesus Christ.

You wrote: "If you actually are a master mason and was raised christian science, what I wrote did not insult your morals or character, you have neither."

Please explain.

Are you saying: "Free Masons... have no morals or character?" "Christian Scientists... have no morals or characters?" If you have morals and character, you can't be a Free Mason or a Christian Scientist?

And you base these beliefs on what?

Although you said that you "don't seek approval from females or sissy boys", maybe you should!

Masculine and feminine qualities are equal in importance. We all have varying qualities of each, but having "deez nuts" doesn't mean I am forbidden from expressing any (traditional) feminine qualities (e.g., nurturing, supportive, loving).

So when you visit your shrink, tell HER that your masculine ego is massively over-developed to the point of having no -- zero -- appreciation for feminine attributes in either female or male gendered beings. The short word for it is "misogyny."

Heal that, and you can evolve and ascend. Otherwise, you'll be here for another loop.


x32 Jeff Hunziker : For a look at REAL racism, just take a peek at Israel


Maxwell Bridges Systemic racism is just a term invented by Jews to destabilize Christian civilization.

For a look at REAL racism, just take a peek at Israel.

x34 Russell Weber : work sets you free


Maxwell Bridges You didn't answer my questions and deflecting, gas lighting show you are rather emotionally and spiritually immature. That you have posted is annoying gibberish, is there some confusion mr magoo, what don't you understand, if you are what you claim, you have no morals or character and are headed for hell, plain and simple. Christ Almighty did you attend the special school district for high school? All souls are judged by Jesus Christ and his judgement is final, so there is heaven, purgatory or hell, and hell isn't like a hot tub, there will be no getting used to it, and you'll find out. And again you don't strike me as someone who has ever done hard physical work, and work sets you free.

x36 Maxwell C. Bridges : I agree most vigorously with your criticism of Israel


Dear Mr. Jeff Hunziker, I disagree most vigorously with your implied notion that the origins of a phrase negates somehow its validity in general and its applicability elsewhere.

On the other hand, I agree most vigorously with your criticism of Israel for being a true role model for racists across the globe...


x38 Maxwell C. Bridges : "Arbeit macht frei." (Christian) Nazi's. Literally.


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, You lead off by proclaiming to high heaven and God almighty himself that I committed a grand sin of "not answering your question" and then didn't have the intelligence to repeat the burning question so I wouldn't have to go up and look for it.

When I go looking for the burning question, I see sentences that were questions, but the "Christian ad man" didn't punctuate them properly with question marks. And the sentence/question with the question mark seemed as a rhetorical question, given that you already knew one of the answers and seemingly mocked it.

I have been known to be a bit of a religious fanatic; I'm fanatical about Truth.

But you, Mr. Weber, are simply fanatical in an unrational and unhinged way.

Proving your brainwashing, you wrote: "And again you don't strike me as someone who has ever done hard physical work, and work sets you free."

No, no, no. So sad, Mr. Weber. Hard physical labor is simply hard physical labor. It sounds like you are endorsing slavery. Ain't no talk of monetary compensation, only the satisfaction of exerting muscles and completing someone else's vision who will enjoy it with nary another thought of your efforts.

The only way hard physical labor can set you free is if you are prone to day-dreaming and taking your mind elsewhere. With this trick, you never have to be present in the now in your body.

But you know what? Meditation allows for the same state of awareness, doesn't tax the muscles, doesn't make you sweat, doesn't injure you if your lack of attention on the physical labor puts you unwittingly in danger.

So whoever conned you into the notion that "physical labor would set you free," they were probably (Christian) Nazi's. Literally.

"Arbeit macht frei." Run that through google, and find out what it means, who used it, and where. Please enlighten the forum with the results of the research.

Now as for your brand of Christianity, sounds like a terrorists cult that everyone should be afraid of. It promotes slavery and Nazi principles. For the purposes of black listing it from the libraries in Florida, please state the specific denomination for the record.


x40 Jeff Hunziker : cultural Marxist Jews have a largely unspoken symbolic relationship with the Zionist Jews


Maxwell Bridges Maxwell Bridges Then we agree to disagree. The cultural Marxist Jews(racism, tranz bs) have a largely unspoken symbolic relationship with the Zionist Jews.

There's deception involved in BOTH camps, one involved with backstabbing a culture(American) that foolishly knowingly allowed them to enter their country and government, and the other

deceitfully claiming to have ties to Palestine, and then trying to buy up all of the best land and then sparking an insurrection which resulted in massacres and the Nabka.

Here's more information on the cultural Marxists.


The Origins of Cultural Marxism

x42 Maxwell C. Bridges : capitalism is fertile ground for the grift and con, and organized corruption


Dear Mr. Jeff Hunziker, "agree to disagree" on what? I have not been writing favorably about Zionism or Israel.

I don't fault the content of your comment, except that you seem to be aiming it at me in the spirit of: "Marxist Jews created leftist shit over a hundred years ago and may have popularized and perverted words like 'communism' and 'socialism', therefore it makes any leftist stance today bad news and another duped by a Jewish ploy."

Socialism ain't a swear word. Democratic socialism -- on paper -- would solve many societal issues and fix both domestic and foreign policy [e.g., re-allocating military money for domestic programs, like universal health care, free education...]

"On paper". Sure, other countries have had corruption interfere and besmirch socialism. But as we are seeing in America -- and with the Trumps --, capitalism has more than its share of corruption and grifters.

What is ironic is that both "on paper" and "in practice", capitalism is fertile ground for the grift and con, and organized corruption. Corporations are only legally required to look out for their shareholders in generating profit. Only through (leftist) regulation for worker safety and environmental protection are they ever nudged into doing something token in those regards.

Money in politics is the bane on the USA. It is corruption written large.

Pure capitalism is an evil, because (among other wrongs) the only value that capitalism sees in a forest is when it is cut down, in a nature preserve when it is drilled for oil, in a river or ocean when it is polluted.


x44 Jeff Hunziker : Leftists believe in big authoritarian government


Maxwell Bridges Leftists believe in big authoritarian government which seeks to rule through police power and diminishes liberty and freedom.
Cultural Marxists could give a shit about the people and set about to create racial divisions to make it easier to rule over them.

x46 Maxwell C. Bridges : a "working government" as opposed to "an underfunded crippled dysfunctional government"


Dear Mr. Jeff Hunziker, You do a good job of repeating the propaganda that was aimed at you, so I guess we can count as a success its programming over you.

You should maybe identify a specific person or party when you say (as a lame-ass slur without any teeth) "leftist", because on the Green and Democratic Socialist platforms that I am aware of, none of them champion "big authoritarian government."

As I recall, they want a "working government" as opposed to "an underfunded crippled dysfunctional government", which is all the right wing offers by way of "solution:" break it. If it works or could provide any real tangible benefit to the rank-and-file voters, the GOP way is against that. And the MAGA ones are fascists who don't see anything wrong with enabling a wannabe dictator or king who makes his own laws (and has quite literally ripped off almost everyone he has done business with, particularly contractors, vendors, and lawyers.)

The level of spells and hypnosis exhibited by the pathological liar Trump is extraordinary, and his duped followers suck it up, hook-line-and-sinker. The Trumpian suggestion to his followers to suspend the Constitution in order to install Trump as President, who would then quickly re-instate the Constitution... THAT ONE is good enough for his hall of fame.

I'm impressed with Trump's ability to suck the air of media cycles with his court cases. I absolutely love how various judges from his several on-going concurrent legal engagements have expressly forbidden Trump using any form of social media to discuss details, and ordered lawyers to always be present with Trump when reviewing discovery material, to always be in control of material, and if any breeches occurred, the lawyers (and Trump) face consequences. So not trustworthy is this ex-President.

In some perverse ways, I'm happy to see the die-hard Trumpers standing behind their guy no matter what crimes he is (proven) guilty of, leaving the impression that Trump could anally rape their grandmothers, mothers, and daughters (and their female livestock) in the middle Main Street, and even this isn't big enough a crime to taint their loyal support.

Happy, because right there is the poster-child for improved mental health in the nation (part of the democratic socialist's agenda for universal health care), as we observe quite clearly dementia and cognitive dissonance overtake the Maga group think. Certainly, simple counseling is preferred over medication, but above all else, improved education for all ages (tuition free) could possibility nip this right-wing ailment in the bud and stop it from generationally spreading.

Talk not to me about Marxist anything.

Democratic Socialism is the movement.

And listen up. If I can jump off the green bandwagon (after years of supporting Nader) to register as a Republican (years ago) so I could support Ron Paul in the caucus and at county (because I was listening to the message and not the propaganda and wanted to shake things up in a positive manner), then maybe some of you Trump-fascists should dump him and go Democratic Socialism. Why?

Because deep in your heart, the primary reason why you voted for Trump was because you knew he'd shake up Washington. And he did. Completely shot to hell all sorts of norms [particularly in his lies and spells and personal Presidential crimes], but duped you into thinking he wouldn't be lining his pockets. "I'll not take a salary... because I've required the secret service to stay at Trump properties on the government dime that went to me; my daughter got sweat-heart deals in China; my son-in-law got billions from the Saudi's; we had our grift in the pandemic; I made sure to take classified documents with me so that I can sell them; make no mention of the universities, charities, and PAC." But no salary! Remember that.

At any rate, if your motivation was to shake things up in politics? Then, gee, a democratic socialist vote, or a vote for Marianne Williamson, or a vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. really would shake things up in Washington, kick out the lobbyests and money-changers. Shake things up in a positive manner, and one that really could have positive effect on you and those you know personally.


x48 Jeff Hunziker : a long-winded diatribe about TDS


Maxwell Bridges Talk about a long-winded diatribe about TDS …🤣
I actually like Kennedy's position on vaccines and the deep state, but he is clueless about the evils of Zionism.

x50 Russell Weber : poofer you have failed to truthfully answer my questions


Maxwell Bridges Again poofer you have failed to truthfully answer my questions, and again deflected and gas lighted gibberish and nonsense. Now pay attention dumbass, there were no nazi's, members of the NADAP never referred to themselves as that slur, nor do tea parry members refer to themselves as tea baggers, but guess what tribe of (goblins) did. Again clearly lying means nothing to you, nor have you done any hard physical labor, because you would understand the sense of self-satisfaction from the results of hard physical labor in diy projects. You don't remotely write like a real man, a mature white Christian real man, but a self-absorbed sissy boy who has verbal ed. I seriously doubt you have been to a rifle range and if were handed a Glock 29 10mm pitbull pistol, you would probably turn your fruit of the looms into a fudge factory. And you being so proud of being a freemason, did you know that kkk members were freemasons and many were jew rite freemasons and thus controlled opposition. Your silly boy responses have all the emotional and spiritual maturity of a 14 year old girl having her 1st period, grow up.

x52 Russell Weber : I wrote NSDAP


I wrote NSDAP, this phone changed what wrote.

x54 Maxwell C. Bridges : anti to every kind of "orientation" except incest and bestiality


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, I get it. You're a bot programmed to be a Christian Terrorist Nazi and anti to every kind of "orientation" except -- for you -- incest and bestiality. Had you really been a "Christian ad copy editor" -- or at least a good one --, your replies would (a) have availed themselves of SHIFT-ENTER to break paragraphs of discordant thought, (b) have used not a phone but a computer for ease of composition, and (c) have used a tone and tactic most that involved "unconditional love" instead of "fruit of the looms... fudge factory."

What's funny about your recycling of taunts others aimed at you and that you OCD stored away in your database of witty-one liners, is that strung out one after another as you wrote it, they still reflect you and become just you-projecting-you onto me.

You wrote: "Again poofer you have failed to truthfully answer my questions,"

Proof that you don't read my words. You were asked to repeat your dying question (which now suddenly is "questions") so that I could be clear it was a question you wanted an answer to.

What were the questions. Make a top level comment tagging me, and then put each question into its own reply to that. Then, if warranted, I'll be able to create threads under each to reply.

You wrote: "and again deflected and gas lighted gibberish and nonsense."

Oooh, MYyyy!

You wrote: "Now pay attention dumbass, there were no nazi's, members of the NADAP never referred to themselves as that slur, nor do tea parry members refer to themselves as tea baggers, but guess what tribe of (goblins) did."

Projecting of YOUR tea bagging Nazi-ism.

You wrote: "Again clearly lying means nothing to you, nor have you done any hard physical labor, because you would understand the sense of self-satisfaction from the results of hard physical labor in diy projects."

These are the words of the under-master with a whip in his hands: "ARBEIT MACHT FREI". Remember that, slaves!

You wrote: "You don't remotely write like a real man, a mature white Christian real man, but a self-absorbed sissy boy who has verbal ed. "

I'm so sorry that this attempt at projecting reveals that you... err, yours doesn't "project" no more.

And thank you for the compliment that I "don't remotely write like a real man, a mature white Christian man", because my writing is head-and-antlers above that and better, not even remotely in the same league.

And if "mature white Christian real man" writes like you, no wonder you'all get confused with Christian Tea Bagging Terrorists.

You wrote: "I seriously doubt you have been to a rifle range and if were handed a Glock 29 10mm pitbull pistol, you would probably turn your fruit of the looms into a fudge factory."

Who's the sissy boy projecting his fruity fudge looms?

You wrote: "And you being so proud of being a freemason, did you know that kkk members were freemasons and many were jew rite freemasons and thus controlled opposition."

Worse than that. KKK members were esteemed members of your Christian Terrorist Church. [I don't doubt that some Masonic lodges had KKK members. Some Masonic lodges also had members from your exact Christian Terrorist Church.]

You wrote: "Your silly boy responses have all the emotional and spiritual maturity of a 14 year old girl having her 1st period, grow up."

How many 14 year old girl 1st periods have you lived through? Holding out on us, transgender silly "boy"? So you were a late bloomer, because 11-12 is the running average age nowadays.


x56 Russell Weber : a lost soul with a dark demonic presence around it


Maxwell Bridges Again this gibberish and nonsense indicates the poster is a lost soul with a dark demonic presence around it. Going on the utube channels of Catholic exorcists such as Father Chad Ripperger and Father Dan Reehill, this maxwell joker sure fits the profile. I use my real name on social media why doesn't maxwell bridges? Does he fear being outed at highway rest stop restrooms giving knobs jobs in crap house stalls?

x58 Maxwell C. Bridges : Stop the mental malpractice and casting spells on me


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, Stop it with the mental malpractice and the attempt to caste spells on me.

You wrote: "Again this gibberish and nonsense indicates the poster is a lost soul with a dark demonic presence around it." And now you can take your dark demonic presence back, too. You and it missed each other so much in that no-no moment.

You also missed the irony. The comment from me, that is alleged to be gibberish and nonsense, is in actuality 50% composed of quotations directly from you. Glad that you recognize your own words as "gibberish and nonsense."

You wrote: "Going on the utube channels of Catholic exorcists such as Father Chad Ripperger and Father Dan Reehill, this maxwell joker sure fits the profile."

You flat out admit that you go in search of demonic youTube videos of Catholic exorcists. They seemed to have caste a spell over you to keep you watching, and then projecting that nonsense onto others.

*brushing your dust off my shoulders and feet*

You wrote: "I use my real name on social media why doesn't maxwell bridges?"

Only idiots and agents try to shame others with the "real name" gambit.

Since the early days of the internet, users were encouraged ~NOT~ to reveal any person-identifying information. So, indeed, my Bruce Wayne persona doesn't travel in the same circles as my Batman persona. Paraphrased from the movie: "You don't don the mask to protect yourself, but those you love."

Allow me to provide a real life example, right here in this very thread ABOVE. The exchange with Mr. David Busch is almost crippled in its readability, because someone booted Mr. Busch right quickly, disappearing his entire participation except what remains quoted from him in my responses.

FTR, I did not take any FB reporting actions with Mr. Busch's comment. However, Mr. Andrew Kelley might have, as is his right as FB owner of the top-level postings.

You wrote: "Does he fear being outed at highway rest stop restrooms giving knobs jobs in crap house stalls?"

No. Quite frankly, your participation in this thread makes YOU worthy of fear, if I were prone to fear. You were working in tandem with Mr. Busch, and could be sockpuppets of one another.

Your instigation of flame wars does not benefit the discussion.

You made earlier the claim that I didn't answer your question(s), but then couldn't be bothered to repeat concisely the question(s). Indicates you didn't really care about the answers, making them rhetorical and/or busy work in nature after all.

Or it means that this discussion has reached the limits of your narrowly-programmed ChatAPI, whereby the bot in not able to recognize and act on requests that real humans have no problems with. Like repeating and/or re-writing the dying questions if they are so important.


x60 Russell Weber : tell me your real name, and don't lie to me sissy boy


Maxwell Bridges Again lying is wrong and lying is a sin, why can't you get that. Now boy tell me your real name, and don't lie to me sissy boy.

x62 Maxwell C. Bridges : only if my Johnson is in your oral cavity do I recognize your need to maybe know whose Johnson you're servicing


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, lying is a sin. You lied by saying I never answered your question, but when confronted about "what was the question you wanted answered" because much confusion legitimately existed, you -- "the Christian copy ad man" -- could not be bothered with repeating your question and making it clear that it wasn't some rhetorical trick or busy work.

I loved your whining: "Now boy tell me your real name, and don't lie to me sissy boy."

Are you planning on blowing me? Because only if my Johnson is in your oral cavity do I recognize your need to maybe know whose Johnson you're servicing.

I have a blog. Had it for years. And a website (now de-commissioned) for years before that. One of these days, I'll ramp it up again. Proves I stand behind my words in the grand tradition -- from Ben Franklin, the Federalists Papers, etc. -- of writing under a pseudonym. One day, full credit will be taken under my Bruce Wayne for all of my Batman actions, but that day is not here, and you are not anybody with authority needing to know. (Those with authority already know. They can easily extract every FB comment ever made by me; they know my IP address and its GPS coordinates should a drone strike be required.)

Your illogical, unsafe, and irrational requests to obtain the Bruce Wayne for my Batman reeks to high heaven as if you are an armed Christian Terrorists, who really needs to know whether or not your blow-job visit will be met with "make my day" and fudging of your panties already in a wad in brown squishy delight.

Unless you express right now your love for my manhood and its ballsy buddies, and your desire to sexually service such, then your arguments become very weak very quickly about needing to know my Bruce Wayne and the GPS coordinates for the Bat cave.

Let's hear it then: your undying love for my long schlong!


x64 Russell Weber : blow each other on breaks


Maxwell Bridges Do infidel idf trolls get to blow each other on breaks, a work perk working for satan? I would not be surprised if this foaming at the mouth homoerotic gibberish is being posted by several pathetic weasels who have never been in a bar fight, street fight or playground fight in their lives. I don't whine you little worm and what are you bill clinton, lying about what is is, you are sad excuse for a human being. Which makes me wonder if your homosexual molester rapist or rapists were ever arrested and charged with crimes? Again you write with the emotional and spiritual maturity of a 14 year old girl having her 1st period.

x66 Maxwell C. Bridges : an agent constantly probing for weaponry and fighting skills and projecting sexual bents and desires to trigger


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, Stop with the sexual projection; your hypnotic suggestion has no power here.

Your efforts, and those who "thumbs-up-ur", more closely resemble your wonderfully described gaggle of pathetic weasels.

You out yourself as an agent, with your constant probing for weaponry and fighting skills, and then projecting your own sexual bents and desires in an effort to trigger me.

You've already lost the debate. What were you defending? Ultimately, weren't you defending Trump? Trump's downfall is a specularly planned and orchestrated to be the biggest and best E.V.E.R., the ratings are screaming through the roof! The count is 37 indictments, and the number only continues to grow. More than four parallel lawsuits, lawyers coming and going (and filing counter-suits for lack of payment), nobody ever got this much attention proving the Trump truism that even bad publicity is good publicity. Man, that Trump brand is figuratively "on fire."

So I get all this hatred from you, because you've been brainwashed into overlooking the Trump crimes by the master in hypnotic suggestion -- "but what about her emails"...

It is okay to admit that you were duped and conned by the Don. It isn't your fault he took advantage of your psychological and mental weaknesses, found the buttons to push (that actually have zero effect on you, such as abortion) to get you hot-headed, not thinking, black-white, one-zero, true-false, either-or rut single-issue (or two-issue with guns) not seeing the bigger picture of manipulation, deceit, and crimes, crimes, crimes. Trump committed more overt crimes than the covert crimes of the other Presidents, so he wins.


x68 Russell Weber : debunked, proved to be a slanderous liar and a punk


Maxwell Bridges Again you failed to answer my questions and I didn't vote or support trump, he's a bought and paid for whore for aipac and the adl. In addition E. Michael Jones the editor of Culture wars magazine proved that trump was bought and owned by sheldon aldeson and 2 other very rich jews. Now I realize that you are a product of the frankfurt school of political correctness being in the public school system and seem to have a myriad of personal problems being a mr magoo type. That being said, social security declared me disabled from a severe knee injury, work related some time ago and being 63 makes me a senior citizen. Which means the lies and slander your dumbass has posted about me, are federal and state crimes, harassing a disabled person in the state of Missouri is a class E felony. I have a long time friend, St. Louis County Judge John Newsham, he could explain the various Missouri state crimes you have committed in your slanderous lying posts about me. And there are federal laws you have committed, so it won't be hard maxie, to find out your real name and what grandma or aunt's basement you are a keyboard warroir in. Now there was no trump debate, but you have been debunked, proved to be a slanderous liar and a punk.

x70 Maxwell C. Bridges : you repeatedly accuse me of not answer a question that you stubbornly cannot even reproduce in the discussion


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, Your disability doesn't appear to be limited to your "severe knee injury" from a life of "hard physical labor," which itself should have been a sign of your mental deficiencies but I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I mean, people with brains develop and use tools for the "hard physical labor", precisely to spare their bodies from damage. Guess you didn't get that message in your education.

However, I cannot ignore the large neon sign flashing "MENTAL ISSUES" when you repeatedly accuse me of not answer a question that you stubbornly cannot even reproduce in the discussion despite many requests to clearly and unambiguously state: "this is the question I want you to answer."

With 20/20 hindsight, I missed many other signs of you weakened mental capacities (my bad), such as your "Christian Subjugation" bent. As an aside, if you were actually a believer in the Christ Spirit [and not a "Christian Terrorist"], your knee would have been healed some time ago and you'd still be in the workforce. That your knee is not healed is testament to larger unhealed issues in your psych, such as your misogyny, phobia of all those different.

The truth of your situation is that you considered that knee injury a blessing for the early retirement is brought and your new-found ability to "suck off of the tit" of the very government social welfare nets that right-wingnuts decry. Hypocrite much.

I look forward to the update to your Facebook profile that broadcasts your crippled physical and mental state, so that others who might engage you are forewarned and not entrapped by a disabled, elderly, mentally challenged citizen of the state of Missouri who baits with similar class E felony fodder. Make sure that you show your "long time friend, St. Louis County Judge John Newsham" the various comments you made, so that "he could explain the various Missouri state crimes you have committed in your slanderous lying posts" about me.

Just so that I didn't miss anything. If the burning question that you seem to think you unambiguously and clearly asked was along the lines of: "Now boy tell me your real name, and don't lie to me sissy boy."

Then your long sought after answer was already provided in a most articulate fashion: "Are you planning on blowing me? Because only if my Johnson is in your oral cavity do I recognize your need to maybe know whose Johnson you're servicing."

Thus, ~if~ that was your burning question, then it was appropriately answered and you are demonstrating both lies and mental issues in stating it was never answered. Bearing false witness as you have done is a grave sin as documented in the Old Testament.

P.S. Trump was part of the debate. Read the thread again and my comments to others before you tag-teamed in as your suck-buddy and sockpuppet David Busch fouled himself out so bad, his comments and participation flat-out disappeared with all that remains being what my comments quote from him.


x72 Russell Weber : clearly are a fake fb account


Maxwell Bridges You clearly are a fake fb account, now whether these lies and slander which this fake account has posted, are going to be used to have you arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted for various crimes, whether it is pound me in the ass federal prison,or state prison, you deserve it, grandma's basement will not hide you from the authorities. Unless this idiot garbage is coming from a mental institution, a knucklehead who was a zero nobody in the public high school they slided thru, but aching for that cheerleader that payed zero attention to you, yea that guy dude cheerleader. The thing is you in public high school weren't a fly speck on a mound of horse turds, that is 1 of several reasons, you are a pathetic whore for attention

x74 Maxwell C. Bridges : my Facebook account is REAL and much older than yours by years


Maxwell Bridges
Dear Mr. Russell Weber, You start with: "You clearly are a fake fb account."

No, I can assure you that not only is my Facebook account REAL, I'll wager without actually fact-checking that my REAL Facebook account's history is much older than yours by YEARS with the activity to prove it. All it takes is for them to run a database query (or two) to obtain e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g that I ever wrote here -- including what may have been deleted by me or others.

This REAL Facebook account is, however, for a pseudonym, my Batman as it were. And your unhinged rant(s) against me only solidify the wisdom of keeping Batman separate from my Bruce Wayne (who also has a real Facebook account but the two aren't FB friends and a tiny Venn area of overlap FB friends.)

Your first clue that you were dealing with a pseudonym or pen-name ought to have been my profile picture. Heisenberg a.k.a. Walter White from "Breaking Bad" and played by the actor Bryon Cranston (sp).... Oooh shit. Heisenberg is a pseudonym for Walter White in the show played by an actor: that's three-levels of deep pseudonym. And my profile pictures uses that very same pseudonym's picture. Oh snap!

You wrote: "... these lies and slander which this fake account has posted, are going to be used to have you arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted for various crimes."

OOooooh, MYyyyy!!!

FTR, slander is verbal only. Given that our oral cavities are not engage in this discussion, nothing I've written is technically "slander." FAIL.

I am a religious fanatic; I'm fanatically about Truth.

So, identify the lies. More importantly, identify the "various crimes" I'd be charged with.

Unlike you, I stand behind my words posted here. Not just that, I collect my words in an OCD way, save them locally (or even compose them locally to begin with), and then re-publish them in venues that I control. Like my blog. That's me, standing behind my Batman's words. [Normally, I'd provide a link, but Googling will do you good.]

You wrote: "whether it is pound me in the ass federal prison,or state prison, you deserve it"

Good job of exposing both your anal fetishes and the two places where you obtained first-hand experience in such.

FTR, you've written way more about gay things than I have. Stop trying to mask your true self with your FAKE homophobia. Embrace who you are.

You wrote: "grandma's basement will not hide you from the authorities."

Your one truthful statement! At last!

(a) Grandmas are all dead since well into last century;
(b) they didn't have much in the realm of basements to bequeth to 25 grandkids;
(c) I'm in a basement now, but so is my internet router whose IP address, physical street address, and GPS locations are known
(d) to the authorities, from whom I have no reason to hide.

Now if we were to change the subject to libel (which is written) and defamation (which libel and slander are forms of), you provided excellent examples:

"Unless this idiot garbage is coming from a mental institution, a knucklehead who was a zero nobody in the public high school they slided thru, but aching for that cheerleader that payed zero attention to you, yea that guy dude cheerleader. The thing is you in public high school weren't a fly speck on a mound of horse turds, that is 1 of several reasons, you are a pathetic whore for attention."

Your botish-taunts have no power.

Time for you to ignore me and go away.


x76 Russell Weber : you were a nobody in high school, a total loser


Maxwell Bridges You can't be a real yikebook account because you are faked. Again you were a nobody in high school, a total loser.

x78 Maxwell C. Bridges : I was a total dweeb in high school


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, Stop your projection. Just because you are a fake Christian but a real Christian Terrorist, that has no bearing on the realness of my Batman identity and its kick-ass real FB account. I stand behind my words and take credit for them. You, on the other hand, are still stuck in high school, which your many comments make clear.

FTR, I was a total dweeb in high school. The "total loser" charge is your high school experience projected onto me. Did you even complete high school? Is that why you had a life of "hard physical labor"? Isn't that the expected life of criminals who were total losers in high school?

Far be it from me to tell you what your sexual needs are, but in this case, you really do need to go away.


x80 Russell Weber : you have a gerbil up your butt in a cardboard toilet paper tube


Maxwell Bridges There is no we, us or our unless you have a gerbil up your butt in a cardboard toilet paper tube. Now why does lying not mean anything to you? Clearly you have no moral compass or a developed Christian conscience. You have been debunked and your lies systematically destroyed, so why are you still posting nonsense and nuthouse gibberish. Any white Christian with a thinking mind knows that every US senator and congressman are bought and paid for whores of aipac and the adl, so is kornpop joe and trump, they have zog puppet masters. Now what public schools in Ohio did you attend, if you are telling the truth? I went from k-7th grade to Baden public grade school from 1965 to 1973 and 8th grade at Holy Cross Catholic school. Now Baden was basically an all white Christian neighborhood that was very German. The ghetto primates that got bused into Baden school made it a literal hell on Earth. Every one there got iq tested, the ghetto primates could not test above 80, I tested 150+, with the Iowa test skills tests not 1 negro could test in any subject and plenty had flunked a grade. In 7th grade my average was 10th grade. Fast forward to 2004, I saw a newspaper ad for a forklift driver for the purex corp. warehouse and faxed a resume and got a letter to go take a company exam at a community College in Granite City, IL. Several thousand people took the exam for the job and I got a letter to come in for an interview. 3 guys told me I scored perfect on the exam and I had experience operating propane and electric forklifts. Purex could not hire me, the top job candidate, eeoc mandates forced Purex to hire black females and all 3 guys told me you have to score at least 65% on math, chemical and science portions of the exam. But not 1 black could even score a 60% in those subjects, yet the US government was forcing that corporation to hire stone stupid, black females, now that is wrong and evil.

x82 Maxwell C. Bridges : you have a vast knowledge of what can be shoved up your butt and how


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, You wrote: "Clearly you have no moral compass or a developed Christian conscience." Yet, how does your comment begin?

"you have a gerbil up your butt in a cardboard toilet paper tube."

Unlike me, you seem to have a vast knowledge of and are pretty specific about what can be shoved up your butt and how. This and many other off-color comments from you (flame-baiting) doesn't demonstrate much Christ Conscience, thereby making you a Christian Hypocrite.

You wrote: "You have been debunked and your lies systematically destroyed, so why are you still posting nonsense and nuthouse gibberish."

Kudos on your wishful thinking and your attempt to emulate me. Unlike you, though, I actually have debunked and systematically destroyed your lies.

But in case I missed something, what specific things do you think that you debunked? I mean, you have taken this thread so far off the topic of my top-level comment, your homophobic slurs are all that stand out.

You wrote: "Any white Christian with a thinking mind knows that every US senator and congressman are bought and paid for whores of aipac and the adl, so is kornpop joe and trump, they have zog puppet masters."

Except for a three word phrase right at the beginning, I am in agreement.

But that three word phrase pokes me in the eye: "any white Christian". You forgot "male", as in "any white Christian male" which your racists, misogynistic, Christian-Terrorist ego really wanted to write.

Why couldn't you write: "Any thinking mind knows that..."?

I mean, you don't have to be "white", "Christian", (or "male") to recognize the Zionist influence over American politics. You just have to study and think.

You didn't write that because you have no Christ Conscience. You wrote "white" because you are a racists Nazi ("Arbeit macht frei" is your chant). You wrote "Christian" because you're trying to cover for your demonic possession and have no qualms about lying about your "qualifications." Gee, someone who once did "Christian ads" ought to know and practice good formatting like in the use of paragraph breaks to make your message easier to digest.

As for your narrative, it doesn't prove anything except that the systematic oppression of blacks was alive and well in the 1970's as exhibited by black candidates for a low-paying, (nearly) unskilled job not having sufficient education in math (and reading) to pass "white" employment tests for a fork-lift driver (who is expected to do algebra while fetching pallets).

FYI, the Moors were blacks (from Ethiopia) and brought math and geometry to Europe. When I was in an international college dorm in Germany, my (literally) African colleagues were intellectually equal or even superior [which is how they got scholarships to study out-of-country in the first place]. The intellect of the African females (studying medicine) made them even hotter. They were the same race as my (greater Cleveland) black schoolmates which maybe had only three or more of them making it out of the systematic racist cycle to be considered a success (at our 40th reunion), and military is what beckoned many of them post-high school because they didn't have the infrastructure and (family) support required to value and be successful in college. Ergo, the home environment was key, and genetics/race had nothing to do with it.

This, above, is how you systematically debunk and destroys lies. You break it apart sentence by sentence and re-quote the lies being debunked. Make a note.

Meanwhile, you have so polluted this thread, all that remains in your flame-wars and homophobia. Hardly worth any lurker-reader taking their time to bore into it, for you provide no wisdom and no Christ Conscience (in your racist, anti-any-one-different, Christian-hypocrisy).

Let his thread that you shit all over die.


x84 Russell Weber : not truthfully answered a single question of mine


Maxwell Bridges Again lying is wrong, and lying is a sin. You have not truthfully answered a single question of mine, but shot back in the manner of a demon possessed soul does and just watch the utube channels of Catholic exorcists Father Chad Ripperger and Father Dan Reehil. Clearly there is no love of Jesus Christ in your inky black hellbound soul and heart, the mocking gibberish and nonsense proves it.

x86 Maxwell C. Bridges : It is assuming a lot to call them "questions," given they lacked the punctuation and formatting to be deemed as such.


Dear Mr. Russell Weber, (a) I haven't written a single non-truth in this exchange.

(b) I don't have any obligation to answer your questions.

(c) It is assuming a lot to call them "questions," given they lacked the punctuation and formatting to be deemed as such.

(d) Owing to the aforementioned unclarity in your effort, you were incapable of clearly articulating what questions needed to be answered.

Obviously the reasons you no longer work in "Christian ad copy" and instead went into "hard physical labor" are that:

(a) You write "gibberish and nonsense" poorly formatted and punctuated.

(b) The ideas contained in your writing exhibits zero "Christ spirit."

(c) Instead of demonstrating your "love of Jesus Christ" in your actions and words, you wasted all your time learning about "demon possessed souls" and watching "utube channels of Catholic exorcists." Where you devote your attentions, there will be your heart also.

(d) As such, the result is you demonstrating pure projection of "your inky black hellbound soul and heart" that is worthy of being mocked.


Part 2: Contributions to the discussion

x88 Maxwell C. Bridges : A wave of explosions or squibs below the canopy of falling debris destruction


Maxwell Bridges

Here's my contribution to this anniversary of 9/11, a re-posting of Mr. David Chandler's video of WTC-1 (North Tower) being destroyed.





At 8:11 in video, "what we actually see here is the falling sections of the building turning to dust before our eyes.

A wave of explosions or squibs below the canopy of falling debris destruction.

x90 Maxwell C. Bridges : my contribution to this anniversary of 9/11


Here's my contribution to this anniversary of 9/11, a re-posting of Mr. David Chandler's video of WTC-1 (North Tower) being destroyed.





At 8:11 in video, "what we actually see here is the falling sections of the building turning to dust before our eyes.

A wave of explosions or squibs below the canopy of falling debris destruction.


Part 3: FGNW Discussions with Gene Laratonda

x92 Maxwell C. Bridges : Conversation with Gene Laratonda was just getting started


conversation with Gene Laratonda 2023-09-20 was just getting started. It was under a posting about Nanothermite. He copy and pasted several references. One was to Dr. Steven Jones work. I mentioned that an earlier posting of mine in that discussion had an article with a section that debunks that very work from Dr. Jones.

I had to go offline and mentioned such.

When I come back, it is as if the whole posting is gone, or as if Gene FB blocked me.

x94 Gene Laratonda : the arguments and evidence presented do not conclusively prove the use of fourth generation nuclear devices (FGNW)


Gene Laratonda has left a new comment on your post "Beyond Misinformation: 9/11 FGNW":

Based on my analysis, the arguments and evidence presented do not conclusively prove the use of fourth generation nuclear devices (FGNW) at the World Trade Center on 9/11. Here are some key issues:

1. The levels of radioactive contaminants like tritium measured at Ground Zero were very low, not indicative of nuclear explosions which would produce vastly higher amounts. The redefinition of "trace levels" is exaggerated - the increase proposed was still very low.

2. No convincing documentation is provided of radiation-related effects like neutron activation and induced radioactivity that would necessarily occur with nuclear explosions. Assertions of evidence tampering do not prove nuclear devices were used.

3. The theoretical capabilities described for FGNW are speculative and their existence as operational weapons is unverified. The sources cited are analyses of future potential capabilities, not confirmation of real covert weapons.

4. The proposed placement and effects of FGNW do not match observed collapse patterns. For example, the spire behavior is inconsistent with intended directional energy emission. Videos show pulverization originating from above, not precise directional sequences.

5. Conventional explosives or some other technological means could potentially account for the damage patterns cited as evidence for FGNW. Lack of deafening noise can also be explained by unconventional explosives directing energy into the building rather than air.

6. The arguments for nuclear devices rest on selective interpretation of evidence while ignoring issues that challenge the theory, such as lack of extreme heat, radiation, and shockwave effects. The theory relies heavily on hypothetical capabilities.

In summary, while the article assembles some circumstantial evidence, the overall case presented does not rise to the level of concrete proof when all evidence is objectively considered. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the burden of proof for nuclear devices at the WTC is very high. The arguments may merit further investigation but fall short of scientific consensus or definitive conclusions. I would recommend submitting this thesis to scholarly peer review before asserting it as confirmed fact.

x96 Maxwell C. Bridges : Rebuting the key issues that helped establish your conclusions


Dear Mr. Gene Laratonda, Thank you for taking the time to "consider" my FGNW premise and leaving your comment on "Beyond Misinformation: 9/11 FGNW".

You wrote:

"Based on my analysis, the arguments and evidence presented do not conclusively prove the use of fourth generation nuclear devices (FGNW) at the World Trade Center on 9/11."

I appreciate you pointing out the key issues that helped establish your conclusions. I will now point out the issues with "your issues" which should affect your conclusions.

You wrote:

"1. The levels of radioactive contaminants like tritium measured at Ground Zero were very low, not indicative of nuclear explosions which would produce vastly higher amounts. The redefinition of "trace levels" is exaggerated - the increase proposed was still very low."

(a) "Very low" does not mean zero. Shoddy sampling in the methodology should not be confused with low amounts.

(b) Where did you get this "very low" characterization? Probably from a report like "Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center" that is taken apart in section 10 above, because the study was scope-limited from the onset to attribute any measured tritium to RL devices that may have already been in the content of the WTC complex. Because the authors weren't looking at nuclear weapons as being the source for tritium or the destruction, (1) they had no requirement or need to measure tritium directly at the lingering hot-spots or other critical places in a timely or more systematic fashion, and (2) nuclear weapons were beyond the scope of their explanation.

(c) The redefintion of "trace levels" to be 55 times greater than they were prior to 9/11 is not an exaggeration, even if "still very low." It is a fact. Worse, Dr. Steven Jones accepted that study at face value, unquestioned and unchallenged, and thus himself is guilty of perpetuating the deceit of "tritium only being at trace levels", when it was not.

(d) When you toss out the phrase "not indicative of nuclear explosions", you don't describe any nuclear devices to prove your point: not fission devices, not fusion devices, not neutron devices, not hybrid-fission-fusion devices, and not a word on any of the possible devices described by Dr. Andre Gsponer.


(e) "Nuclear explosion" is a malframing from the onset. "Explosion" implies a "blast", or a sudden, violent, and large change in air pressure that destroys things. You should be talking in terms of "nuclear yield", whereby 80% was in the form of targeted highly energetic neutrons. The only "explosion" was the conventional chemical-based kick-starter charge required to initiate the fission stage wasn't designed for destruction or radiation, but to generate the heat required for fusion (which then output the neutrons). Only 20% of the nuclear yield was in the form of a head wave, blast wave, and EMP.

In your general language, you want to lump all them together, as if they all nuclear devices would have the same signature. Shame on you.

// Part 1/8

Part 2/8 You wrote:

"2. No convincing documentation is provided of radiation-related effects like neutron activation and induced radioactivity that would necessarily occur with nuclear explosions. Assertions of evidence tampering do not prove nuclear devices were used."

Again with the malframing of discussion as "nuclear explosions."

"No convincing documentation"? Of course there's not.

Had you read section "8. Controlling the Opposition" above, you would see examples of "no convincing documentation" in (a) The 9/11 Commission Report, (b) NIST Report on WTC-1/2, and (c) NIST Report on WTC-7.

"No convincing documentation" is par for the course. I assume you are referring to "Characterization of the Dust/Smoke Aerosol that Settled East of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Lower Manhattan after the Collapse of the WTC 11 September 2001" by The Paul Lioy et al that had my criticism in section 11. Among its flaws:

- Limited its analysis to three (3) "representative" dust samples (Cortlandt, Cherry, and Market Streets).

- Samples were only collected at "weather-protected" locations East of the WTC; nothing from North, South, or West. The dominant wind direction in summer months including September is to the North.

- Samples collected on 9/16 and 9/17, which is enough delay to allow for dissipation of certain radiation traces.

- Whereas it lists in Table 2 various inorganic elements and metals, it does not provide details into meaning or correlations for Lithium (Li), Barium (Ba), Strontium (Sr), Chromium (Cr), or Uranium (U). The Lioy report only mentions "Uranium" twice: once in the methodology section and once in table 2 indicating metals found. Its discussion of results ignores most of the elements found in table 2. It doesn't explain their presence in the dust.

In other words, you have "no convincing documentation" that 9/11 didn't have nuclear components.

// Part 2/8

Part 3/8 You wrote:

"3. The theoretical capabilities described for FGNW are speculative and their existence as operational weapons is unverified. The sources cited are analyses of future potential capabilities, not confirmation of real covert weapons."

Indeed, the theoretical capabilities described for fourth generation nuclear devices (FGNW) is speculative, because they are assumed to be pure fusion. Getting a fusion reaction started is the hard part.

But "late-3rd/early-4th genreation nuclear weapons" are hybrid fission-fusion. The fission stage is needed to get the requisite heat for fusion.

So maybe it was lazy of me to simplify my language to "FGNW" instead of correctly stating "late-3rd/early-4th genreation nuclear weapons". However, you'd have to read and understand the source material from Dr. Andre Gsponer to be able to discover my laziness in naming things.

You mentioned: "Their (FGNW) existence as operational is unverified."

Who is going to verify it? Do they have non-disclosure agreements with stiff penalties stemming from charges of treason? Has the US not been very tight-lipped about keeping and maintaining nuclear secrets?

The questions above already invalidate your assertion.

Given Dr. Andre Gsponer's CV in Swiss nuclear physics; given that Dr. Andre Gsponer was writing & publishing about the state of nuclear weapons in the decade leading up to 9/11; given that he'd been publishing and refining those publications; given that they were peer-reviewed and published in reputable places; and given that nobody from the 1990's until today (2023) has come out against his descriptions of FGNW: the verification you seek is the agreeing silence of his colleagues and peers in the nuclear field.

// Part 3/8

Part 4/8 You wrote:

"4. The proposed placement and effects of FGNW do not match observed collapse patterns. For example, the spire behavior is inconsistent with intended directional energy emission. Videos show pulverization originating from above, not precise directional sequences."

Your number 4 is all hypnotic suggestion, because the proposed placement and effects of FGNW do indeed match the observed collapsed patters. You mention the spire behavior as somehow being "inconsistent with intended energy emission." I disagree and say that the spire behavior is evidence of FGNW.

The configuration is 4 FGNW per detonation levels, and 6-20 detontation levels. Each device has a conventional chemical based explosive to kick-start the fission stage. The sole purpose of the fission stage is to generate the heat for the fusion stage, which then released its highly energetic neutrons in a targeted fashion, cone-shaped from ignition point.

There is room in this description for the FGNW to have a delay between trigger of the kick-starter charge to full nuclear yield, and for the nuclear yield to have a duration. A misaligned FGNW could cause nuclear fizzle in neighboring devices. Thus, a stable platform that was not going to be blown out from under a FGNW while it's outputting the desired nuclear yield.

I speculate that the spires (which the destruction of both towers had) was the stable portion of the outer walls of the inner-core where the FGNW were mounted. The cone-shaped output was aimed away from that spire.

The vanishing of the 9 stories of WTC-4 main building gives an idea of the range of the cone. Everything in neat lines from the ground floor through the ceiling of WTC-6 were vanished, but not the outer walls where the FGNW were mounted and aimed away from.

The videos do indeed show pulverization originating from above. [There were others, but this is a blatant clue that (a) you didn't read my premise, (b) this work is copy-pasted from somewhere else.]

I repeat: FGNW per detonation levels, and 6-20 detontation levels.

The first detonation level was probably below the airplane impact floor. The ignition of its devices dustified the upper 20 stories, got it accordioning in on itself at 2/3 gravitational acceleration, suddenly. It was needed, because in WTC-1 that upper block had angular momentum and was toppling over, but then a cohesive block gets decimated suddenly into dust and no more toppling.

// Part 4/8

Part 5/8 You wrote:

"5. Conventional explosives or some other technological means could potentially account for the damage patterns cited as evidence for FGNW. Lack of deafening noise can also be explained by unconventional explosives directing energy into the building rather than air."

Wrong, conventional explosives or some other technological means can not potentially account for the damage patterns cited as evidence for FGNW. And after 20 years, if they could have accounted for it [e.g., Dr. Judy Wood's book], they would have already. They would have given us details on where it was mounted, how much was mounted, etc.

Now I'm confused, because you're saying the "lack of deafening noise can also be explained by unconventional explosives..."

Please do. What explosives are those?

I interrupted you: "... unconventional explosives directing energy into the building rather than air."

I assume you are not referring to "ignition outside building but output energy directed from outside into the building." This is Woodsian-DEW, and neither of us is championing that (in this instance.)

I assume you mean "ignition inside the building and from its mounting points directing its output into the structure of the building." By directing energy into the structure and not moving air in its explosions, it might lack a deafening noise as compared to a willy-nilly positioned conventional chemical-based weapon.

Alas, your unconventional weapons (still probably chemical-based) somehow needs to pulverize the concrete into powder (and vaporize the metal pans and trusses supporting it, as well as office content and people on those floors), because this is what the debris pile showed.

The logistics of installing unconventional (chemical-based) explosives that can pulverize concrete from all levels as one of its design features (because it was observed) is already unrealistic to implement, before we add the observed stipulations that overall decibel level is not deafening and that there are only about a dozen detonations (as describe by firefighters and others in a cadence you could count, so 1 every 10 or 20 floors of collapse wave).

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*!!! You get a prize!

You mentioned "an unconventional weapon" that could direct its energy, yet don't describe such a weapon; your research and that on whom you rely is lacking.

Guess what? FGNW are unconventional weapons in the category of DEW.

// Part 5/8

Part 6/8 You wrote:

"6. The arguments for nuclear devices rest on selective interpretation of evidence while ignoring issues that challenge the theory, such as lack of extreme heat, radiation, and shockwave effects. The theory relies heavily on hypothetical capabilities."

Let me address the lie first. You suggest there was a lack of extreme heat in the 9/11 demolition. Can you say "arches/sags, horse-shoes, and steel doobies"? Can you say a high percentage of tiny iron spheres (found in the dust)?" Can you say "under-rubble hot-spots that burned for months"?

Extreme heat was present, but when the heat wave is well under 20% of the nuclear yield (with blast wave and EMP -- which did exist) of already tactical devices, then the heat wave is not going to match the larger nukes you're thinking about.

You suggest there was a lack of radiation. Yet, the reports already discussed prove this assertion wrong. Again, if fission isn't used for destructive purposes, and if neither fission nor fusion are designed for "nuclear blasts" that blow radiation everywhere, the nuclear fingerprints will not match the larger nukes you're thinking about.

You suggest there was a lack of shockwave effects. The nuclear ignition did have a shockwave, but it was with the heat wave and EMP in that 20% of the nuclear yield. Although I've stated often that kick-back from the conventional kick-starter charge was observed as squibs along the face of the building 10-20 stories ahead of the debris canopy, I'd be willing to amend my opinion that the squibs were the directed blast wave from individual FGNW.

However, where your statement about "lack of shockwave effect" is really off, is that when highly energetic neutrons pass through material and leave energy behind deep and throughout the molecular structure (typically in the form of heat), sometimes the leading edge (of say, metal) vaporizes so quickly that it causes a shockwave within the rest of the material that blows the material apart.

The missing office furnishings, concrete floors, metal pans and trusses, from the debris pile is telling. Pulverization of all that concrete alone is a huge energy sink. FGNW have energy to spare, and overkill dustification comes about as a side-effect of the nuclear devices. Remember, NT (mixed with whatever you want) would necessitate equavalent overkill implementation and overkill logistics, so much overkill that sufficient unspent quantities could burn under the rubble for weeks.

To the degree that my arguments "rest on selective interpretation of evidence", your arguments -- your NT premise that triggered this exchange -- rest on ignoring the evidence.

No, your brief rebuttal relies on hypothetical capabilities that all nuclear devices are created equal.

// Part 6/8

Part 7/8 You wrote:

"In summary, while the article assembles some circumstantial evidence, the overall case presented does not rise to the level of concrete proof when all evidence is objectively considered. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the burden of proof for nuclear devices at the WTC is very high. The arguments may merit further investigation but fall short of scientific consensus or definitive conclusions. I would recommend submitting this thesis to scholarly peer review before asserting it as confirmed fact."

Each of the six points in the canned rebuttal used to justify the conclusion (of no form 9/11 nuclear involvement) were rebutted and proven non-gating. Thus, the conclusion is invalid.

The rebuttal acknowledges the assembly of "some circumstantial evidence." Thank you. They are nuggets of truth. FGNW tries to address them; NT does not and cannot. This "circumstantial evidence" is not going away.

Dr. David Griffin describes a third principle that is fundamental to the scientific method: "None of the relevant evidence should be ignored."

You wrote: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the burden of proof for nuclear devices at the WTC is very high."

Very good hypnotic suggestion.

I'm not making "extraordinary claims." Nuclear devices should have been rationally and legitimately considered from the onset by e.v.e.r.y.b.o.d.y. alone from the energy sink of concrete pulverization through the path of greatest resistance at near gravitational acceleration while also energetically ejecting laterally large pieces of wall assembly structures.

But nuclear devices were not "rationally and legitimately considered." No, nuclear considerations were given "the black-hole treatment." And the few efforts made to address not even a portion of the assembled circumstantial evidence, were found with built-in self-discrediting flaws right in their limited-scopes.

The nuclear powers of the world had been improving nuclear devices for over half a century. Owing to national security, details went dark for the public. Really stiff NDA's with penalties including death for treason were signed by all who truly know, which is why they aren't here confirming or denying anything. But the DoD couldn't help itself but brag in many Hollywood movies that it provided technical advice and assistance.

You hypnotically suggest that the burden of proof for nuclear devices at the WTC should be very high. Wrong. The burden of proof, also known as addressing all of the evidence, is the same for all 9/11-theory-du-jour including the Official Conspiracy Theory of gravity pile-drivers and nanothermite.

You wrote: "The arguments may merit further investigation but fall short of scientific consensus or definitive conclusions."

Correction. The arguments do merit further investigation, because the circumstantial evidence must be addressed by any 9/11-theory-du-jour to be valid.

Of course I fall short of "scientific consensus", because of those aforementioned NDAs by those in science, politics, or military and nuclear credentials. But you under estimate Dr. Andre Gsponer's work and the scientific consensus that his speculative work leaks out.

Of course I fall short of "definitive conclusions," because I don't have the model numbers or actionable blue-prints of anything nuclear. I have no VPN access to nuclear research repositories. What I obtained was in the public domain through the library of my public institution of higher education, and available to anybody.

// Part 7/8

Part 8/8
Of course I fall short. I am a short, bald, old, white, male, lone, nut (Blues Brother on a mission from God) on a hobby-horse topic connecting obvious nuclear data points that he expected Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to have done long ago, but finding instead the "black-hole treatment" for legitimate discussion of nuclear topics.

You wrote: "I would recommend submitting this thesis to scholarly peer review before asserting it as confirmed fact."

That is mighty fine advice that someone else very recently gave me, where upon I acted on it immediately and submitted the URL to my FGNW Prima Facie Case to a 9/11 Research Site for some scholarly peer review.



Who knows? Maybe if the review legitimately happens and the circumstantial evidence properly acknowledged [and other as-of-to-date explanations found lacking if not evasive], a figurative nuclear trigger will spark within the 9/11 Truth Movement and result in larger public knowledge of the 9/11 nuclear deceit and in figurative nuclear fall-out and massive (career) casualties.

// Part 8/8

Part 4: FGNW Discussions with Norman Swanepoel

x98 Norman Swanepoel : four orphans that never get discussed WTC 3, 4, 5 and 6


A WTC Orphan - Building 6
There are four orphans that never get discussed WTC 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/a-wtc-orphan-building-6

x100 Maxwell C. Bridges : FGNW can do this


Multiple tactical hybrid fission-fusion late-3rd/early-4th generation nuclear devices can do this, but only one detonation level is needed (above the WTC-6 vaults) as opposed to many in the towers (which the poor-man's snippet is from).

You get the sense, though, of the targeting cone of highly energetic neutrons can do when used in tandem.

BTW, Dr. Wood misuses images such as these to have it malframed "beams from space" [whereby that and ABL are real things but economically logistically unreasonable at the scale of energy observed]. Why didn't she speculate DEW devices that were nuclear powered and mounted within the structure. Wild-ass speculation is that they could look like soft-drink refill kegs or large fire extinguishers mounted on wall brackets. For that matter, they could be observed installing mounting brackets and wiring, and save the click-in of the device into the brackets until the day of.


Shows FGNW 4 per detonation level at WTC.

x102 Norman Swanepoel : explain the survivors...


Maxwell Bridges explain the survivors...

x104 Maxwell C. Bridges : there was no FGNW near or below them or it misaligned or fizzled


Elementary, my dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel!

(1) Notice how the cone shaped output from multiple devices is aimed? If one that was to cover that particular stairwell were to become misaligned, it could miss them completely, just like the FGNW were aimed away from the inner core (WTC towers) and away from outer-walls (WTC-6).

(2) "Nuclear fizzle" is when a device does not achieve its full nuclear yield, and its possible effects runs the spectrum from "nothing" to "underground hot-spot burning for months". Nuclear fizzle can happen when a nearby or lower FGNW misalignment of, or pre-mature emission of, highly energetic neutrons hits another device messing up its ignition. [This is why "traditional" mini-nukes can't be used in tandem. But these FGNW are not your grandpa's nukes.]

(3) 9/11 was not a perfect operation, as evident by WTC-7 not going down when the other buildings did, by the underground hot-spots that burned for months, by the surgical chopping of WTC-4 at the main edifice leaving the North Wing and underground gold vaults and gold loaded in a semi-trailer abandoned in the tunnels.

I digress. The survivors in the stairwell survived because (a) there was no FGNW near or below them to take out that portion, (b) the FGNW near or below them was misaligned or did a nuclear fizzle and spared them.


x106 Norman Swanepoel : The mostly EMPTY basements of the Twin Towers


Maxwell Bridges The mostly EMPTY basements of the Twin Towers.
Most people have been led to believe the lie that the basements were full of rubble.
The mostly EMPTY basements of the Twin Towers.

x108 Norman Swanepoel : The 100 days of "smoke" at ground zero


Maxwell Bridges The 100 days of "smoke" at ground zero.
The disintegration of ALL 7 WTC prefixed buildings at the COLD rubble pile at the World Trade Center...
The 100 days of "smoke" at ground zero.
The 100 days of "smoke" at ground zero.
The 100 days of "smoke" at ground zero.

x110 Norman Swanepoel : title


Maxwell Bridges re: survivors
0:00 / 11:09

x112 Maxwell C. Bridges : You're posting supporting evidence for FGNW


Indeed, dearest Mr. Norman Swanepoel! You're posting supporting evidence for FGNW. Thank you! //

x114 Norman Swanepoel : head out yer arse


Maxwell Bridges read the articles, watch the vid and pull your head out yer arse.

x116 Norman Swanepoel : NIST FOIA #09-42


Maxwell Bridges Enhanced Video - NIST FOIA #09-42
Key time stamps:
1. Ankle deep dust and paper everywhere
2. Strange "burning" metal - 01:30
3. Standing opposite WTC 2 - 02:00
4. "Toasting" Fire truck - 03:19
5. Toasted cars - 4:20
6. Building 6 getting it's hole - 06:10 & 12:12
7. Building 7 from top to bottom - 09:00 & 12:12
8. Burst water mains, water not boiling 9:50
9. Building 3 (10% left) - 10:50 & 11:43
10. Windows just with outer glas, not inner glas broken 11:30
To understand what you're seeing better, read: https://wheredidthetowersgo.com
0:00 / 13:21

x118 Maxwell C. Bridges : Standing on Dr. Wood's shoulders


Dearest Norman Swanepoel, Sorry for this brutally quick debunking. I was an ardent champion of Dr. Wood's book, but my 2nd and 3rd passes reading revealed the disinformation.

Dr. Wood drops lots of dangling innuendo, connects no dots, draws no conclusions, let her DEW devices get framed as "beams from space", did a monumentally shitty job of researching nuclear sources that could power her DEW more locally as opposed to from afar. She knew she wasn't the end-station and as much as said so in her preface and in a sticker on the inside cover of my book referring to "look at what the evidence is telling you and not what people are saying."

Standing on Dr. Wood's shoulders, shoring up her DEW weaknesses (nuclear power source), is how you get at FGNW:


Or to be brutal [again my apologies]. Dr. Wood was an disinfo agent assigned to gather all evidence of things nuclear and camp them under kooky umbrellas. She was not an end-station. Anybody with knowledge of her book or website will tell you (and Dr. Wood herself) that Dr. Wood was not an end-station. Meaning, you have to keep learning and evolve. Those stuck in the Woodsian DEW theories [although valid for Californian and Hawaiian fires; ABL and beams from space are real things, but not easily scalable for what was observed], and refuse to consider what the next level DEW from Dr. Wood's is, those are the agents.

Don't be an agent. Learn and evolve. [It is okay to admit that you were duped by clever disinformation; I was too for several years.]


9/11 FGNW Prima Facie Case

x120 Maxwell C. Bridges : FGWN is next-level Dr. Judy Wood


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, everything listed in your comment and the evidence in the videos points towards (multiple) late-3rd/early-4th generation nuclear devices. 80% of the yield was the highly energetic neutrons which ablated the metal pans and trusses holding the concrete that it dustified. When grazing the inner side of the wall assemblies, it made them pliable to give us steel doobies in the pile.

20% of the yield was the traditional heat wave, blast wave, and EMP. My bet is that most of it was EMP, which slipped out through window slits and falling debris line of sight to various parked vehicles (like near WTC-7 and in the adjacent parking lot), where generated Eddy currents from the EMP in the metal of those vehicles causing very anomalous fires. Also to the steel belts in tires hit line-of-sight. Those steel belts would act like secondary windings of a transformer, but being only single loops, the currents generated would be excessive causing ignition of the tires.

Any rate. FGWN is next-level Dr. Judy Wood. It goes where her research couldn't. Powers what her speculation couldn't. And are in the category of DEW. Don't be fighting or denying it. Learn and grow to the next level.


x122 Norman Swanepoel : Looking forward to reading your RFC to NIST


Maxwell Bridges Looking forward to reading your RFC to NIST or reading your paperwork you'll be filing against NIST or the 23 subcontractors for science fraud...
0:00 / 1:00

x124 Norman Swanepoel : Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3


Maxwell Bridges Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3
Official narrative – Jet fuel. Option behind door no 1 – explosives, door no 2 – thermite, door no 3 – buried or mini nukes. Just don't look at where the EVIDENCE points to.
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/nuking-the-steel-of-the-twin-towers
Nukes - The distraction behind door no 3

0:00 / 3:07

x126 Norman Swanepoel : Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions


Maxwell Bridges Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions
0:00 / 4:31

x128 Norman Swanepoel : your website points you try and argue is laughable


Maxwell Bridges your website points you try and argue is laughable - now crawl back under the rock you crawled out from...
0:00 / 4:42

x130 Maxwell C. Bridges : why did the nukers never fuck the DEWers? Because they were sibling disinformation efforts,... ewww!


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, I fully agree that nukes are the distraction behind door number 3 without even fully watching your videos. When championed as "single-device per tower" and exclusively deep-underground, THAT WAS DISINFORMATION.

Just like Dr. Wood is disinformation.

How so? How come neither nukers nor the Woodsian DEWers never debunked each other? More importantly, why did the nukers never fuck the DEWers? Because they were sibling disinformation efforts,... ewww!


Let your eyes be opened by the implications of just the abstract of the above peer-reviewed article. In fact, you need to ask yourself why Dr. Wood's in her literature review of nuclear possibilities never came across this work and others (by Dr. Andre Gsponer).

Learn and evolve your opinions accordingly.


Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects

x132 Norman Swanepoel : video playlist on Directed Energy Weapons


Maxwell Bridges You might just find this video playlist on Directed Energy Weapons rather informative.
A short history on “science fiction” that's been available in the real world since the 1970's.
0:00 / 0:32

Maxwell Bridges U.S. Army Col. Tom Bearden (ret.) & John Hutchison 1996
0:00 / 5:02

x134 Maxwell C. Bridges : Dr. Wood was not an end station, FGNW is the next station on down the line in the direction of Truth, riding on the shoulders of Dr. Wood's work


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, If you are a sincere seeker of truth, you shouldn't have such antagonism to my 9/11 premises or me. Technically, FGNW are in the category of DEW.

I did my research into ABL and laser satellites, and know it is valid in theory and small scale. Optics through the atmosphere and frequencies conducive to EM transfer are would debunk "beams from space." Sure, ABL can shoot down missiles and aircraft, largely by taking advantage of fuel or explosive things within the target for a piercing laser to ignite. ABL emitted targeted EM could indeed target things like vehicles, induce currents (such as steel belts in tires) sufficiently high to generate heat that ignites things. Thus, the California and Hawaii fires (and others) point to this. BUT NOT WTC, because the energy observed at the target must have been at the source, and the logistics to achieve that [e.g., using chemicals] becomes obscenely heavy to get aloft.

Dr. Wood's book is clever disinformation, but I cherish it for the nuggets of truth. All 9/11 theories-du-jour need to address them to be valid. FGNW does.

Open your eyes.

Dr. Wood was not an end station, and my FGNW premise is simply the next station on down the line in the direction of Truth, riding on the shoulders of Dr. Wood's work.

Learn. Evolve your understanding.


x136 Norman Swanepoel : THE FIRES OF PROPAGANDA



The continuous fuming was the natural, resultant effect of the breaking down of solid matter into isolated particles.

From a visual perspective, the heavy fuming appeared to be the result of the “towering infernos” that were being described through the news reporting. Although fire teams, working inside the towers right up to the moments of destruction, had not found any fire whatsoever in the floors below the initial damage zones.

After the destruction, these fictional propaganda fires were extended into all of the floors below the initial damage zones.

As the fuming continued, the propaganda technicians used the effect to great advantage. However, when the rescue teams went down into the sub-street basement levels of the complex, they did not experience any fires or molten metal.

Even the air in these lower levels was not filled with particles from either fire, or from molecular dissociation.

The source of the “on-going fires” was therefore limited to the material that was above the street level decking. Topside visual evidence shows no such fire (excepting the strange clumps of concentrated synthetic fires laying on top of the wreckage.

There were no underground fires!

Once this is realized, it is then possible to understand more about the propaganda approach to the coverup.

As always all of the details of the thermal-energy coverup is conveniently shared by the LEVEL-TWO engineered truth!



x138 Maxwell C. Bridges : Hop aboard my 9/11 hobby-horse, because it is the DEW that Dr. Wood alludes to but could not achieve


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, my 9/11 hobby-horse premise involves per tower 6 to 20 detonation levels each with four FGNW devices. Emitted neutrons from one device, through misalignment during ignition or pre-mature ignition, can cause "nuclear fizzle" in neighboring FGNW. Nuclear fizzle is when a device doesn't meet its expected nuclear yield and runs the spectrum from nothing to "under-rubble hot-spots burning for weeks."

WTC-7 is glaring proof in not going down with the rest of the complex that the operation was not 100% according to plan.

Fizzled nukes is another example.

That any aircraft parts at the WTC were recovered, like landing gear and engines from having gone through the building, because they could not be serial number identified as belonging to the alleged commercial aircraft.

Hop aboard my 9/11 hobby-horse, because it is the DEW that Dr. Wood alludes to but -- owing to massive personal pressuring involving employment and even the life of an associated student -- could not achieve without great personal risk.


x140 Norman Swanepoel : eagerly await your RFC or suit filed against NIST


Maxwell Bridges I eagerly await your RFC or suit filed against NIST or the 23 subcontractors for SCIENCE FRAUD.
0:00 / 1:00

x142 Maxwell C. Bridges : the suit you desire against NIST or the 23 subcontractors was in the direct purview of AE9/11Truth


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, the suit you desire against NIST or the 23 subcontractors was in the direct purview of AE9/11Truth.

Standing is also an issue for bringing the suit, which Dr. Wood knows now but should have known before she tried to bring suit and get it thrown out for not having standing. It was all just a game, and it prevented it double-jeopardy from being brought up again.


x144 Norman Swanepoel : You have been found wanting


Maxwell Bridges go away shill - you have nothing to add except b/s - You have been found wanting. Without a RFC or a filed suit against NIST or the 23 subcontractors, you're NOTHING but wind.

x146 Maxwell C. Bridges : so you go away


Correction, dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel. This may be your posting, but my thread that you engaged me on, so you go away.

And please, stop your shilly projections. Real people who think have the ability to change their minds when presented with new information or analysis.

Agents and ChatGPT-bots are monetarily or algorithmically prevented from changing their minds no matter how their premise gets disabused and no matter how much the new information or analysis is so much better.

I presented you with the next-level Woodsian-DEW that can be properly powered, installed, and ignited to achieve the evidence collected in Dr. Wood's book, the USGS dust survey, David Chandler physics videos, etc.

You chose defending limited-hang-out disinformation instead of expanding your understanding with the keys that turn that same "limited-hang-out disinformation" into damning nuggets of truth.


x148 Norman Swanepoel : WTC-4 video with Dr. Wood


Both levels of the coverup (the Official U.S. governmental experts, and the LEVEL-TWO the architects for an engineered 9/11 truth) have evaded the astonishing disappearance of the north wi… See more
0:00 / 20:47

x150 Maxwell C. Bridges : title


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, That video of WTC-4 is totally awesome! Yes, we can certainly give Dr. Judy Wood credit for calling our attention to WTC-4. It had gold vaults underneath it that were in the process of being robbed.

Be that as it may, because FGNW are technically in the category of DEW, have a handy nuclear source, can be targeted, can be aimed away from street level and gold vaults underneath it,... achieves the aim of the operation with more precision that beams from space.

Thank you again. I'll be sharing it to my wall.


x152 Norman Swanepoel : You're a fucking idiot


Maxwell Bridges You're a fucking idiot.

x154 Maxwell C. Bridges : stop projecting onto me


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, Please stop projecting onto me. I'm not the one stuck at a limited hang-out that "connects no dots and draws no conclusions" and is seen as a strength by its champions, rather than as a clear sign "not an end station, keep going."

I'm not the one who can't see that FGNW are precisely the DEW weapons that Dr. Wood purposely -- in a black hole fashion -- could not mention. She could mention other kooky stuff and not power her speculation with anything real-world, but she couldn't say "we nuked ourselves." She wanted others to stand on her shoulders, and not be satisfied with what she offered the world.

Evolve. It is okay to change your mind when presented with new information that actually validates and realizes the anomalies you've been championing from Dr. Wood's book. [For sure, NT can't address them.]

FGNW is the devil's offspring of Woodsian DEW and nukers. Very much a real thing.


x156 Norman Swanepoel : behind door no 3 🤡


Maxwell Bridges nukes, the distraction behind door no 3 🤡

x158 Maxwell C. Bridges : Your ChatGPT algorithms have reached their limits


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, Your ChatGPT algorithms have reached their limits. Here's a test.

In the following blog article, identify the images that came from Dr. Wood's book/website.


And while you're there, see the new context that the Wood's evidence is placed in. YOU'LL GET A KICK OUT OF THE COMMENTS, because a Woodsian DEWer probably more Woodsian than you also gave a performance proving that -- without improvement/next-level speculation -- Woodsian DEW is distraction behind door no 2.


x160 Maxwell C. Bridges : Thank you for the great videos and reference material


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, Mr. Norman Swanepoel, and Mr. Norman Swanepoel, Allow me to thank you most kindly for all of the great videos and reference material that you posted in furtherance of Woodsian-DEW.

Alas, because Dr. Wood connected no dots and drew no conclusions, all of that fine evidence goes in support of late-3rd/early-4th generation nuclear devices of a hybrid fission-fusion nature ala Dr. Andre Gsponer (a major omission from Dr. Wood's literature review into nuclear devices).

FGNW stands on the shoulders of Dr. Wood and advances the DEW truth to the proper level: nuclear.


x162 Norman Swanepoel : door no 3 🤡


Maxwell Bridges nukes, the distraction behind door no 3 🤡

x164 Maxwell C. Bridges : an inability to see that FGNW completes Woodsian DEW and makes it whole


Dear Mr. Norman Swanepoel, Twitter-length comment. Longer comments were copy-and-past. Repetitive responses demonstrating an inability to comprehend opposing arguments, an inabilility to follow links, three FB profiles...

WORST OF ALL, an inability to see that FGNW completes Woodsian DEW and makes it whole, or at least more whole than where Dr. Wood left it in non-concluding-cul-de-sacs.

Your ChapGPT ways have outlasted me.


x166 Norman Swanepoel : No, sweetie


Maxwell Bridges No, sweetie, it boils down to something rather simple. Where's your RFC to NIST?

x168 Maxwell C. Bridges : "RFC to NIST" is your hobby-horse. My hobby-horse is 9/11 FGNW


Dearest Mr. honey-cakes Norman Swanepoel with the ever twerking cabouse! It boils to something even more simple. "RFC to NIST" is your hobby-horse. My hobby-horse is 9/11 FGNW and awakening the duped 9/11 Truthers, particularly Woodsian-DEWers, the deep-underground Nukers, the NTers...

Your matron-saint of 9/11 in her glorious works did not draw any conclusions. Many a Woodsian-DEW champion has flung that in my face as a "strength" of her work, despite it being a weakness. She explicitly wrote to listen to what the evidence is telling you, not what others (Dr. Wood included) are saying. That was the Easter Egg that you completely missed. Multiple times in her work, by rights and momentum of the research, it was leading towards obvious nuclear conclusions before her wheel was cranked steering it into the weeds.

Because she had no conclusions -- a strength --, sincere truth seekers, ever valuing Dr. Wood's contribution, are duty-bound to keep their eyes open to mechanisms that can address what the evidence is telling us: the next level Woodsian-DEW that she was threatened and warned off of.

This is exactly what FGNW is: it fulfills Dr. Judy Wood's prophecy!

But because you are a ChapGPT bot, you can't follow links let alone let information from those unsanctioned locations affect your agenda. An agenda limited to supporting a purposeful disinfo limited hang-out. You repeat "RFC to NIST" in bot fashion, as if that were a real thing as opposed to learning, growing, evolving.



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