
Gummiworms of 9/11 Destroyed the WTC

Maxwell C. Bridges [**]


A fictional zoom meeting between characters based on real celebrities in the 9/11 Truth Movement, like a parady from MAD Magazine. None of the real people name-dropped in this zoom-mockumentary said exactly or loosely the words that are attributed to them here. This is fiction, and yes, words are being shoved into their mouths that they didn't ever actually say. But those familiar with the real people upon whom this is based will probably agree that the fictional dialog is something in character for the real people and is probably something they wished to say. Why?

"Reason wasn't working."

"Polite requests weren't working."

"Personal insults weren't working."

Let's try some mockery.

The 9/11 Truther celebrities being mocked in this theatrical drama in alphabetical order are: Chris Bergier, David Chandler, Wayne Coste, Richard Gage, Jon Howland, Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda, Gene Laratonda, Craig McKee, Alfred Magaletta, Adam Ruff, Eric Sandstrom, Susan Serpa, Andy Steele, Norman Swanepoel, and Adam Syed. The members of the Boston Police Department were: Dtc. Beaumont, Ofr. Black, Ofr. Green, Ofr. Red, and Ofr. White

+++++++ ONE ACT PLAY

Craig McKee:1 Alrighty-then. I think we have a sufficient quorum to begin this zoom meeting.

I should probably start with a little backstory. I was recently shamed in a discussion under one of my Facebook postings. Oh, sure, I could easily brush off the insincere barbs against my manhood.

But what hit me hard were the complaints that accused me of being unobjective, of lacking integrity, and of not being a real journalist. Me? Who has had an internet presence for over a decade dedicated to 9/11 truth, and written about topics not adequately covered by others sources.

Adam Syed:2 That is a low blow and totally untrue.

Adam Ruff:3 Hear, hear! That is nothing but disinformation. Who is spreading such bullshit?

Craig McKee: Hold your horses. I appreciate your praise. But the reason it affected me so, at my core, was that valid points were brought up. In my behavior. In what I was willing to discuss, or allow to be discussed in my forums, and even my own laziness in not putting some journalistic elbow-grease into researching a new topic, even one that I might disagree with.

More importantly, the complaints ultimately do hit those of us participating here in this zoom conference.

Gene Larantonda:4 We don't need to hear anymore, Craig. Sounds like a troll.

Richard Gage:5 I am most proud of my tenure at the helm of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Its objectivity and integrity? They don't have issues. Quote the opposite. I accept no shame.

David Chandler:6 Neither do I.

Craig McKee: And you don't have to, and we don't have to let missed opportunities forever define us. Because we have an opportunity upon us that will allow us to prove that we have integrity by addressing something 9/11 outside of our normal comfort zone. To prove that we're objective and open-minded in reviewing it. And in my case, to prove that I'm a fair journalist willing to consider and research a new 9/11 topic.

Wayne Coste:7 Some new area of 9/11 research and development?

David Chandler: This ought to be good. *sarcasm* I can't wait.

Richard Gage: What new theory could there possibly be?

Craig McKee: Gummiworms.

Gene Larantonda: Gummiworms?... You called a 9/11 celebrity meeting for this nonsense?

Adam Ruff: Gummiworms, Gene. Quick as an mRNA heart-attack. And we're not talking just mixed with THC, neither.

David Chandler: Why am I here? I didn't consume any Gummiworms.

Andy Steele:8 More importantly,... where are you guys getting yours?

Gene Larantonda: If the theory is that Gummiworms destroy the World Trade Center, I'll debate against that with the nanothermite theory.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda:9 And you'll be wonderful, dear. You should host it our 9/11 War Room.

Richard Gage: I'd attend that.

Norman Swanepoel:10 Me, too. Because Dr. Judy Wood already determined that the weapons used on 9/11 were neither kinetic nor thermic...

Gene Larantonda: What are you doing here, Norman? I thought I banned you. This isn't about beams from aircraft or satillites. It's about,... what? Gummiworms?

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Gummi worms, Norman. Not your DEW can of worms.

Craig McKee: It is okay for Norman to stay. I'm moderator; I decide. Stay in your lane, or I'll mute you.

Norman Swanepoel: Thank you, Craig. And Dr. Wood's DEW will melt those Gummiworms, in real life or debate.

Adam Ruff: Who are you? Norman or 9/11 Revisitionist or whatever name you go by?... I've got Woodsian-DEW debunking like you've never seen before. So you ain't gonna DEW no Gummiworms, even if you had their consent.

Craig McKee: Calm down, Adam. You can't just debunk DEW.

Chris Bergier:11 Of course he can't, because Dr. Judy Woods has a PhD in material sciences, and a 500 page book filled with 500 color images and ... evidence.

David Chandler: Indeed, the full-color images were the only thing that made her book worthwhile, and certainly made it a costly book to produce. I always said, someone put a lot of money in that book. Based on its list price, I doubt she ever made any real money on it.

Craig McKee: Let's get this back around to Gummiworms.

Jon Howland:12 You can't be serious.

Craig McKee: Hear me out, for a moment. Why would such a frivilous theory, and one so easy to debunk even matter to us?

Alfred Magaletta:13 Yes, please. I could use some 9/11 humor to brighten my day.

Craig McKee: It matters because none of us handled well a predecessor theory to Gummiworms. I both saw and participated in giving it "the blackhole treatment."

Susan Serpa: I've heard this phrase "blackhole treatment" bantied about.

Jon Howland: With blackholes in space, we can't see them but know they exist for how they bend light, how they affect planetary objects, and how we can calculate and speculate about them. In the conspiracy realm, it refers to something -- like aliens or fake moon landings -- that is so "revolution-charging" that the powers that be deep-six it, compartmentalize it. And even when traces of us appear here and there in the public record that ought to have us calculating and speculating its existence, we're gaslighted by government and media.

Wayne Coste: We're going from gummiworms to Woodsian-DEW to aliens and faked moon landings? I think our integrity behooves us to debunk the crap out of this gummiworm, and nip it in the butt.

Craig McKee: First of all, I will not let this discussion devolve down into DEW or nanothermite debates. Secondly, that is a false and incorrect extrapolation into aliens. Thirdly, we can limit ourselves to gummiworms. Fourthly, Wayne, it's "nip it in the bud."

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Judy Wood is the only one who did a forensic analysis of... {mute}

Craig McKee: I temporarily muted you, Norman. This is not about Dr. Wood.

Chris Bergier: The Hutchison Effect is something that Dr. Wood studied... {mute}

Craig McKee: You, too, are muted Chris. Gummiworms.

Eric Sandstrom:14 You don't believe in Jesus, but you believe in 9/11 gummiworms... {mute}

Craig McKee: I'm putting every body on mute until I can lay out the significance of gummiworms. And yes, Eric, I do believe in the story of Jesus.

Gene Larantonda: Right, but you're not a Christian like I am or Eric claims to be.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: ... Or like me, your wife. I love how you use the 9/11 War Room to do a moment of silence at 5:20 pm to commemorate WTC-7 and the 9/11 victims.

Craig McKee: No, I do not wear my religion like sleeve tattoos. Stop it. Where was I? Oh yeah. Most of the participants here passed on the opportunity to legitimately discuss a certain hobby-horse topic by a certain, shall we say, "online batman." I do know his "Bruce Wayne," so that isn't the issue.

Adam Ruff: Oh shit, are you talking about... {microphone mute} {Ruff is seen on camera making obscene gesters and going crazy.}

Craig McKee: Yes, but... I'm muting your microphone, Adam. Bring you back in a sec after you've calmed down.

Alfred Magaletta: Wow, I don't understand why Adam's nickers are in a twist.

Susan Serpa:15 Me, neither.

David Chandler: If you can't say who it is...

Craig McKee: No, yes, uh, I can say, or will say later, who the online batman is. Many of you can probably guess, but I don't want that to taint the seriousness of his new hobby-horse: gummiworms.

Our integrity was knocked against the ropes with his old hobby-horse, because we couldn't {air double-quotes} "legitimately" consider it, legitimately address it, or legitimately debunk it. The online batman claimed we didn't, because we couldn't, so we gave it the blackhole treatment. Regardless of whether or not any of us believe that, we can move forward.

In fact, with his new gummiworm 9/11 theory, we can redeem ourselves, our integrity, our reputations. We need to consider the Gummiworm theory on principle, on its merits, divorced from its champion. Prove that we're not cemented by dogma and can consider fresh ideas.

Richard Gage: Why? Clearly no amount of THC mixed with gummiworm material is going to get the twin towers to collapse at near free-fall acceleration...

Craig McKee: ... And that, right there, what you just did... You took it seriously and legitimately. Make a note of that. That's the request.

Gene Larantonda: ... Gummiworms are neither kinetic or thermic...

Norman Swanepoel: You stole my line.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: ... Gummiworms are neither an explosive nor an incendiary...

Richard Gage: ... Now you stole my line, and let's not forget that energetic flakes of Gummiworms were found in the dust samples given to Dr. Steven Jones...

Adam Ruff: Craig is right, I've seen this gambit before. In order to debunk a theory, you must first take it seriously in your mind...

David Chandler: ... And thereby somehow validate it as a concept that could exist, even if you're going to debunk the hell out of it... Gummiworms.

Craig McKee: Yeah, but not entirely. It is also an objectivity test, where gummiworms can get you caught in a Catch-22. If you ignore it because you think it is frivilous, the damning personal ding to your character is: how objective are you if you won't even read it? So you therefore must take it seriously, and come up with a serious of arguments...

Chris Bergier: What is catch-22 about taking it seriously to debunk it?

Jon Howland: If you debunk gummiworms, what are you going to fill the void with?

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Judy Wood is a forensic scientist... {mute}

Gene Larantonda: Energetic flakes of nano-thermite were found in the dust.

Chris Bergier: Directed Energy Weapons have a wide spectrum... {mute}

Wayne Coste: Nano-thermite was found in the dust.

David Chandler: Nanothermite.

Richard Gage: Agreed. Nanothermite.

Craig McKee: Maybe. Maybe not. I don't always follow the details in technical discussions on the destruction of the complex, because I think it is a sufficient relevation to the public just to know that it was a controlled destruction, and not airplane impacts and gravity-driven pile-drivers...

David Chandler: ... Pulverizing through their paths of greatest resistance at near free-fall acceleration.

Richard Gage: ... And spewing large chunks of wall assemblies many hundreds of feet laterally.

Wayne Coste: ... A real energy sink.

Craig McKee: Again, I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with what you're saying. Before you all interrupted me, the point I was driving at was that when I did skim some of the details that, uhh, this online persona was making to defend his old hobby-horse theory, I seem to recall him poking at holes and gaps in all of those theories... from nanothermite, to Dr. Wood DEW, to deep-underground nukes. How did he write it? Something along the lines that his hobby-horse could put hoof-prints in the backsides of those limited hang-out theories.

Adam Ruff: STOP!!! Deja vu, hobby-horse! A glitch in the matrix!

Alfred Magaletta: Excuse me? Why did you two mention "hobby-horse"? Not a common term now-a-days. Hardly ever see kids playing with them, certainly not like I used to back my youth. What do you think that means? Just so I know it doesn't mean something different.

Susan Serpa: Language certainly does evolve, and "hobby-horse" is a curious word... Used as I recall on the internet recently by a fine, proper chap -- oh, you should see his emails, he addresses me as "Dear Ms. Serpa". He gave a mighty fine Easter Egg presentation...

Alfred Magaletta: ... To our group of New England 9/11 Patriots. Boston 911 Truth dot Org. {"9/11 Truth Easter Egg Hunt towards 9/11 FGNW Exotic Nuclear Weapons" [2024-03].}

David Chandler: You say, he addressed you with an honorific?

Alfred Magaletta: Oh yes indeed. Even in chat, he'd write: "Dear Mr. Magaletta." Such fake charm.

Craig McKee: Oh let's not get all persnickety about a simple style choice to be more formal. He wrote once that writing "Dear Mr. so-and-so" helped prevent him from writing other more debase things that themselves would have been a distraction, even if valid, and a valid case for "banishment for cause."

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I've read some of his comments. It makes me blush when he writes "Dear Ms. Jelmi-Larantonda." {bats her eye lashes for the camera} ...

Gene Larantonda: Is that a fact... "Mrs. Jelmi-Larantonda"? Oooo, you really are blushing "Mrs. Jelmi-Larantonda".

Adam Ruff: Take those PDA's to your "9/11 War Room"...

Craig McKee: Funny, Adam. Putting you back on mute...

Susan Serpa: I know the feeling, when reading his long missives in e-mail, like the good old days when people wrote long letters to one another. Writing to me so deeply about himself, and was communicating with my soul.

Alfred Magaletta: ... Just to feel connected. Like when long letters needed to bridge the week or longer it took to be delivered.

Richard Gage: It makes no sense that formalities in discussion should so unhinge members of this group of rational thinkers.

Craig McKee: Let's not go down that rabbit-hole, because I've seen how his "high-road" and "honorifics" tactic, coupled with well articulated facts, can make pretty compelling case just on the nice face of it... No, the issue here isn't just gummi details of his worms.

David Chandler: Elaborate, as if I were a high school physics teacher who could only communicate effectively with teenagers. No amount of THC in some "Mr. nut-case's" gummibear thesis is going to cause the top twenty stories of the towers to suddenly lose 2/3 of their minimal designed structural strength and accordion-in on themselves at 2/3 gravitational acceleration.

Craig McKee: Careful, you just entered the trap. You're taking the crazy notion of gummibears, I mean worms, on 9/11 seriously. Yes, you then debunked it. Yes, but everyone is leaving their flanks on their theories open to take a hit or two.

Norman Swanepoel: Not necessarily. As proposed by Dr. Judy Wood, Woodsian-DEW doesn't have any weaknesses...

Adam Ruff: I got this, everybody. We can thank Bridges for this quote: "Dr. Judy Wood drops lots of dangling innuendo, connects no dots, and draws no conclusions, and for that last reason alone cannot and should not be considered an end-station in our understanding of 9/11."

Norman Swanepoel: Where'd you get that gummi-dung from? Dr. Wood did a engineer-ic style study... {mute}

Craig McKee: I'm muting both of your microphones, Adam and Norman. This isn't about Woodsian-DEW, and ironically you both exhibit what will go wrong. After you dethrone gummiworms as a possible theory, you're left with a vacuum.

Gene Larantonda: Ho-hum. After gummiworms gets debunked, nano-thermite can fill the void...

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Like you fill my void, Baby... Ooops. I'm sorry. Was my microphone on?

Susan Serpa: Oh, to have a partner in life, like you two do, who understood 9/11 passion, like you two do. I'm both jealous and proud of you two.

Alfred Magaletta: Yes, I reluctantly agree, but second the motion to take that lovey-dovey stuff to your 9/11 War Room... Now I get the joke Adam was making. Take it to your room. The 9/11 War Room. Makes me chuckle.

Craig McKee: Let's get back on track here. Again, you dispatch gummibears, I mean gummiworms -- let's be correct on the theory -- and fill its void, but does your void-filling theory have no weaknesses or gaps? Because they can and will be exploited against you.

Chris Bergier: Dr. Wood's DEW has no weaknesses as a 9/11 theory. She wrote a 500-page book, had a website, and even initiated her own court case... Looking forward to reading your RFC to NIST or reading your paperwork you'll be filing against NIST or the 23 subcontractors for science fraud about gummiworms...

Adam Syed: ... that was thrown out for lack of standing.

Gene Larantonda: Hey. Like the fact of energetic flakes of nanothermite in the dust...

Adam Ruff: Wait another deja vu minute. I've been on this carousel. The counter argument from the gummi-nut side is that NT was only found in Dr. Steven Jones' dust samples, and not those of the USGS and Paul Lioy.

Richard Gage: And let me interject that those last mentioned scientific studies had the purpose of looking for base elements and weren't looking for mixtures or anything specific: not nanothermite, not RDX, and certainly not Hariboro Golden Gummibears.

Jon Howland: Those mentioned studies. They did find... Uranium and all of its trace elements in correlated quantities...

David Chandler: I have a bachelor of science degree in physics. I agree with Dr. Steven Jones that these traces of a fissile process did not match that of expected nuclear weapons.

Richard Gage: A nuclear bomb would have leveled half of Manhattan.

Gene Larantonda: A big nuclear blast would have spread fissile material everywhere throughout the environment for miles.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Like you nuclear permeate me... Wait. I thought I muted my microphone! Sorry everybody again.

Susan Serpa: Don't think twice of it, sweetie. It is so wonderful to see young love, even if just in zoom. I am getting an echo when you both are unmuted.

Alfred Magaletta: You should've seen the young hippie love that we brought to the peace movement back in the day, if we had more of that in the 9/11 Truth Movement now...

Craig McKee: I think we're getting a bit off track here, and I by no means am riding that nuclear hobby-horse. I'm just telling you what I've seen it kick up, and it wasn't all horse-apples.

Susan Serpa: Easter eggs it was, that he presented to our Boston 9/11 Truth group.

Alfred Magaletta: I'm still on the fence: Easter eggs or horse-apples. I'm not an expert in nuclear physics.

David Chandler: When you all were describing a verbose and persistent correspondent who used honorifics, I was reminded of... {mute}

Craig McKee: Yes, probably, but don't say the name of his batman persona. Oh geez. Now I'm talking like him. Coming back to the catch-22. If you ignore and don't engage the gummi thesis, you're pegged as unobjective for not taking it seriously to debunk, when clearly it debunks itself.

But catch-22, when you take it seriously to prove that you are objective, the trap is that you'll fill the explanation void with your theory, opening that theory up for inspection and exposure of weaknesses in its flanks...

Richard Gage: So you're saying gummiworms is going to debunk nanothermite...

Craig McKee: No, I'm saying I've seen the old hobby-horse legitimately pig-tie NT once NT was under the microscope, which in turn gets dethroned as well from filling that void in the explanations.

Gene Larantonda: Like you fill my void, honey-sweetness... Shit, another microphone muting glitch! Sorry, folks.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I love it when you talk... {mute}

David Chandler: Well, the explanation needs a filler that isn't gummiworms.

Norman Swanepoel: DEW from a far isn't THC-laced gummiworms.

Craig McKee: DEW from a far also isn't applicable to the WTC destruction.

David Chandler: The WTC destruction originated from within. Had any form of ABL or space-based laser or DEW device been responsible, the destruction would have been observed from the tippy-top down.

Richard Gage: "When the theory does not match the evidence,..." Something like that. A quote from Dr. David Griffin.

David Chandler: David Ray Griffin describes a third principle that is fundamental to the scientific method: "None of the relevant evidence should be ignored."

Chris Bergier: Exactly! You can't ignore Dr. Judy Wood's book because she collects all sorts of evidence that need an explanation.

Richard Gage: Space beams don't explain the duration of under rubble hot-spots.

Craig McKee: I know. And neither does NT. Before I was kicked out of 9/11 Blogger, Dr. Steven Jones, who found those energetic flakes in his dust samples, wrote: "Something maintained the hot-spots, not just NT."

David Chandler: So you called this meeting to discuss psychodelic gummi candies as being that "something else?"... Shame on you for hosting this sham meeting without first making sure that we ingested said candies and at the right dosages and well before the meeting to time their maximum effect, because otherwise I'm losing my mind.

Richard Gage: Gummiworms.

Adam Syed: No. Actually. The hobby-horse predecessor to gummiworms.

David Chandler: Speak plainly, man. Who's batman and what's his hobby-horse if it isn't gummiworms?

Craig McKee: Okay. I'll spill the batman beans, but not his Bruce Wayne, because that isn't relative; is underhanded and cruel; and is a honey-pot trap that we can all see coming from miles away. The hobby-horse in question, though, is exotic 4th gen nuclear devices, and the online persona who champions it is...

ALL: {All together} "Maxwell C. Bridges" {From Law and Order: "Dun-dun"}

Craig McKee: For the record, I will never invite Max Bridges into my zoom conferences to discuss his old hobby-horse, exotic fourth gen nuclear devices.

Adam Ruff: I stand behind that decision 112%, Craig.

Gene Larantonda: I have pre-banned Maxwell from the 9/11 War Room, because he attacked nanothermite on a meme I posted on Facebook. I also unfriended him, and filter his emails directly to Trash.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Honey, remember that ST:NG episode where only Data, the android, could go down to a poisonous planet to convince the ignorant people there to accept Star Fleet assistance to avoid certain global doom? He was finally allowed to speak at a public gathering by shaming those who wanted to silence him, saying effectively "is your argument so weak, it cannot stand rational discussion and debate? Hence, you must silence your naysayers?!!"

Richard Gage: Oh, I've run across that online entity. He wrote a few comments to the AE911truth forums that were sent up the flagpole to me, where I promptly ignored them. When he made comments last year to my new substack, I deleted them. "Do not feed the trolls." Thankfully, he's never really engaged me in the zoom forums we've attended together, and I tend to leave early to avoid such entanglements.

Craig McKee: Except that he's not a troll. He's just very passionate.

Adam Ruff: No, he is a troll. And a stalker. He writes such verbose monologues, almost as bad as spamming if you ask me. Still sends me emails once a year or so even when I told him to stop. OCD-to-the-Max... well Bridges. Get it. OCD-to-the-Maxwell-Bridges.

Eric Sandstrom: I think Max and everyone on this zoom panel is either a paid agent or duped-useful troll. And they worship Satan. Except for me. Amen.

Adam Syed: Adam, Max did write circles around you. But convincingly. And you pawned yourself, first boasting you had already written up a debunking of this-or-that; having your bluff called; and then in not being able to hold a rational and legitimate discussion.

Adam Ruff: I done runned away, I did. And we all should too, from this gummiworms thesis and that dastardly Maxwell Bridges, "Senior El Once!" He'll punk and pawn all of our asses if we give him a chance.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: That's not the vibe I get. Seems pretty sincere to me.

Susan Serpa: Me, too... And if I was but twenty years younger. His picture with the short flat pork-pie hat is so regal.

Adam Ruff: That's not his picture. That's Heisenberg from the "Breaking Bad" series.

Susan Serpa: Still, he's regal in that pork-pie hat!... If I were 20 years younger.

Craig McKee: Heisenberg. Also known as Walter White. Also known as the actor Bryan Cranston. Kind of appropo to online participation. At least one glance at the profile picture, you know you're dealing with an online persona.

Gene Larantonda: Wifey, I can get a pork-pie hat like "Heisenberg" of "Breaking Bad."

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: {singing} "... you can leave your hat on..." {mute}

David Chandler: I have had my exchanges with "Mr. Bridges," which he re-purposed to his vanity blog. In fact, he was the one who purchase my copy of Dr. Wood's book "Where did the towers go?" for me to debunk.

Craig McKee: Mr. Bridges also purchased me my copy of Dr. Wood's book. He said he wanted to get us on the same literal page in the book for "the good, the bad, and the Ugly."

Norman Swanepoel: Did you read it?

David Chandler: All I saw was "Ugly." It debunks itself.

Chris Bergier: So you didn't read it.

David Chandler: I read some of it, and from what I read, Adam's assessment from above -- or was that Maxwell's assessment? -- is true. No connecting of dots; no conlusions. Thus not an end-station.

Norman Swanepoel: So you didn't read it.

David Chandler: I just said I read some of it.

Chris Bergier: So you didn't read it.

David Chandler: What? Am I dealing with a tag-teaming ChatGPT bot here? Did Dr. Judy Wood's book offer any theories that could be real-world implemented and real-world powered?

Craig McKee: Exactly to the point of the predecessor hobby-horse to gummiworms. We're talking next level Woodsian-DEW and nukes.

Adam Ruff: I didn't read Judy's book either, and I could have gotten it for free from HybridRogue116 aka William Whitten, to whom Judy's books was also gifted. Nookie-doo-doo rides again!

Richard Gage: Huh?

Adam Ruff: Nuclear-DEW, as in nuclear powered directed energy weapons. Before gummiworms and before FGNW, that's the phrase Max coined: "nuclear-DEW." Such an easy dig to belittle it by calling it "Nookie-doo-doo." And that little fucker Max just embraced the insult and ran with it!!! I liked to brag about not reading Max's comments, and filtering his emails directly into the trash.

Gene Larantonda: Yes, Adam. I just did the exact same thing of creating a filter to put his emails into the trash. Nobody bad-mouths nanothermite when I'm around.

Wayne Coste: Max tried to punk me. I presented links to my work. He went through it paragraph by paragraph and pointed out its flaws. I would in no way Facebook-friend him.

Norman Swanepoel: After my exchanges with Max on Facebook, I got out. I deleted his comments on my substack, where I also block him.

Andy Steele: I've never engaged this Bridges persona.

Adam Syed: That's coming, Andy. Seems like now that he is coming out of his shell, he's going to want to seek an audience with you, as he did for Craig and Gene, where there's already a platform he can stand on to spread his... gummi-messages.

Adam Ruff: Not reading Max's comments or articles makes everything including his sources easier to ignore. I'm proud of it. One time, I did try to read his source. I couldn't even get through the abstract of the allegedly peer-reviewed paper about exotic fourth gen nuclear weapons provided by "Mr. Bridges."

David Chandler: There was a peer-reviewed paper?

Adam Ruff: Yeah. The nut threw it at me several times in discussion, taunting me: "You don't have to debunk what I write ("Senior El Once" writes), but you do have to debunk the reference work that substantiates it if you want to undermine it." Allegedly, if it gets debunked and goes, then Max's thesis falls down from that point on.

Jon Howard: And did you?

Adam Ruff: Hell, no. I done runned away, I did.

Alfred Magaletta: I believe it was part of his presentation to our Boston 9/11 Truth. Looking it up just now, Dr. Andre Gsponer is the nuclear physicists in question.

David Chandler: There was a nuclear physicists who wrote about 9/11 nuclear exotic weapons?!!!

Susan Serpa: I haven't read it yet, but those were the claims.

Craig McKee: Actually, no. Dr. Gsponer just wrote about exotic nuclear weapons. Maxwell is the conspiracy theorist who pegs it to 9/11.

Adam Ruff: I think the bastard is playing a game with his so-called evolution in thought that goes from FGNW to gummiworms as being the primary means of WTC destruction.

Richard Gage: So gummiworms is bait-and-switch for exotic nuclear devices, is that what I'm hearing?

Gene Larantonda: That's my estimation.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: You're so manly when you say it like that.

Susan Serpa: Gene, yes, you are. I agree with Sandra, your wife. Gummiworms as a 9/11 theory, it seems so far-fetch. Something else must be afoot with this.

Alfred Magaletta: Then it is unanimous from the Boston 9/11 Truth dot org group. Gene is manly.

Chris Bergier: Well, I disagree. Not with Gene's manhood. Dr. Judy Wood wrote a 500 page, full-color book... {mute]

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Woods filed a RFC to NIST. When is Maxwell going to file his gummiworm filing against NIST or the 23 subcontractors for science fraud... {mute}

Craig McKee: I still haven't gotten to explaining to you all what makes this catch-22, and "damned if you don't and damned if you do." It has more to do with: can your hobby-horse thesis, say nanothermite or DEW, debate against gummiworms? Maybe, but not without suffering mortal wounds from the counter-arguments of gummiworms' predecessor. FGNW is in the wings and still in play, and is ready to ride in and fill the void.

Alfred Magaletta: I think I get what you're trying to say, Craig. The theory of gummiworms destroying the WTC is so crazy, you'll be tempted to ignore it, and that is a reflection of a closed-mind. You lose. But if you address the crazy gummiworms theory, you appear crazy for taking it seriously. You lose.

Craig McKee: Partly. Actually you'll be seen as sane for taking it seriously and addressing it point by point.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: And you'll be seen as compassionate for the effort. Everyone just wants to be heard.

Adam Ruff: Get to the trap part, Craig. How it boomer-rangs and dings your integrity.

Craig McKee: That is a side-effect, but not the main "nuclear yield", pun-intended. You'll catch-22 lose if, say, your replacement theory to gummi candies does not go the distance in addressing the anomalies. So like a sacrificed pawn, gummiworm dies but takes out your replacement theory. And into that void, steps Max's nookie-doo that he claims addresses all of the anomalies.

Norman Swanepoel: Do gummiworms address all of the evidence in Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 color images... {mute}

Craig McKee: As I was saying, when your 9/11 theory-du-jour is found wanting legitimately, which Mr. Bridges will lead you down the garden path into, his FGNW -- the exotic 4th gen nuclear weapons -- does an end-around and causes issues for your premise. At least while he was championing FGNW, Max thought FGNW could address the relevant evidence from Dr. Wood's book...

Adam Syed: ... Issues for your life's 9/11 Truth work, the theories that you have spent countless internet-hours championing. Man, that's a hard cognitive dissonant pill to swallow!

David Chandler: I see. If my, *cough*, weak analysis and non-conclusions about the WTC destruction are exposed in fair and legitimate debate, ...

Richard Gage: ... why, that knocks out from underneath us the very "street-cred" we earned in 9/11 Trutherism to also lead our lazy followers astray at the Pentagon.

David Chandler: Don't say the quiet parts out loud.

Gene Larantonda: I'm not worried. When Bridges attacked nanothermite recently, I pre-banned him from my 9/11 War Room.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I don't agree with that decision, love-pumpkin. He's been respectful and articulate, when he participates. Although he claims his FGNW are in the category of DEW, that dreamy, mysterious, and -- I imagine -- handsome Mr. Bridges is definitely in a different class than other Woodsian-DEWers, who are repetitive and destracting.

Chris Bergier: Doesn't address all of the evidence in Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 color images... {mute}

Craig McKee: I've known Mr. Bridges for years. Since I started my Truth and Shadows blog. If he didn't have redeeming qualities in his participation, I would have banned him from all my platforms long ago.

Adam Ruff: You did ban him.

Craig McKee: Well, once. That was because sometimes his comments -- however few and far between they were -- would inspire bad behavior in the other participants. And I was getting bad counsel. He claimed I was doing a "pre-crime" action against him, like from Tom Cruise's "Minority Report."

Adam Ruff: What do you mean "bad counsel"? Both I and HybridRogue1 were advising you behind the scenes to boot Bridges' ass.

Craig McKee: Did you see what HybridRogue1 (HR) wrote on his blog?16 All of the unhinged things he couldn't write while participating in my forum. "OCD-to-the-max" as you'd say. A real fire-hose of clever put-downs but no real substance to attack the specifics. Ad hominem at its finest, and worthy of self-implosion. Why it even continues to exist, I don't know.

Adam Ruff: HybridRogue1 was your M.V.P.!

Craig McKee: NO! I should have banned HR much sooner. Just because a sliding window of any 3000 comments to my blog would show a full third of them coming from HR, doen't make him a MVP. And what he wrote to get himself banned, and consequently what he wrote on his blog? With 20/20 hindsight, looked a lot like agent projection.

Adam Ruff: No it wasn't. I still think HybridRogue1 was your MVP. on T&S. He wrote a lot that I agreed with.

Gene Larantonda: Looks like Adam needs to get a room for him and this HybridRogue1 fella.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: If their room has cameras, wonder if we can get a live feed... Was my microphone just on when I said that?

Gene Larantonda: I don't think so, cuddle-cakes, but if the thought of watching manly truthers getting it on turns you on, ... {mute}

Craig McKee: How did we get into this rabbit-hole?

Chris Bergier: Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 full-color images... {mute}

Alfred Magaletta: Craig, you were waxing nostaglic about your blog.

Susan Serpa: I thought he was talking about getting "bad counsel".

Craig McKee: I seemed to have completely lost my train of thought.

Richard Gage: Gummiworms.

David Chandler: With or without THC.

Gene Larantonda & Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: {singing to the tune of "Oompa-Loopas" from Willy Wonka}
"gueeee-mmiiii worms,
with or without
destroyed the
Double-u Tee See
and that's Maxwell's new
nine-eleven theor-eeee."

Craig McKee: Right. We failed to address Bridges exotic 4th gen nuke premise in any legitimate fashion. Really shameful and appalling, is the condemnation, that we weren't open-minded enough to read it let alone discuss and/or debunk. But if Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is giving it the blackhole treatment, I thought I should, too.

Richard Gage: Under my leadership? Blackhole treatment? We've got our FAQ's...

Susan Serpa: Oh yeah! That was one of the Easter eggs presented to us. When pointed out, seems pretty lame for an alleged scientific organization to produce a report with such flaws, once pointed out.

Alfred Magaletta: More like a rotten egg. As I recall, the complaint was that the FAQ cherry-picked its analysis and didn't even mention all variations of nukes, with the omission starting with neutron bombs. FGNW are supposedly next gen neutron bombs.

Adam Ruff: Bridges is a rotten egg. So arrogant and high-horse with his "mister" fucking honorifics.

Susan Serpa: Does he say anything banning worthy? Is he attacking any one personally, or spamming?

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 full-color images... {mute}

Adam Ruff: Norman, you're on your last legs here. Spam this forum one more time with Dr. Judy Wood's book...

Norman Swanepoel: You'll do what? Read it? Debunk it? Resistance is futile. Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 full-color images... {mute}

Craig McKee: My word. Can't have a single conversation about deviant theories -- like gummiworms -- without agents and actors with agendas distracting us.

Gene Larantonda: Norman, just like Max, you're so destructive to discussion, you've just earned your own pre-banning from the 9/11 War Room. And your emails go directly to trash.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Way to be forceful and authoritive, love-nuts. But I think Max is different. In the few zoom meetings that I have attended with him, he was neither a Norman or a Chris.

Craig McKee: Gene, this isn't even your zoom session, Gene, to be banning or booting anybody.

Adam Ruff: You tell him, Craig. And you boot that ass-hat, Norman.

Craig McKee: Don't tell me what to do. I envisioned you as my "Andy Richter" to my "Conan," but... I don't know. Maybe you aren't laughing hard enough at my jokes.

Adam Ruff: The only joke here is Bridges.

Susan Serpa: I got the impression from things Max wrote and from seeing them interact, Norman and Chris and other Dr. Wood's champions seem to hate Maxwell, even though Max claimed his exotic nukes were in the category of DEW.

Adam Ruff: I had that PWNing punk Max, too.

Susan Serpa: Suave "Mr. Bridges" isn't here in this discussion, is he?

Alfred Magaletta: Adam, don't you mean that the only joke here is Norman and Wood's supporters?

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book with over 500 full-color images... {mute}

Gene Larantonda: Keep it up, Norman! Nothing like bad behavior to completely undermine whatever argument you might have had.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Goose-bumps, honey, you give me the way you say that.

Craig McKee: Gummibears, everyone. Focus.

Alfred Magaletta: Gummiworms, you mean.

Richard Gage: I'm lost. Where do the exotic devices end up nuking the worms of gummi?

David Chandler: I think we'll all know that about 90 minutes after we consume them.

Craig McKee: Focus.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: If I may. I think it's about our integrity and objectivity. If we can somehow muster the courage to objectively review the prospects of gummiworms destroying the WTC and debunk it here and now; if we're ready to debate its deficiencies into the ground while propping up our theory, then why couldn't we do the same for Bridge's exotic nukes?

Gene Larantonda: Because our home is a nanothermite house. It's what we've been following behind without much review since Dr. Jones introduced us to it in 2007 and proved that six spikes in the off-gassing from the debris pile... might have been nanothermite. NT is what we've invested in and where our mind share is deposited.

Susan Serpa: Gene, are you implying that NT can't be closely inspected for holes in its ability to give us answers?

Gene Larantonda: I'm saying that anybody who doesn't kow-tow to the smarts of the PhD's in the 9/11 Truth Movement, then they're idiots and can be ignored. Pre-banned.

Chris Bergier: Dr. Judy Wood has a PhD, and she didn't mislead us... {mute}

Adam Ruff: Yeah, and Dr. James Fetzer also has a PhD, and he gave us pods on planes and still supports some form of no-planes-at-the-WTC.

Jon Howland: And according to Maxwell, Dr. Steven Jones has a PhD, and might have misled the public twice. He's the nuclear physicists who allegedly debunked all forms of nuclear devices for the public and the 9/11 Truth Community; and then he filled that void with nanothermite...

David Chandler: Without our patron saint, Dr. David Ray Griffin, ... he took us so far.

Craig McKee: "Thus far, but no further." The complaint is that nanothermite is a limited hang-out.

Gene Larantonda: Don't be talking such nonsense to me! Nanothermite is a super-duper mechanism of destruction, and its energetic flakes were found in Dr. Jones' dust samples.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I can tell from your energy, Liebling, that your worm isn't so gummi in this moment, but let us recall that there are other reports that have finger prints of fission and fusion...

David Chandler: A hybrid fission-fusion device. Indeed would leave traces of fissile elements in the dust. The tritium report? What a joke. But does prove a fusion process. This, I can't take my education in physics into. It makes me look the fool for hinting all these years that Dr. Jones' NT dustified the top 20 stories, when the energy of nuclear devices, even exotic ones, is more obvious. But you bought it, which gives me license and street-cred to talk about the Pentagon plane.

Adam Ruff: Pentagon cabal! Pentagon cabal! Pentagon cabal!

Richard Gage: Wait a second, David. Your videos were a bit cagey, and didn't offer many suggestions on what could accomplish what was observed, in your lessons on high school physics applied to 9/11.

David Chandler: Don't say the quiet parts out loud.

Craig McKee: So. It isn't about the gummiworms premise, but how objectively and fairly we treat the premise. Did we state the theory correctly? Did we acknowledge its points one-by-one and show where each was valid or not?

Andy Steele: Wait a minute, Craig, this is pretty fubar. If the theory about gummiworms destroying the WTC complex at face-value seems to be shit, why go to the effort to debunk it?

Adam Ruff: Because gummiworms on 9/11 can be debunked. We have the abililty to do so. Low hanging fruit. Doing so discredits both the theory and its whacky champion, and also guilt-by-association any other theories the nutjob has in his hobby-horse's saddlebags.

Eric Sandstrom: Other theories from the same troll? Why would we care? Why don't we just turn the other cheek and ignore them all?

Craig McKee: ... Because my feelings were hurt when my journalism and research skills were questioned, and I was called incurious, unobjective, and lazy for not having looked into Bridges exotic nuke theory. I don't claim to have any skills or expertise in science, let alone nuclear physics.

Adam Syed: Don't blame you at all. When Maxwell was pedaling his nuclear mumbo-jumbo, the musician in me just tuned it out.

Craig McKee: Gummi-candies, on the other hand, is something I do know something about. Hell, I'm curious about them, and very objective in researching all that they can do, how they are made, and their potency. So, by hosting this discussion about gummiworms, I'm proving Bridges completely wrong. I'm giving air-time and consideration to his new hobby-horse, so can't fault me for blackholing it. Unlike nukes, I'm able to research the bejeesus out of his gummiworms premise... Woa... That research consumed before this session is kicking... I'm trippin' balls right now.

ALL: {All together} Hashtag me, too!

{From Law and Order: "Dun-dun"}

{Laughter, switching zoom focus from one participant's laugh -- initially louder than the rest -- being played to the other participant's speakers, being humorous in and of itself and causing them to laugh harder and louder, and resulting in lots of zoom audio focus switching between the loudest laughs at the moment that get played for the others. Repeat for a full minute.}

Alfred Magaletta: Now this is getting the feel of the '60's Peace Movement I remember.

Eric Sandstrom: So, Craig, you think addressing gummiworms head-on is going to give you back your lost integrity?

Adam Ruff: Jesus H. fucking Christ, Eric. Shut up. Ain't nobody on this planet with the integrity of Craig.

Gene Larantonda: Adam. Your language offends my Christian ears. Shame on you. May you rot in hell for that blasphamy against my Lord and Savior.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Honey, your defense of Jesus, while admirable, resembles the intolerance of the Knights Templar.

David Chandler: Why am I still here?

Richard Gage: You're here, just like I am, because we are also guilty of not taking {air double-quotes} "alternative 9/11 theories" seriously. The premise of gummiworms destroying the WTC is easily debunked. Once we do that, boom, we've discredited its champion and all other hobby-horses in that nuts stable.

Wayne Coste: You're suggesting that we legitimately consider this nonsense? Sounds a bit too good to be true.

Adam Ruff: My spider-senses are tingling... I sense a trap!

David Chandler: Of course it is a trap! We can see it coming from miles away. It reeks like the skewed objectivity test administered about Dr. Judy Wood's book by Bridges years ago.

Norman Swanepoel: How was Dr. Wood's book used as an objectivity test?

Adam Ruff: ... Oh, I can answer this. Evidently it is a bad thing to give impressions about books or reports that you haven't read and aren't going to read, even if it is gifted to you and sitting on your book shelves.

Adam Syed: Adam, are you talking about "Another Nineteen" by Kevin Ryan? Or are we still talking about Dr. Wood's book?

Adam Ruff: I didn't read either of those books. Didn't have to, to know they were crap. Just like everything Bridges writes. I'm proud to say that this high school graduate skips right over his comments, blocks him on social media, and filters his emails unread into the trash can.

Norman Swanepoel: Nothing special. I do that, too.

Gene Larantonda: That makes three of us.

Adam Syed: I unfriended him on Facebook. Not that he acted crazy, but his wild-ass exotic nuke theory was scaring the parents of my students.

Wayne Coste: I was never friended with him on Facebook, and he called me chickenshit for that.

David Chandler: I don't go to such extremes. I can actively ignore him while keeping tabs if I want. His emails to me? Most infrequent, so not hard to do.

Chris Bergier: Going back for a minute. Why were those books crap? Dr. Judy Wood is a forensics materials engineer and in her book Dr. Wood analyzed...

Gene Larantonda: Nothing... Dr. Wood analyzed nothing.

Norman Swanepoel: Did you read Dr. Wood's book?

Gene Larantonda: Didn't have to, to know they were crap.

Susan Serpa: Did Dr. Wood do a forensics investigation into 9/11 gummiworms, and is she available to talk about it at Boston 9/11 Truth dot org?

Andy Steele: Craig, this is pretty fubar. You're saying that 9/11 gummiworms is worthy of being discussed and debated in a legitimate fashion? I'm not sure that I agree that the effort is worth it, but my own private research into this bat-shit crazy theory is also... woa... kicking in. So, whatever man.

Jon Howland: So, considering exotic nukes in a legitimate fashion: not a thing. But going full hog against 9/11 gummiworms: that's what is called for? I'm curious.

Eric Sandstrom: I knew Bridges was an infiltrator and conplicit in the cover-up of 9/11, and gummiworms proves it. But it does confuse me, Bridges strategy to jump mid-stream from his exotic nuke hobby-horse onto gummiworms laced with THC.

Jon Howland: That is some real three-dimensional chess thinking there, Eric, and worth considering. I've seen Bridges ride his exotic hobby-horse against nanothermite and DEW, and prevail. If he's already beat them, why support now something as stupid as gummiworms?

Adam Ruff: You did not see exotic nukes prevail.

Jon Howland: Maybe you're right, but I did see his opponents and their theories punched silly up against the ropes even before dropping them exotic horse-apples.

Susan Serpa: He called them 9/11 Easter Eggs. Purposeful errors inserted into reports and analysis that makes them less-than trustworth.

Richard Gage: I think you're all barking up the wrong tree. Only in doing research for this gummi-thesis personally will I admit that his feedback submissions to the AE9/11Truth website did percolate up to me, where I personally put them into the circular file. Why? Because I didn't have an answer, didn't have a counter-argument, and lots of time, effort, and money have been invested in the consensus nanothermite work. Doubled-down on that, because I didn't want to leave a void.

Alfred Magaletta: That sounds like you knew your theory was wrong and Maxwell's was probably better, yet you chose to throw good money after bad in supporting the weaker theory.

Andy Steele: I'm being absolutely blown away here. Was this persona, this Max Bridges, did he exhibit bad internet etiquette, bad behavior, bad language?

Adam Ruff: Just the fucking opposite. Very arrogant as if looking down from his high horse. Him and his "mister" honorifics, man did that ever stick in my craw, and couldn't get him banned for cause from nowhere.

Andy Steele: So he's reasonable.

Craig McKee: And rational, and articulate, and educated, and researched. Just like my attacks on VP Harris get skewed in favor of Trump, Max would ride in on his hobby-horse and attack and shit on established 9/11 consensus theories, that by extension worked in favor of his hobby-horse without actually plugging his hobby-horse, because I wouldn't let him anymore, and I did ban him from T&S eventually, but not for his participation per se, but for the exhuberance of his personal detractors.

Andy Steele: His hobby-horse was exotic nukes, right? But now his theory is gummiworms. Doesn't seem logical. Doesn't seem like anything to worry about.

Jon Howland: I disagree. He debunked nanothermite, deep-underground nukes, and DEW from afar. Tried to create a massive void in 9/11 understanding -- prime the pump, as it were, in viewing those theories as incomplete. Then he'd try to get his alternative theory to fill the void. Solid debate strategy.

Andy Steele: Wait. You're saying he managed to cast lots of shade onto nanothermite... BEFORE introducing his theory? That's cra-cra.

Eric Sandstrom: I know, what a nut job.

Andy Steele: No, that's not what I mean. What's cra-cra is the nanothermite theory having such glaring weaknesses to put it out of commission.

Chris Bergier: Yes, nanothermite has weaknesses because 9/11 destruction was neither kinetic nor thermic, according to Dr. Wood.

Gene Larantonda: Don't you start. Nanothermite has no weaknesses.

Norman Swanepoel: Dr. Judy Wood's work has no weaknesses.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Not true. Maxwell debunked Dr. Wood and her version of DEW, too, and raised weighty questions about nanothermite being able to accomplish it.

Gene Larantonda: We don't got to worry, dear. Who cares what doubt is created, if what you have to replace it -- gummiworms -- is the most ludicrous of them all?

Andy Steele: No, we do have to care, and it does make a difference. Maybe we need to separate the deficiencies in a given premise that we support from the varying premises battling to fill its void when vanquished.

Eric Sandstrom: Oh, snap! He's right. You don't have to know the correct mechanisms of destruction in order to debunk the theories that don't address all of the evidence.

Andy Steele: And we know gummiworms -- with or without THC -- is wrong as 9/11 theories go.

Jon Howland: So if DEW and NT, according to Max, can be debunked as the primary mechanisms of WTC destruction, and if his new gummiworm theory can be debunked even faster, what's the point? And why not double down on his exotic fourth gen nukes, which really did kind of make more sense?

Andy Steele: Maybe the gummiworm theory is a trojan hobby-horse.

Adam Ruff: Fuck me in the ass! That's it! A trojan hobby-horse! That's Max's stra-tee-gery. That's the trap!

Adam Syed: Gummiworms destroying the WTC are a trojan-hobby horse? For what? What's on the inside of the trojan horse?

Craig McKee: Oh, shit, you're right! I didn't see that... Good thing I did my personal gummi research so I can see the connections. The exotic nukes are in the belly of the trojan gummiworm, and will spring out once the trojan gummiworms have gotten us to take it seriously but after it guts our treasured demolition beliefs.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: This is giving me a headache. Gummiworms is clearly wrong.

David Chandler: Gummiworms don't need to be right to inflict damage to nanothermite and the reputations of those who champion it. The Gummiworms concept is designed to die and be sacrificed in the very struggle that critically wounds nanothermite.

Norman Swanepoel: No problem, because Dr. Judy Wood wrote a 500 page book that has no flaws...

Chris Bergier: I studied engineering and am building two houses and Dr. Judy Wood in her 500 page book says 9/11 was neither thermic nor kinetic...

Andy Steele: Craig, this is pretty fubar. You're saying that 9/11 gummiworms is a fake premise whose only purpose is to get swiftly debunked?

Adam Ruff: No, not its only purpose, Andy. You underestimated that OCD Bridges bastard. First it's gonna donkey kick the pet theories of Dr. Wood and Dr. Jones, then it will get debunked and leave a crater in our understanding.

Andy Steele: How can you be so sure DEW and NT are going to fall?

Adam Ruff: Because I've seen it happen to nanothermite. Not that I cared about DEW.

Susan Serpa: Maxwell's presentation to our group had a lot of Easter Eggs, and it seemed to me a number of them attempted to show why nanothermite and DEW as promoted were not probable.

Wayne Coste: The gummiworm theory may very well be a trojan horse, and its little exotic hobby-horse gestating inside is just chomping at the bit to jump out and nuke the 9/11 Truth Movement.

David Chandler: How the chickens come home to roost. We're catch-22-ed if we stick with our present game plan of ingoring and blackholing, because it ain't very objective or open-minded to dismiss out-of-hand without reading. Lordy knows, I was ambushed on that front and got bloody noses trying that tactic against a gifted copy of Dr. Wood's book. Not fun.

And if we do engage, catch-22! WHAM! You find your pet theory with its back on the mat gasping for air, because this nutty nookie hobby-horse has donkey-kicked holes in its sides. Our pet theories will be knocked out from underneath us.

Alfred Magaletta: Are you admitting that your theory is incomplete and has weaknesses that undermine it?

Gene Larantonda: Nano-thermite is very much complete and has no undermining weaknesses.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Genie-beenie, baby. Please try to be less dogmatic. It is okay to be wrong and have been misled. Remember, we all thought, in the 9/11 Truth Movement, that it was controlled demolition using conventional explosives throughout the first few years. Then something else came along, from a PhD no less, that made us re-think and change our minds to get behind nanothermite, even though it really wasn't found in the dust samples of others.

Gene Larantonda: I am the Christian alpha male of our new patriarchical household, and your wife-y role is not to question my authority.

Susan Serpa: Oh, dearie me, Sandra. What have you gotten yourself into?

Alfred Magaletta: Gene, I hardly know you, but this is where you shut-up and immediately go out and buy her favorite candies. Probably not gummiworms, but maybe chocolates.

Eric Sandstrom: They make THC-infused chocolates. But I'm fine with God-fearing Gene exerting is Holy Bible endowed masculine authority over his woman.

Craig McKee: Eric, I'm not married and have no special friend at the moment, but neither are you. Not sure you can be so confident in your Christianity thingy.

Adam Ruff: Right you are, boss. But Eric was right about the whacky chocolates being available.

Richard Gage: Get a grip, everybody. This is not a marriage counseling session, Christian or not. And gifting a loved one THC chocolate turtles is one way to give them an unpleasant experience.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I know my way around a bong, Richard. But thanks for your concern about getting a toxic dosage. Chocolate turtles does sound rather binge worthy.

Gene Larantonda: And I know about beer-bongs, my preferred get-intoxicated-quickly method.

Norman Swanepoel: THC-infused chocolate turtles were not written about in Dr. Judy Wood's 500 page book as having caused the WTC destruction.

Chris Bergier: 9/11 evidence is what Dr. Wood presented, no theories. And she did this before these special gummi-candies were readily available.

Jon Howland: What is with these Woodsian-DEW nuts? They know their PhD'ed savior isn't an end-station on what destroyed the WTC.

Eric Sandstrom: That Norman guy is a joke. Obvious SHILL, as is everyone here. It's hard to tell who is genuine and who isn't but one thing for certain there is complicity under the guys of 911 truth that's for sure. Like David Chandler is a no-brainer Wayne COSTE is another no-brainer there's a few other no-brainers would you agree? Paid shills.

Richard Gage: Is that "under the guys" phrase coded for homosexuality? Or did you mean "under the guise"?

David Chandler: There's nothing wrong with getting paid and putting food on our families' tables.

Eric Sandstrom: What about GAGE? He's never spoke one word about Shanksville yet he is "unleashed" and he gives more than credence to Chandler and Company in regards to 77 hitting the pentagon.

Judy is a plant. No doubt. The other thing is what she puts on the table I have no reason to deny concerning DEW's but she denies thermite and then the other camp denies her direct energy it's like purposed infighting purposed confusion.

Craig McKee: This has been pointed out to me in the past. Neither camp completely debunks the other. Neither camp picks up the complaints Bridges has against the other, because both camps need to survive to feed the disinformation.

Eric Sandstrom: Don't take it too personal. I used to think Adam Ruff was good. Only to learn he's obviously part of the truth movement sham.

He had nothing but bad things to say about Bridges. He just seemingly always lead people into confusion. He gets way off topic and doesn't seem to strive for unity. He has nothing to say in regard to hope of a real investigation coming from the lawyers committee even though I understand them to be part of the SHAM today also. Perhaps Bridges is just one that likes to flex his ego, I don't know. I'm sure some people, like All SHILLS, I have wrong but I will say this to Bridges. Whether he is a agent or not, his actions satiate the disinformation campaigns desires. That's for sure.

PS what are your thoughts of those propagating no air planes hit the twin towers?

Adam Ruff: Craig, we need to shut down the no plane bullshit now!

Eric Sandstrom: Oh I saw from Bridges comments, he is a Judy fan. I knew there was a profound element of his involvement. That girl flat out denies thermite, even though it was found. There's even video of it in action. How can Bridges deny such, at the same time how can he support such a denier? Tough being professional deceivers/liars, eh?

Wayne Coste: Ok-dokie. Clearly the effects are waining, so let's charge up the cannons and torch up a bowl, or pop the top of the can of your favorite beer bong. Just don't use cheap beer in the beer-bong. This conversation requires the higher alcohol content of a specialty beer or IPA.

Adam Ruff: A double-Pilsner or double-IPA would be a good choice. See if you can keep it down, Eric you nutter.

Andy Steele: So, DEW, nukes, and no-planes have been officially broached here. When's flat-earth and faked moon-landings going to be promoted?

Craig McKee: I'll take "fake moon-landings" for a hundred, Alex Trebek.

Adam Syed: It's times like this when I am grateful for my local dispensery.

Gene Larantonda: {Holds a tall-boy can of Coors side-ways and uses his boy scout knife to punch a hole in the side that is facing upwards.}

Imma not gonna wait for the new gummies to kick in. This calls for direct action.

{Puts his mouth over the hole, tilts his head backwards so hole is now at the bottom with his mouth still over it, and pops the can lid with a big "Pzzzzttt".}

{Adam Syed, Adam Ruff, Andy Steele, and Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda are no longer seen from their cameras but all three microphones picked up the sounds of flicking lighters followed by gurgling bong water.}

Susan Serpa: You're supposed to be doing your tailgating and pre-gaming before the game.

Adam Syed: {Leans over to be in view of his camera, and a cloud of smoke exits his mouth and obscures his details from the camera.}

The game went into over-time, and we're losing our edge.

Adam Ruff: {Not visible on camera. Coughs and starts hacking up a lung, and a billow of smoke appears on camera from where Adam sits off-camera}

Good stuff, *cough* *cough* *cough*

Gene Larantonda: {With beer dripping down his chin onto his t-shirt that says "9/11 was an inside job", let's out a long burp.}


Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: {Blinking into the camera.}

So that's your first name. What's your last name.

Gene Larantonda: BBBbbbbuuuurrrrp!

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: {Giggles}

Alfred Magaletta: Just like the Vietnam peace movement. Deja vu all over again.

David Chandler: Why am I still here? Whether injested or installed in the elevator shafts, King-Kong and gummiworms got nothing on me.

Richard Gage: Aren't you worried about the damage this gummiworms thesis can do to your legacy?

David Chandler: Not at all. I was cagey and tried not to speculate into destructive means. I knew Bridges was in the wings to rodeo-ride whatever destructive premise I let slip out. Only a couple of times did it slip that the observed pulverizing effects, like in the upper twenty stories, was pretty anomalous.

Wayne Coste: I'm worried. I've been jumping the NT shark for so long. And Bridges has submitted already three different versions of his exotic fourth gen nukes to the esteemed International Center of 9/11 Justice.

David Chandler: I already told Ted Walter that I wasn't reviewing that.

Eric Sandstrom: Is Bridges going to recant those submissions and make a new one with gummiworms?

Jon Howland: I doubt that, particularly if gummiworms is a trojan horse.

Craig McKee: Three versions to IC911? Why three?

Wayne Coste: Oh, we were jerking his chain on the first version, which was pretty close to what was on his blog. Ten thousand words, and we were playing dumb like "we don't know how to open an HTML file," "we don't know how to open HTML in Word," and "we don't know how to generate a PDF from HTML" so we can distribute something for comment.

Adam Ruff: Ten thousant words?!! That is just like the verbose and wordy twat.

Wayne Coste: Actually, it was only two thousand words when you opened the HTML file in your browser, which everyone at IC911 was too nervous to do because it had embedded Javascript that we figured the nut had programmed something nefarious into. All of his references were collapsed and not visible until you clicked on them, which required that Javascript to open. It only bloated to ten K when you expanded all of the references.

Adam Syed: What about the second version?

Wayne Coste: He stripped out all of the references and came in at two K words. But I should mention on the first and second versions, we stone-walled and slow-walked with the best of them, and delayed feedback for months.

Adam Syed: What feedback did you provide?

Wayne Coste: Very fucking little. We're not going to help this psycho hone his exotic fourth gen argument. We said destruction audio signatures could be anything. But the real gem was to tell Max to tie his nuclear premise more closely to the data tables on the dust from, say, USGS.

Andy Steele: Did he?

Wayne Coste: No. Such a fucking clever weasel. In his review of both the USGS dust analysis and that of Paul Lioy, he noted that both of them have plain text explanations for most of the elements in the data tables, but then both have glaringly nothing to explain Uranium and its decay elements. That right there, that omission, is proof that both reports weren't faithful to their analysis. Thus, the actual values in the data tables, particularly for the things observed omitted from the explanations, could not be trusted at face-value, you know, "in for a penny, in for a pound."

So the weasel in his third version does not tie his fabled exotica nukeramas to specific measurements of fissile material from the tables, calling it "a fool's errand."

Andy Steele: Wait, what did you say? "Fissile material."

David Chandler: Man, Wayne old-buddy, do you get chatty with your Sativa. I got this, though. I have a bachelor of fucking science degree in physics, which I earned well before I went back for a teaching certificate. I might not teach about nuclear physics to my high school studies, but I was mastering it like a champ as early as my second semester of college physics, because it came up in the physics class that all physics and engineering majors were required to take.

So when it dawns on you that I'm not the only holder of a professional degree who had college physics classes within their first years that taught..., well, enough to see the fingerprints of a fission process in the dust that Prager described as: "Uranium and its decay elements in correlated quantities sample-to-sample."

Woo-hoo!!! These gummiworms are really kicking in! Mighty fine! Now I get to be chatty! Hold-on to your seats!

Yes, both reports in their dust analysis exhibit in their data tables the fingerprints for fission while omitting explaining the reason for such elements to be present.

But Richard Gage and Wayne Coste! Get this factoid and insider joke. Neither nanothermite, nor RDX, nor other chemical-based explosives were listed in either reports' data tables. Guess where we're gonna be screwed.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch,... I lost my train of thought.

Andy Steele: You seemed to be saying that two different reports on the dust exposed a fission process?

Richard Gage: Sorry, let's just push that onto the stack for a moment. I want to go back to something David Chandler said. Idiot. The purpose of those reports were to find base elements from the periodic table. The purpose wasn't to find mixtures of things, and nanothermite would only have appeared in those reports as part of its particular base elements.

Furthermore, Richard, I was no dummy in the classes I took for architecture, where some physics was required as well. It might not have been nuclear physics, I knew where to look and how to look to educate myself. Geesh, the college bookstore had the books for physics 111 right next to the books for physics 101 and physics 201. And I absolutely loved the card catalog in the math/physics library, where you could look up out-of-print but still-relevant physics textbooks that could educate me on the semester class I did not take.

But screw that! I had hair, and I was popular. I could just borrow my frat brother's physics book for a couple hours and learn about fission process.

Now let's pop Andy's question back off the stack. *Beep* *boop* *beep* *boop* {broad cannibis smile}

Yes, man, David and I have been working like gang-busters to distract our 9/11 truther audience mostly from the fact that a 9/11 fission process has been staring them in the face from those reports all this time!

Wayne Coste: I debated Maxwell on those very topics. I had been warned about him, so when he saw a comment of mine in a shared group, I declined to FB friend him. No way did I want him in my FB feed.

And boy did he ding my integrity under the guise I'm the one who is not allowing us to publicly discuss his theory and mine. Made me look absolutely silly, because I was clearly evading.

Oh, yeah. I remember bragging about an article that I wrote, and taunting those in the discussion forum, particularly Maxwell, to find its errors.

You know what that fucker did? He found them. Section-by-section, paragraph-by-paragraph, and sometimes even sentence-by-sentence. The piece of shit didn't just look into the reference notes, the asswipe followed the links into source documents, like FAQ #15 from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Did he stop there? No. He even went into the reference notes and source material of those sources, like Jeff Prager.

So after he did all of this research, the OCD dip-shit makes a posting in the FB group where we overlap in membership. The postings topic was a URL to my fucking paper... debunking all forms of 9/11 nuclear involvement, nothing major. So it could be discussed. God, if the nimrod didn't make a series of a dozen or so top-level comments that each addressed and quoted from a different section of my paper.

The intent was for my FB reply to each of those comments that critiqued my work actual defend my work.

Hell, I wasn't falling for that gambit. I ignored them. I don't need to defend my work. And where? Deep within the bowels of Facebook!

Richard Gage: I hadn't heard this story, Wayne. If the AE9/11Truth FAQ were a source for your work, did Max review it? Sounds like he did. What was his critique?

Wayne Coste: Don't play coy, Richard. Just because you don't engage him, delete his comments from your substack, doesn't mean the OCD truther didn't have engagement with you, even if one-sided, that then find their way to his vanity blog collection of "FGNW Discussions."

So you tell us how he flamed the FAQ.

Richard Gage: Only because these gummiworms have more candy material than my regular individual gummibears, and wacking out the THC dosage I'm used to... for the sake of researching this fabulous 9/11 theory: "gummiworms destroyed the WTC on 9/11." You guys taunt me with chatty? I'll give you chatty... while I munch on this corn chip... Oh, that's so good.

In the comments from Mr. Bridges that I deleted from substack, he seemed to take great offense to the terminology of the FAQ #15 that hinged on the phrase "nuclear blast." Mumbo-jumbo. A blast is a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosiong. A blast is an explosion or explosive firing, especially of a bomb. A blast is a strong gust of wind or air.

Evidently, such an occurence would have been very loud with all that decompression of the air. Shit, even Dr. Shyan Sunder of NIST said as much, although he was talking about WTC-7 column 47 and the amount of conventional explosives needed to achieve would have been deafening within a half-a-mile.

None of the audio evidence exhibits decibel signatures expected from either chemical-based explosives or "a nuclear blast."

And then came... Dr. Andre Gsponer reference.

David Chandler: Dr. Andre Gsponer? Say no more.

Wayne Coste: Indeed. Dr. Andre Gsponer. Shut up, and run-away!

Norman Swanepoel: Back away from the name, Dr. Andre Gsponer, because he is not Dr. Judy Wood!

Chris Bergier: Just because Dr. Andre Gsponer is the next-level speculation that can be real-world powered from Dr. Wood's 500 page book full of pictures and no conclusions,... means nothing.

Andy Steele: Who's this Dr. Gsponer? Why are you guys freaking out!

Gene Larantonda: Ignore Dr. Gsponer. You did not hear the name Dr. Andre Gsponer here.

David Chandler: You did not hear the name Dr. Andre Gsponer, ever.

Richard Gage: Listen to the soothing sound of my voice as your eyes get droopy and I confidently tell you that Dr. Andre Gsponer has no relevance to the FAQ #15 or the truth movement at all.

Adam Ruff: I recall Dr. Gsponer! Danger, Will Robinson! DANGER!

Andy Steele: What is going on here? There's no Dr. Gsponer in the 9/11 Truth Movement. What's the big deal?

Jon Howland: I've read Bridges' theory. I was curious and followed the white rabbit from his theory via his reference notes to the very reputable science journal's download page for the PDF to a 2005 peer-reviewed paper by nuclear physicist Dr. Andre Gsponer. Topic? Something with fourth generation nuclear weapons in the title.

Talk about dinging the integrity of our esteemed PhD'ed for their proven shoddy literature research into all forms of nuclear involvement that Dr. Gsponer's papers & books and others similar weren't considered in their literature review!

Richard Gage: That has nothing to do with anything. We fairly debunked nuclear blasts. End of story.

Susan Serpa: I don't recall much from Mr. Bridges Easter Egg presentation, but I did understand that these new fangled exotic weapons didn't really have a blast wave. They released most of their nuclear yield as a cone output beam of highly-energetic neutrons. These went through material and left behind energy.

Alfred Magaletta: Thank you for that refresher. Wasn't there something about heat, I mean massive heat, being suddenly deposited throughout the entirety of the molecular structure of the material it passed through?

Susan Serpa: Yes, and therefore the outcome of this are the many anomalies observed, but with a softer audio signature, because it isn't a "blast wave" pushing air.

Richard Gage: Susan, listen to my calming and assured voice as I remind you that WTC-7, according to NIST, had in its second demolition stage 8 stories of collapse that was instiguishable from free-fall.

David Chandler: Hey, Richard! That's my line.

Alfred Magaletta: Yes, so couldn't it be that several of the exotic neutron output beaming devices, say, strategically positioned in several places on or near the ground floor of WTC-7 couldn't be aimed upwards to zap that magical column 47 as well as all content caught in their output cones?

In fact, those eight stories of free-fall in WTC-7: doesn't that pretty much denote the effective range of these exotica weapons that Bridges, or this Dr. Andre Gsponer fella, describe?

David Chandler: I can neither confirm nor deny this... kwazy two-eerie.

Richard Gage: Good point. I can neither confirm nor deny this... silly notion

Alfred Magaletta: Okay then, how about WTC-4? It's main edifice was nine stories tall, but it was completely dustified, and it appeared to me that the wall assemblies from its nearest tower were insufficient to have "power-driver pancake-collapsed". So maybe nine floors is the effective range of these new nukes.

And WTC-6 had a crater bored out of its middle. How many stories was it? And how neat vertically were the holes.

Norman Swanepoel: Hey, Alfred. Please don't step on my lines. Did you say "dustification"? If you did, that's mine. But it's not mine. "Dustification" is really Dr. Judy Wood's coinage...

Nevermind the history lesson, WTC-5 had need bore-holes as well that I say, and Dr. Wood only implies -- because she connects no dots and draws no conclusions --, came from above. Which would mean ABL, aka airborne laser, or could mean beams-from-space.

Chris Bergier: Why didn't Dr. Wood consider mounting her DEW devices within the structures? Why did it get framed as "beams-from-space?"

Norman Swanepoel: Chris, you might as well be asking why Dr. Wood didn't power her non-conclusive speculation with something real-world and abundant, like nuclear powered DEW? The reason is that she suffered from the same academic flaws in researching both nuclear devices and even DEW, it turns out, as that bastard Bridges tried to rub my nose in it.

She missed neutron bombs, and all the work of Dr. Andre Gsponer. For that matter, so did Dr. Steven Jones.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Norman, good job of effectively trashing your matron saint with that gummi admission. But why are you dragging into this my husband's hero, Dr. Steven Jones, the discoverer and founder of the nanothermite theories for the benefit of the world and especially the 9/11 Truth Movement?!! How dare you? And just what crime do you think you are charging Dr. Jones with?

To my untrained eye, you seem to be saying both neutron bombs and the devices described in Dr. Andre Gsponer's paper were missed in the literature review of the esteemed and scholarly sole nuclear physicist dedicated (formerly, now retired) to the 9/11 Truth Movement, is that what I'm hearing? Dr. Jones allegedly did shitty research into his own God-Damn field of nuclear study?!!

Do you expect me just to turn around and go, "WTF?" I'll not give you the satisfaction.

For the sake of discussion, if Dr. Jones' omissions did exist in his efforts to debunk all forms of nuclear involvement for the 9/11 Truth Movement, this would have no bearing or effect on Dr. Jones nanothermite theory, because nanothermite does not break down as a base element to "Uranium and its decay elements" as actually found in two different dust reports.

Gene Larantonda: Oh, baby! The way you got my truther back and defend my nanothermetic hero, so sexy. You raise more than just my praise, sugar-bumpkins!

Susan Serpa: Ooops, I'm sorry to interrupt, dearies. Sandra, well if nanothermite doesn't break down to those radioactive, I suppose, elements, what does and why were they present? Certainly beams from space or from an aircraft wouldn't be leaving trace elements of fission in the dust. What would?

And it is pretty ironic in that Dr. Wood didn't speculate having nuclear powered DEW, or configuring DEW to be ignited from within the buildings.

And now that I am on my soapbox, shame on you Norman and you Judy Wood fans! You claim to have read her book but didn't realize she connects no dots and draws no conclusions on purpose. She only provides an excellent outlet for the evidence and the anomalies. Yet here you go, disrupting the forums with your bad behavior. It gets damn repetive and the discussion never moves forward from your interruption, by design.

"Dr. Judy Wood said blah"...

But Norman, you certainly tucked and ran from Bridges. It seems he read the book that you promote, but maybe understands it, and its limitations, a might bit better, could that be it?

I get the impression that you're not sincere about the truth, because why else wouldn't you acknowledge the weaknesses -- no conclusions -- and be ever on the lookout for "something else" that does check all of the boxes. I was hearing that FGNW was doing it. In the category of DEW, too.

I do not like being lied to and misdirected. But I think your bad behavior had alterior motives, whereby it would easy for "something else" "in the category of DEW" to be smeared and pre-judged from your actions. Some misdirection I will not stand for.

Easter Eggs and nuggets of truth was the message that stuck.

Craig McKee: "Nuggets of Truth" is a coinage from Mr. Bridges. Said it was the only thing that made spelunking down disinformation rabbit-holes worthwhile. Supposedly, all disinformation has a foundation of truth to make the deceit feel grounded and real.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Wasn't tritium one of Maxwell's discovered Easter Eggs? Found in the run-off to WTC-6. Let that sink in. Not run-off from the towers, but run-off from WTC-6: the Custom's House; vaults for confiscated items in the basement; had a big crater bored out of its middle, 8 stories through, but FEMA spelunkers confirms that the vaults -- whatever their actual damage -- had been emptied before a dustified tower collapsed on it.

I remember the Easter Eggs that Maxwell told us to look for in any of the videos showing the destruction of the towers. During the destruction of WTC-2 at a point in time when falling wall assemblies are still moments from hitting the street level, you see a rising plume of content rich gray clouds: right where the main edifice of WTC-4 was.

Likewise during the destruction of WTC-1, same anomaly of fresh rising plume of content rich gray clouds, but from where WTC-6 is. Could it be, that was the moment when the WTC-6 crater was created?

Did nanothermite create that creator? A compliment about Dr. Wood's book are her pictures, and this is also true for Norman's 9/11 Revisionist substack pages on 9/11. He's got great pictures of WTC-4 and WTC-6. And WTC-5.

But back to tritium. A building block of most fusion devices? Although Dr. Andre Gsponer was writing about pure fusion devices as fourth gen, the late-3rd and early-4th gen devices were hybrid fission-fusion. Uranium in the dust: fission; tritium in the run-off: fusion. Put them both together: hybrid fission-fusion. Staring us in the face from those reports.

I do not understand why Dr. Steven Jones would accept the mischaracterizations and conclusions of the stilted & scope-limited "Tritium Report" that ultimately re-defined "trace levels" to be fifty-five times greater than they were previoiusly.

Gene Larantonda: I can see you're upset, but now you seem to be attacking my hero. Like out of one-side your mouth: "Dr. Jones discover nanothermite only in his dust samples". But the other side of your mouth is saying: "Dr. Jones did a shitty job of researching nuclear devices and omitted mentioning the important ones from Dr. Gsponer."

Woman, no! When you attack a man's work, well... Let me start over. When you address and attack a man, that is ad hominem. But when attack that man's work, what's that called? Criticism. Now ask yourself if the criticism is valid or not. And if it is, by golly, that's as if you attacked the man, but isn't an ad hominem, ironicly.

So, honey, let's assume the best for your argument that the criticism of Dr. Jones' work is totally valid and his omission of Dr. Gsponer or related research is fucking damning shame, what we still have here is you attacking his work, and what is man when he don't have work or something to do? It's the very type of slaves that the Ananaki designed us to be when they gene spliced their own DNA into a branch of the sapiens existing on the planet at the time, giving a leap-frog effect in evolution, and rise to the scripture of Genesis in the Holy Bible when it said God, the Ananaki, created man in his own Ananaki image and likeness!

I don't know if I can reconcile such smears to two branches of Dr. Jones's work, and hence to Dr. Jones' reputation itself that my darling's statements hit home. I'm getting headaches, real and piercing cognitive dissonance headaches, just like the non-truthers get when exposed to the depths of the 9/11 conspiracies.

Maybe fetch me another Coors from the frig, and I'll forgive you such blasphamy against my hero and discoverer of nanothermite only in his dust samples, Dr. Jones.

Craig McKee: Dudes. I'm hearing a lot of things being voiced in this discussion that are deja vu with Maxwell and totally strange hearing the gummi-admissions.

Full disclosure. Maxwell early on used to send me copies of his essays in search of feedback, and then later with links. I never did provide feedback. Not even once on the glaring typos, or stupid logic fallacies. He would read my work within the day of its posting, and his comment would identify the few typos or inconsistencies in language for me to quickly fix and re-publish. Did me a solid, Maxwell did. But I, as a seasoned journalist and often tasked with proofreading the works of other writers, would not once do him that simple favor of review and feedback.

My mentors within AE9/11Truth served to validate my actions in not giving this kooky exotic nookie-doo thing any sort of a platform, no corral to run around in and buck-off challengers. No articles from me on the subject. No guest articles from him, particularly as the theory evolved. No zoom conferences, even if Batman is willing to show his Bruce Wayne on camera.

Dude always said, his nuclear hobby-horse had still had potentially figuratively for lots of nuclear fallout, to reputations.

Alfred Magaletta: I am absolutely flabbergasted. I feel so used and betrayed. You guys with the science and engineering credentials. You leaders of the 9/11 Truth Movement. You were suppose follow the science and truth whereever it led, and you didn't.

Where is the Chandler video on WTC-4 or WTC-6? Where is the AE9/11Truth FAQ on WTC-4 or WTC-6? Almost a quarter century and a big incomplete there, not a single science based article talking about the weight and kinetic energy of a several tower wall assemblies still connected together and falling a great height onto WTC-4 and flattening it, or creating WTC'6 crater down to street level with unspecified damage to its underground vaults. I was expecting experiments and high school physics to show how falling wall assemblies can dustify the main edifice to WTC-4... {Law and Order: "Dun-dun"} before said wall assemblies reaches that point.

And once it's pointed out the scope-limiting and stilting of various FAQ's.

Fucking deja vu with the Vietnam Peace Movement in terms of infiltration, and solidifying the mantra from those in power: "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it."

This is JFK all over again, only the magic bullet are the government's own reports that prove a hybrid fission-fusion process, only don't look there; don't connect that dot. So much god-damn manipulation. I understand the information was on short supply and trickled out over time, but at quarter of a century we ought to have been able to see the gaps and pieced things together -- with the blatantly obvious exotic nuclear devices described by Dr. Andre Gsponer, even in books he wrote in the mid-1990's.

Richard Gage and David Chandler! Et tu, Brute!

NOTE TO READERS: This is a fictional zoom meeting portrayed by actors with names identical to the real people being mocked. No harm is intended to the actual person this character is named after. The following is just a plot device to keep the readers interested, and no harm was inflicted on the actor in the scene. And we love you, Alfred, and wish you as long a life as you desire!}

Alfred Magaletta: {Seen on camera: Alfred suddenly grabs his chest with both hands and does several moments of convulsing in his chair. Actor portraing Alfred can ad-lib and extend this death scene on camera adding more drama. But finally comes back to rest, slumped but head tipped forward onto keyboard, and the camera focused on the bald spot on top of his head.}

Susan Serpa: Alfred?!! Honey!!! Are you all right? Someone call 9/11. Oh wait, I'll call 9/11, because I have his contact information from our time in Boston 9/11 Truth.

Andy Steele: Holy shit! Did Alfred's anger at the leadership of the 9/11 Truth Movement kill him?!! His realization that they were infiltrators, stone-wallers, and slow-walkers for the powers to keep us from the gummiworm truth about 9/11 literally broke his heart!

Gene Larantonda: I would like to say a few Christly words about this, while Alfred's spirit still lingers near his computer and we can see it pixelate on our monitors.

Eric Sandstrom: Why do you get to say them, and not me. I'm more Christian than you. My Christian church congegration is larger than yours, Genie-beenie.

Craig McKee: As the journalists in our midst, I call it upon myself to write Alfred's conspiracy theory obituary. He will forever be remembered for today, and vetting the exotic nuclear theory. The truth movement and the peace movement will both forever be in his debt. His name will go down in 9/11 Truth History!

Alfred Magaletta, we miss you and your cranky attitude already! Alas, you, Alfred Magaletta, are the latest victim of 9/11 from nearly a quarter century ago, dying trying to get to the truth of 9/11 and being toxically shocked at how massively the 9/11 Truth Movement was conned and blackhole treatment inflicted.

Andy Steele: For sure, but Craig write in Al's obituary that it was the cognitive dissonance shock, and not a shock induced by a toxic dosage of THC from the gummiworm trojan horse that we all chewed through.

Richard Gage: Yeah, if the authorities are on the way to Alfred's house, I think I'm gonna skeddadle from this Zoom. But before I leave, listen to my smooth calming voice and repeat after me: "Richard Gage follows the truth, and will follow the truth even if it is exotic nuclear devices." Call me if someone breaks ranks on the stone-walling, and I'll be all over it. I can see where this will nuclear energize the 9/11 movement...

Norman Swanepoel: Just because Dr. Wood had no conclusions, doesn't mean we should be jumping immediately onto the gummiworm premise that comes much closer to... checking all the boxes. But yeah, my condolences to Alfred's family, and sorry that members of my Woodsian-DEW disinfo team defaced the Zoom white board of Boston 9/11 Truth's meeting with dick graffiti. Gotta run.

Chris Bergier: Oh, hey, and me, too. I'm building two houses, so haven't read up on Dr. Judy Wood's criticism, and failed to follow the links that were provided several times to read the premise that allegedly takes Woodsian-DEW to the next-level with nuclear DEW. These gummiworms really do it; next-level.

Adam Syed: My how time flies. Alfred, I never knew you. Hope you pass well. My next violin student is here, so I'm signing off.

David Chandler: Sad for his death. Fearful of my own. I've got things still to live for. I did leave wiggle room in my language in my videos to allow for Maxwell Bridge's looney notions, which he also OCD notified me about. Don't blame me for Alfred's demise. I was told, "thus far and no farther," just like in any movie, only done at a diner with an envelope with 8x10 photos of my dear family members in candid shots.

Wayne Coste: Yeah, agreed. I'm in tears. Wish I knew you at all, Alfred, but I didn't. My bad.

Eric Sandstrom: Oh holy virgin Mary and mother of Christ and all that is good... The thought of you, virgin mom, arouses me and helps me forget Alfred, who I never met until today. May his spirit on the other side learn the truth to 9/11 and JFK and all others, and then come back to us and haunt us with hints so that we can learn the truth, but on this side of death and not the other. Amen.

Gene Larantonda: Amen, little buddy, and four-twenty to you, too... Ooops, I mean, five-twenty and pee em to commemorate world trade center seven and its 8 stories and 100 feet of free-fall.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: ... You're so manly in Christ when you talk like that. Let's get out of this zoom and slip into something more comfortable... and think about Alfred's spirit watching us while we rabbit like newly weds.

Jon Howland: Do we have the Zoom recording of Alfred's passing? That would be good to make viral. His last words were cussing out two formerly unimpeachable idols of the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Susan Serpa: I think Alfred would have liked it. He passed away doing what his passion was, searching for truth. The truth did indeed make him free.

Andy Steele: Craig, what a really fuckin' strange trip that was! Other than the 9/11 jumpers from the towers, I haven't seen any other victims of 9/11 die on camera. I don't even know why I was invited here, but really commend the gummiworms and glad I attended.

Adam Ruff: Craig, this is me getting down on my knees and worshipping you for your kick-ass-ed-ness. I wish I was like you. So totally awesome to see your integrity now restored, because you legitimately hosted a discussion on gummiworms destroying the world trade center on 9/11, proving objectivity and open-mindedness that were deemed lacking in your character of late, totally now proven unfounded. And such intelligence when its gummi-horse trojan is revealed and allowing the discussions to crank even through many spins of deja vu and "DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!" You nailed it, partner. Ain't no one like you. The host with the most, with whom I'm pleased to be Tee and Ess co-host. Woo-hoo! And that dastardly Maxwell C. Bridges? No where in sight; a no show; a loser. Couldn't defend his nookie-doo hobby-horse at all, and had to have all of his surogates step in. Let me praise your integrity as I kiss your Masonic ring.

Craig McKee: I'm not a Master Mason. Maxwell C. Bridges is... Oh, snap! Did he just prove his theory, right under my nose without even being present?!! What Free-Masonic Magic is this?!! Controlling the world. Controlling this forum. Controlling the very words out of my mouth!... I curse you, online batman Bridges, for dragging me kicking and screaming down your rabbit-holes and to destinations I did not want ever to go, the nuclear involvement into 9/11. Now AE9/11Truth will never gig out small assignments to me. My truther reputation is ruined. I couldn't hold the line in the blackhole treatment. Good thing the ace up my sleeve to "get out of CIA treatment" is attacking Harris and plugging for Trump, the sexual abuser and convicted felon legally prevented from operating any business within the state of New York, and more circus proceedings still to come! Really drives the libs across the border wild, while gaining me all sorts of respect and admiration from the weaker-minded conspiracy-minded, which is the target demographic for my retirement income generated from plugging bad theories to morons. And tip of the hat with a hockey logo to Dr. James Fetzer, who taught us how to milk conspiracies for profit in retirement. I walk in the footsteps of the greats.

Alfred's Camera: {Still focused on the bald-spot on Alfred's head, resting on his keyboard. Sirens from emergency vehicles are picked up by the microphone. The walls behind Alfred flicker with red, blue, and white lights. Frantic doorbell ringing, pounding, and angry screaming is heard.}

POLICE!!! BOSTON POLICE!!! OPEN THE DOOR WITH YOUR HANDS UP!!! Don't make us break it down...

Susan Serpa: Oh, thank goodness. The emergency personnel have arrived to tend to my old and faithful friend... who died doing what he loved... Discussing reasonable conspiracy theories. Because we called it in, we should probably hang out here and talk with them... I'm impressed with this welfare check's response time.

Alfred's Camera: {Suddenly Alfred's head lifts off the keyboard and he stares for a few moments into the camera.}

{Note: In the following brief exchange, AI is determining real-time who is speaking and feeding that information as a transcription into the Zoom chat of the meeting.}

{Alfred:} Must have dozed off there... Indica always does that to me.



{Ofr. Black:} BOSTON POLICE!

{Further pounding at the door.}

{Alfred:} Hey, Susan and gang! You're still all there. {Waves to the camera.}... Give me a sec. Someone seems to be knocking at my door... And I gotta drain my bladder... {Alfred slowly gets up and walks out of the camera frame.}



{Sound of a liquid stream pouring into water goes on and on and on. Pounding and door bell chimes. Tapping coming from windows. Lots of indistinguishable barked commands.}

{Alfred:} Hold your God-damn horses! Hose isn't completely drained... {Alfred mumbling a disco tune} "Shake-shake-shake! Shake-shake-shake! Shake your boo-oo-oouu-tee! Shake your boo-oo-oouu-tee! Shake-shake-shake!"... {Zipper sound.}

{Ofr. Black:} BOSTON POLICE!

{Ofr. Red:} OPEN THE DOOR!

{Further pounding followed by the sound of wood and drywall breaking.}

{Alfred:} What is the meaning of this? You just broke down my door...




{Alfred:} Ow! You're hurting me! ... Do you have a warrant? What is going on hear?






{Ofr. Black:} BED ROOM CLEAR!

{Ofr. Green:} TASER! TASER! TASER! *zaaaaap* *zap*

{Alfred:} *zaaaaap* uugh *zaaaaap* uuum *zap* uugh *zap* uuumuugh...

{Sound of a gunshot}

{Ofr. White:} {delayed multiple radio echoes throughout the room} SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!

{Ofr. White:} Green, did you just fire your gun?

{Ofr. Green:} Anybody hit?... It was in my holster, and somehow triggered... my hands were on my tazer. My bad.

{Alfred:} *zaaaaap* uugh, stop, please. I'm not resisting...

{Ofr. Black:} Not hit.

{Ofr. Red:} Not hit. Where's the bullet go?

{Ofr. White:} Not hit.

{Ofr. Green:} Not hit. Almost shot my foot off. There's the hole in the floor there.

{Alfred:} *zaaaaap* uugh, could you please take your finger off the taser trigger. I'm not resisting...


Ofr. Black: {Walks into the frame of Alfred's camera. Scans his eyes over Alfred's computer screen.} ... Well, well, well. What do we have here?... Hey Red! Come check this out.

Ofr. Red: {Walks into the frame of Alfred's camers with Ofr. Black.} Whatcha got?... Who are these people? What's going on here? ... {Adam Syed and others wave to their cameras.} Are those people waving at us? What are they saying?...

Ofr. Black: {Leans over and unplugs a headset from the jack of the computer.}

All Participants: {Talking all at once, microphone picking up chopped words from participants, but nothing understandable.

Ofr. Black: One at a time. What's going on here?

Susan Serpa: We were having a meeting... And it looked like my good friend Alfred had a heart-attack and keeled over... We, err..., I called in a welfare check, because we thought he had just died.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Oh, my God, I could have sworn I saw his spirit lift from him. But now it has returned!

Gene Laratonda: {mumbling} Jesus in thy name we give thanks for returning to us our good friend and colleage, Alfred...

Ofr. Red: Welfare check? You say you called in a welfare check? {Red and Black exchange glances.}

Andy Steele: Yes, a welfare check.

Jon Howland: A welfare check doesn't necessitate such violence.

Ofr. Red: Don't tell us how to do our job.

Ofr. Black: What kind of online kink was going on here? And why did you SWAT this individual? I'm gonna want you all to hang out here until we can get to the bottom of this... And we're gonna need to see some ID's.

Adam Ruff: Bullshit!... We're American's, and we got rights. That's a 4th amendment violation you're trying to commit here.

Ofr. Red: We're not trying to take your guns, idiot. And how would we accomplish that? Teleport through the computer and reach it on your belt?... Are you saying there are guns here? {Directed off camera} Ofr. Green, search him thoroughly for weapons. And you, sir. STOP RESISTING ARREST!!! Ofr. White, you cover Green's six, now hear me!

Adam Ruff: Guns are the 2nd amendment. The 4th amendment is about unreasonable searches and seizures.

Ofr. Red: Are you telling me how to do my job again? You shut your mouth. I'm in charge here, and I need to seem some ID's. And where are the weapons hidden?

Susan Serpa: {Holds her driver's license up to the camera.}

Ofr. Black: Gonna get out my phone and take a picture of that.

Adam Syed: You don't need to do that, Susan. You committed no crime.

Ofr. Red: Hey, I told you people to shut your mouths.

Adam Ruff: Oh, so now you're trying to infringe on our 1st and our 4th amendment rights. We have the right to assemble, the right to address our grieves to our government officials, the right to free speech, the right to be secure in are persons, papers, and effects, which includes our identifications.

Ofr. Black: Oh, fuck! We got a bunch of liberal, panty-wearing constitutionalists here.

Ofr. Red: To my trained professional eye, we've got a conspiracy right here on camera of enemies to the constitution. Ain't none of you going nowhere until I see some IDs.

Ofr. Black: Red, we better get the detective.

Ofr. Red: And just why were you "assembled" here, Avengers? What nefarious plots were you hatching, you super heroes of the internet?

Eric Sandstrom: Oh, we were just talking about the theory of how gummiworms allegedly destroyed the entire world trade center complete.

Ofr. Black: Are you saying this just happened? An event in progress? The new WTC was destroyed by gummiworms?!!!

Participants: "NO!!!" {Words cutting in an out from all participants making it unintelligible.}

Richard Gage: No, Officer, ... Officer Black, is it, from your nametag I can see on the camera? No, Officer Black. Listen to the sound of my soothing calming voice. Nothing now or in the past was destroyed by gummiworms.

Ofr. Red: Oh, shit! Gummiworms, must be the new name of some high-tech shit for blowing things up? And you say, this conspiracy just blew up the re-built New York World Trace Center?!!

David Chandler: Officers. Listen to the timber of my deep voice. Focus on my long gray beard. I am a high school physics teacher. Gummibears can't destroy anything, and they didn't destroy anything on 9/11.

Ofr. Black: {Directed off camera} Detective Beaumont! Are we glad you're here! We might need to get homeland security involved. We seemed to have stumbled upon a conspiracy in progress to destroy the center for US commerce by means of gummi-explosives I've never heard of before.

Eric Sandstrom: They were of Israeli design. Mossad installed them.

Wayne Coste: Shut up, you idiot! Your jokes aren't the least bit funny.

Norman Swanepoel: I thought they were funny, and so did Dr. Judy Wood when she wrote here 500-page book...

Dtv. Beaumont: {appears in Alfred's camera frame with Officer's Black and Red} Did someone mention Dr. Judy Wood?

Chris Bergier: Yes, Dr. Judy Wood is the matron saint of 9/11, because she collected all sorts of anomlous evidence on her website and 500 page book...

Dtv. Beaumont: I'm familiar with that work. "Where did the towers go?"

Chris Bergier: You know it? Have you read it?

Dtv. Beaumont: Yes, I know it. Read it? No, didn't have to. Others read it for me and gave me their assessment. Thread-assessed disinformation. That it is still around and the 9/11 Truth movement hasn't legitimately debunked it, that's another story.

Norman Swanepoel: Not true! Dr. Wood wrote the best-est, most ever researched, textbook on Sepember Eleven that should be required reading...

Dtv. Beaumont: Put a pin in that. We got a call through our dispatcher that planning was taking place at this very location to destroy our way of life in a new attack on the rebuilt WTC using a new super-duper weapon based on gummi. You all are being detained. You are not free to leave. Officer Red, record their IDs.

Alfred Magaletta: {Off-camera} That is preposterous! Call your supervisor! Look on the news! My God man, use your god-damn smartphones and access the most powerful information tools ever invented by man: Google it.

Ofr. Black: I only google my porn.

Dtv. Beaumont: You better watch your language. {Points to the camera} This conversation is being recorded.

Ofr. Black: ... Oh, right. {Slowly reaches on to his vest and pushes his body-cam's record button.} I'm officially informing all of you, this interaction is being recorded. You all are still detained and are not free to leave.

Susan Serpa: Detective, please. Let me explain. We were having a Zoom meeting when we saw our old friend slump over and become unresponsive. We thought it a matter of life and death, so I -- not anyone else -- I, personally dialed 9-1-1 to report the incident. A welfare check is what I called!

Dtv. Beaumont: {mumbling} Fuck me in the ass... {Forceful now} Officer Red, get their names. Officer Black, pull out your phone and start Googling. {Shaking head} No, don't be googling your cop-porn. You start googling the names of these participants.

{Directed off camera} Officer Green?!! Take those cuffs off. Officer White, you get your knee off of his neck.

Susan Serpa: All you're going to find is that we all have an interest in 9/11. An interest in solving 9/11. Not in committing a new 9/11. And certainly not with gummiworms... (giggles}... They're way too whacky and unstable.

Alfred Magaletta: {off-camera) Detective, do you have a search warrant? Why did you just break into my house? Our first amendment allows us to gather and talk freely.

David Chandler: Detective, is it? Listen to the timber of my deep voice as I speek calmly and slowly. Focus your eyes on my long gray beard, and think Aaron and his beard. I am a high school physics teacher. Marvel Avenger-assembling to talk about... whatever we want... isn't a crime.

Dtv. Beaumont: I'm getting the picture. {Leaning into Alfred's camera} And you saw my Masonic ring, didn't you? {Holding his hand with big, goddy, gold band with a square and compass, and the letter "G".}

Only those who aren't free-masons try to use those mind-tricks that they associate with masons. The big secret in masons is that there are no big secrets. Just because I'm in law enforcement, doesn't mean masonry has infiltrated police and the nation.

Ofr. Black: You're a Mason, Detective Beaumont? I didn't know that.

Ofr. White: {off-camera} I did... Did you like that body tackle I performed on our subject here, when he came to the door we just bashed in and offered himself against us agressive in a combat pose? Were you impressed with the pressure holds I applied after I threw him to the ground? ... I'd make a good Mason.

Ofr. Green: {off-camera} No, I'd make a better one. When they finally accept me, they'll be impressed, why, with my expert weapons handling demonstrated just mere moments ago... That's what they do in the third degree, isn't it? Maiming and torturing and branding, right? I'm in. Woe-boy! What a rush! I'm in. My testosterone is pumping man. "I am... Iron Man!!!"

Dtv. Beaumont: {Shaking his head, and leans over to speak to Red in a low whispered voice which the microphone picked up clear as a bell} Officer Red, would you please, calmly and slowly go to Officer Green and relieve him of his weapons, and try not to arouse suspicion. And maybe, relieve Officer White of his as well, because he seems to be roid-raging right now, and I'm worried about everyone's safety.

Eric Sandstrom: You don't have to worry about my safety. Or our safety, because it has been adjudicated at the supreme court level that officers are not responsible for the safety of individuals.

Dtv. Beaumont: {Pointing at image of Eric} You are an annoying little shit. You aren't even in this room, and might not even be in the same fucking time-zone. So you are technically safe.

Adam Syed: As safe as Alfred was?...

Dtv. Beaumont: Let's keep our voices down until the active threats have been disarmed, okay. Your buddy, Alfred did you say? He's not out of the woods yet in terms of danger.

Ofr. Black: {Leaning into where Red and Beaumont were huddled and whispering} Detective? You say you're a Free Mason? How could you accept these {pointing towards Green and White} into your fraternity? Don't you have any standards? You guys accept just anybody?

Dtv. Beaumont: {Turning so his back is away from Green and White, and still in a low breath} Yes, I am a Masons, and yes, we do have standards. These knuckleheads? I'm not supposed to reveal details about the application process as it applies to real people -- HIPAA and confidentiality. But I can say this, ballot box "black balls" do work, and have worked.

Ofr. Black: Why are you talking about my balls? I wasn't googling porn. I was looking up these people. Like this "Susan Serpa", she's involved with Boston 9/11 Truth.

Dtv. Beaumont: We weren't talking about your family jewels, Officer Black. Focus. And did you say 9/11 Truth?

Ofr. Black: Yes. Evidentally, these are truthers. Not just any truthers. Celebrity truthers.

Dtv. Beaumont: I'm getting the picture. Officer Black, I suggest you and Officer Red walk away from this camera, and lure White and Green outside to peacefully disarm them.

David Chandler: Gummibears.

Dtv. Beaumont: {Turns towards the computer} What? Gummibears?

David Chandler: Yes, lure those pigs outside with gummibears.

Eric Sandstrom: Not gummibears. Gummiworms. Hey, Alfred, you got any left?

Alfred Magaletta: {Off-camera} I got your indica; I got your sativa; I got your hybrid. How stoned did you want them to be? See that trackball for the computer? Not a functioning computer peripherial. I learned from the Peace Movement to hide my stash in creative ways. Turn the trackball over. When it stopped working, I gutted it and use it to hide things... from my family and caregivers... And the police when they don't have search warrants.

Dtv. Beaumont: Recreational cannabis usage is permitted in Massachusetts. Officers Red and Black, take these and act all sneaky as you do, and catch the eyes of White and Green with one of those "knowing" tango eyebrow lifts. You four go to the front yard. Get White and Green stoned and disarmed. Got it?

Ofr. Red and Ofr. Black: Aye-aye, detective. {They exit Alfred's camera frame to the right.}

Dtv. Beaumont: {Turns around and also exits Alfred's camera frame to the left.} Did I hear your name was "Alfred," as in the same name as Batman's butler? Can you get up? Other than those taser probes embedded into your ribs still, are you hurt anywhere? Let's get you to your feet and then over to a chair where you'll be more comfortable.

Alfred Magaletta: {Helped into his computer chair by Beaumont} You pigs broke into my home and tasered me, for what reason?

Susan Serpa: Honestly, Alfred! I called 9-1-1 for a welfare check. I thought you were dead.

Dtv. Beaumont: {Pulling up another chair and sitting with Alfred in frame] What dispatch put through to us was that there was a dead body at this address; a murder; weapons actively in use; nuclear mechanisms of destruction were somehow in play. It was coded for a SWAT response!

Alfred Magaletta: Susan, you SWATTED me? We've been friends for years! Why did you SWAT me?

Dtv. Beaumont: Calm down, Alfred, and don't be jumping to conclusions. {Pulls out his smartphone.} I've got the incident log right here. {Scrolls through phone.} Yes, the dispatcher did receive a call from, Ms. Serpa, right? It's automatically real-time transcribed and in the log, and shows she did indeed request emergency services for a potential death-in-progress and wanting a welfare checkup... Hmmm. {Scrolls} Then somehow I see entries here that escalated the call into a SWAT event. Now that's strange.

What was the purpose of this gathering? What were you discussing?

Richard Gage: We were discussing the viability of the thesis that gummi-candies -- lions, tigers, and bears, oh my, or gummiworms at it were -- somehow destroyed the WTC on September 11.

Dtv. Beaumont: {Shaking his head} I would think... Were you guys all doing your own independent research into gummies, and that's how somehow SWAT was triggered? ... But coming at this from a law enforcement perspective, that's pretty insane.

Wayne Coste: No, the gummiworms were just a trojan horse in this discussion so that exotic 4th generation nukes could get considered?

Dtv. Beaumont: No shit? I know about exotic 4th gen weapons, what a coincidence! Gummiworms, no way; but FGNW, yes way. I've got a lodge brother out West who was really into this conspiracy stuff and even wrote about it under his pen-name.

Craig McKee: You, are a Mason? You've read about FGNW from your lodge brother, who you knew was operating under an alias?

Dtv. Beaumont: First amendment, first and foremost. My brother is sincere and trustworthy. He did do the research and broke it down and simplified so we could understand. Presented it a fraternal gathering he hosted at his house... His wife was out of the country, and his teenage kids with driver's licenses weren't around.

Craig McKee: You're saying that you know personally Maxwell Bridges and you are lodge brothers? Bullshit. You're in Boston, and Max is West in Wyoming or Colorado or Idaho.

Dtv. Beaumont: I haven't been a detective in Boston for very long, and moved from Colorado. There's a reason he uses a pen-name, and I support him. He's consistent. He stands behind his words, takes credit for them, and accepts feedback, and changes his opinions when he learns new things. Rational. He's not breaking any laws, and his 9/11 conspiratorial topics do sometimes knee-jerk trigger others. In fact, I question why more don't use online aliases. Me? I'm on facebook for family and long-time friends, and don't talk politics. I use another Facebook profile to... shall we say... Look for those with evil intentions.

Alfred Magaletta: I was an early adopter of the internet, where it used to be: "The male personas are men; the female personas are men; and the children personas are FBI agents."

Dtv. Beaumont: I will not confirm nor deny this.

Richard Gage: Are you still detaining us? What is the crime we're suspected of?

Dtv. Beaumont: Technically, you all are NOT detained... Except for Alfred here. We'll need to get these taser probes out of his side. But I would appreciate it if you could help me get to the bottom of this SWATTING incident. Let's go over it again. Officer Black confirmed, you all are somewhat celebrities in the 9/11 Movement, right? You were gathered here to discuss what?

David Chandler: The likelihood that the Sepember 11, 2001 New York destruction came from a pre-planting of gummiworms in the buildings.

Wayne Coste: Which we all agreed was really just a trojan horse for Maxell's exotica of the n-th generation nookie-doo-doo's.

Dtv. Beaumont: {Nods his head in agreement.} I'm getting the picture.

{Looks to the left and to the right for eavesdroppers. In a low voice.} Max confided in me -- not as a Masonic Secret between brothers, mind you -- that his theory tends to get the "asshole treatment."

Eric Sandstrom: Not "asshole treatment," but "blackhole treatment." Everyone ignores it and can't be bothered to legitimately consider it, point by point.

Norman Swanepoel: Balderdash! Dr. Judy Wood didn't write about it, so there's nothing to legitimately consider.

Chris Bergier: It wasn't just Dr. Wood who didn't write about it. Dr. Jones didn't write about it either, and he was charged with debunking all forms of nuclear devices.

Dtv. Beaumont: Isn't that just proving the point of the "asshole treatment."

Adam Ruff: Officer, did you just call me an asshole? Because I've dealt with your masonic brother and his loony theories, and if anyone was the asshole, it was him. Damn if this whole SWATTED conversation about gummiworms destroying things on 9/11 isn't Max being such an asshole!

Jon Howland: "Blackhole treatment," not "asshole treatment," detective. You can't see a black hole, because light doesn't escape. But you can notice gravitational effects on other celestial objects that can only be explained by its presence, and there is light that gets bent.

Dtv. Beaumont: Susan said she called the police, not Max. And how exactly did you deal, sir, {pointing at image of Adam Ruff} with my lodge brother? Did you hear him out? Did you read his thesis? Did you address his concerns?

Alfred Magaletta: The officer was pointing at Adam Ruff.

Craig McKee: Adam, I'm going to mute you. Think of it as a forceful exercise of constitutional rights. Fifth amendment style.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: I'm seeing it, the blackhole treatment. Of his gummiworms, no I mean of his exotic nukes. Makes sense. Sad seeing it performed by those closest to you.

Gene Laratonda: What are you talking about woman? That right there is NOT you being agreeable and compliant in support of your husband as spelled out in the bible, which is gonna be the law of the land when we establish our Christian Nation when Trump and Project 2025 ride into power in a few short weeks.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: Honey. We haven't known Maxwell for very long, and haven't had nearly the number of encounters as the others. But I know how to google, dear. I've skimmed through his blog going back literally decades and read through his arguments for exotic nukes and how they address more anomalies. I've also seen where you, sweetheart, hit-and-ran, didn't defend your statements, and now have him pre-banned from the war room for having pointed out issues with nanothermite.

Dtv. Beaumont: I see. Example of "asshole treatment."

Chris Bergier: No, that's example of "blackhole treatment," because pre-emptively Gene is saying that it can't be discussed. Weaknesses of nanothermite are off-limits in Gene's forum. I think it is because Gene secretly loves Richard Gage and David Chandler, and wishes he were them.

Richard Gage: Awwww! That's just so cute. Gene loves me; Gene really loves me! I didn't know until now for sure, but I do now.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: {mouth open} Is this the love-interest with whom you've been secretly exchanging text and email? You've been talking 9/11 conspiracies behind my back with Richard?!!

Gene Laratonda: Yes, I love Richard Gage, and I love David Chandler! It's true! But it isn't like you are making it out to be... Nothing sexual. Not even sexting... {mumbles} "yet."

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: You've been MAKING OUT with them?!! Online? Late at night? That's what you've been doing? I was wondering how your underground bat-cave could have a dedicated roll of paper towels and a bottle of monitor screen cleaner and be depleted in a month!

Norman Swanepoel: How does that work, making out online? Because I'm in love with Dr. Judy Wood.

Chris Bergier: Stand back, Norman! As an engineer myself in construction, I fell in love with Dr. Judy first. Judy, I love you. I always have. Whenever I open your 500 page book and stick my nose in the crack to smell the colored ink from its 500 full-colored images, I get excited.

David Chandler: I used to read MAD Magazine as a kid. I swear with the help of those gummiworms, I literally feel in this moment as if I were one of the characters drawn into panels of a MAD parady sketch in some future issue with Alfred Neuman

Alfred Magaletta: My kids had those MAD Magazines that sometimes I'd give them a few dollars at a highway rest stop to purchase. They'd be hanging out in the magazine racks between the Good Homes & Garden and the top-shelf Adults only Playboy. David, with your excellent long gray beard, the MAD artists would have a field day. With the likes of me, too. Maybe they would sketch some flashback panels to when I was in the Peace Movement, and was young and handsome, not all this gray hair.

Richard Gage: The gray suits you both... And I must gummi-confess. In my youth, I was such a big fan of MAD Magazine, I was taught a very important and scarey life lesson about stealing from a business establishment, having shoved said MAD Magazine down one pant leg and the June Playboy issue down the other, making me walk like the Penguin in Batman and totally obvious to the teenager on duty at the checkout line. I was smart, though. I grabbed a wild-cherry Lifesavers roll to pay for with the dime in my pocket at the checkout. Only to be informed by the teenager the Lifesavers were with tax nearly a quarter.

Susan Serpa: Well, Alfred Neuman,... I mean, Al Magaletta. We're so glad to see you are not dead, and then also not shot and killed accidentally by the police. I am so sorry this happened to you.

The shock that you were dead, even for a few minutes, had me thinking about death, again, up close and personal. You, Al, that loss would have been hard for me to take.

Craig McKee: Allow me to agree with Susan, and to utter my shock and disbelief at your death, and now sudden joy that you're not dead and are all right, minus some taser probes and electro-therapy, I guess.

But what really had me worried, Alfred, was your obituary. Because I went to journalism school, the task of writing your obituary was going to fall to me! Me? Of all people. I hardly know you, Al. Wish I would have known you sooner, and hope we get to know each other while there's time in life.

But to the point, how could I ever write your obituary if I know so little, and yet while there is so much that you participated in, peace movement, truth movements. You invested lots of your time to this, were passionate about it, and your obituary should reflect this information.

Did you know that, together with a death certificate as proof and coming from your next-of-kin, your obituary could say just about anything and be as long as you like. The newspapers have to publish it. Most of the time, the grieving families struggle to find words and copy the form and template of those who have died with obituaries in the very same newspaper. But it can be more. So much more. In fact, your obituary can spill out onto its own memorial web page that the newspaper obituary links you. The verbage that can be expanded upon here.

So as I give a huge sigh of relief that I don't have to do any writing & researching journalism to pen "Alfred Neuman's" obituary as a life-long activist, we all should take some time and write our own obituaries. What things in life were we most proud about, with details even.

Chris Bergier: Are you implying that we are in danger, so we should write our own obituaries, just in case. Similar thinking to using a Sharpie to write your name and date of birth on your body when hunkered down in the path of a hurricane.

Adam Ruff: You will not talk to Craig McKee in that tone, you despicable Woodsy-Doo-Doo-er. I think both ideas are good, and can only be improved by having a tattoo artist, instead of the Sharpie, document on your body who you are. Hell, it should even include a scannable bar-code to make identification that much easier. Of course, our pets have implants, we could do that, too, but writing and being able to see it spelled out on our rotting corps, that has immediate meaning to the viewer.

As for writing our own "9/11 Truther Activism" obituaries? That's a great idea, Craig. There's lots that I did behind the scenes to help with the 9/11 Truth message that I'm not at liberty to talk about. Things that I'm proud of. *wink* *wink* Aliases that I've assumed... That would be not just fair game if I died, but would be final tallying receipts for "Nyah, nyah, see? I won, and this is how you were fooled!" {Sticks out tongue.} Equivalent to death-bed confessions, only we're not actually dead when we confess, and only our death leads to publication and boasting of the achievements!

Can you say "em-arh-en-ay vax-ee-eeen?" Need I say more?

Andy Steele: You mean, "mRNA vaccines"? As if you don't trust them or something, or that they're already making physically healthy lives shorter? A truther obituary does sound prudent. Kind of like your resume, only with more details?

Speaking of which, I am amazed that obituaries in general don't start with the persons resume. It has achievements they were proud of, date ranges to accomplishing the goals, places they lived, and corporations they were loyal to.

Be kind of cool to interlace that resume with the stuff they did when they weren't working. Yes, they worked, but they worked really for this other thing.

Website memorials don't have to be chinsy at all! And I'm sure some will let your estate pay a nominal fee to guarantee your web-memorial's existence for 5, 10, or 15 years into the future for your descendants to remember and learn about you.

Adam Syed: I've had my brushes with actual death, organ failure, yuck. I don't want to dwell on it. And, over my life time, I've been recorded many times playing my violin. There are performances that I was proud of. For another nominal fee, website memorials can host other related and linked media content in perpetutity as well.

Eric Sandstrom: Brain-fart! So, a way that we can preserve the 9/11 media from disappearing from the internet is find it and attach a copy to someone's website memorial? The website memorial itself could be all about 9/11, or even an actual memorial to "9/11 Truth" that died. Like a time capsule, anything 9/11 we put into the memorial, attachment after attachment, so it is all in one place; and we do a Go-Fund me to pay for a century of disk space in the cloud, along with assurances that when technology changes, the content will be transformed to always be accessible and playable.

David Chandler: I would use a public library for that. That's its purpose, to preserve information. And maybe the memorials should be free and not under some business entity. The public library would be a good place to host it. Anybody in the future wanting to know about dead you, but when you were alive, they could simply access it through the public library.

And if we take McKee's veiled death references seriously, we can create a new conspiracy by hashtagging and whatnot the detailed 9/11 activism memorial obituary that we write about ourselves, so that database archeologists in the distant future learning about us and our time, can enlist AI bots to connect the tags and people in its report.

Dtv. Beaumont: That's it!... AI bots! The answer. Thank you. I was trying to figure it out how Batman's Alfred sitting next to me got here with two taser probes still in his side, when all of you as witnesses can attest that Susan specifically asked for emergency services for someone dying. How did it escalate up to SWAT?

AI bots. ChatGPT. iCopBot. Whatever you call it.

You guys said you were in the conference talking about gummiworms trojan horse and September 11. And out of the gummiworse trojan horse sprung, what? Exotic nukes which seems to be a "blackhole" topic.

The way policing is going, makes sense that iCopBot was tuned into your meeting, and when iCopBot blew threw its triggers of a call to emergency personal about a life threatening situation coupled with forbidden topics, your threat assessment went up. I think the iCopBot auto-escalated the response levels to SWAT.

David Chandler: Listen to the calming deep timber of my well-regulated voice coming out of my Gandalf beard, and see my college diploma physics degree on my back wall. Writing your own obituary with 9/11 achievements is very good advice. Now we know why "blackhole" topics are not discussed, and gummi-trojans horses... Gummi-trojan horses are not the droids anyone is looking for.

Richard Gage: Your eye-lids are getting heavy, follow the sound of my voice, modulating at a pleasing frequency. You are lulled by my architects degree and my experience. Of course exotic nukes aren't a blackhole topic! What nonsense! They just are not anything we talk about. Move along, now. There's nothing to see here.

Gene Laratonda: {monotone drone} Nanothermite was found in the dust.

Norman Swanepoel: {monotone drone} A strength of Dr. Judy Wood was that she had no conclusion.

Adam Ruff: {monotone drone} I kneel and defer to PhD's nanothermite.

Chris Bergier: {monotone drone} Clever Dr. Wood published the evidence but actually had no conclusions that could be pegged to her.

Susan Serpa: {monotone drone} I want to believe nanothermite.

Alfred Magaletta: No, wake-up, Susie! Don't give in. Certainly, some doubt has crept in. Certainly some seedling of information, some turd from a gummiworm, has found fertile soul in your imagination!

Eric Sandstrom: {monotone drone} Resistance is futile. Energetic flakes of nanothermite were found in the dust.

Adam Syed: {violin on shoulder, one note, back and forth} Nano nano nano nano nano nano.

Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda: No! I lay claim to my independent thought! I'm allowed to consider different things! I don't want to be told what to believe. I find the anctics around the blackhole topic to keep it blackholed far more worse than the topic itself.

What if it was exotic nukes coming out the assholes of gummiworm trojan horses? Why is that so far-fetched to even talk about? What does it mean?

Who is being protected by styming the conversation into exotic nukes? We haven't even gotten to the point where its merits are discussed, and everyone acts badly and out-of-character to... blatantly not follow the white rabbit. Anti-Neo, eh?

If there's one thing I've learned on the Pentagon front, they spun up the whole nonsense of CGI at the WTC and no planes as a distraction. It was meant to be debunked -- and has been --, which guilt-by-association tries to take the notion of a faked Pentagon plane out of consideration.

Seems to me, if they are willing to poison the well of truth with such distracting nonsense, maybe that is what the Judy Wood fanatics are doing, too. They keep us from discussing a generation of DEW and nuclear devices by constantly circling back to a book that doesn't connect dots and doesn't have conclusions.

Susan Serpa: {becoming more alive} I want to believe nanothermite. Were it not for the holes. The Easter Eggs. The messages from insiders that we needed to see, needed to connect the dots on. I, too, have had an opportunity to trapse through Maxwell's blog. My God! Did he re-purpose to his blog everything he ever wrote to others? Is he going to re-purpose our lovely exchanges, and make me another example for the world?

I bet he is, and hope he does. Because I lobbied for him to give his Easter Egg presentation to Boston 9/11 Truth. I wanted to learn. Whether or not he taught me or convinced me, these are certainly teachable moments here. Who would have thought a gummiworm trojan horse would provide so much enlightenment into human behavior.

Alfred Magaletta: With the taser probes in my side, I guess that makes me a victim of 9/11 Truth, eh? My swatting is a direct result of something we can't even agree to talk about. I definitely feel the danger.

But also at my age and with the taser's surge now dissipated, I feel nuclear energized in 9/11 Truth. Gummiworms are definitely a game changer to the world's understanding of 9/11, and strange that a hobby-horse lives inside and drops horse-apples occasionally to greatly enrich and fertilize the growth of all other 9/11 endeavors.

If I don't survive the extraction of these probes, I obviously won't get around to writing my activist's and my truther's obituary. Should the task fall to you, Mr. McKee. Would you please mention that I, also, had the foresight to be the first to approve Mr. Bridges proposal to make his presentation to our Boston 9/11 Truth group. We gave him a soapbox and platform to voice his Truth. I'm proud of that.


The actors playing the 9/11 Truther celebrities return in alphabetical order for their bows before a clapping audience: Chris Bergier, David Chandler, Wayne Coste, Richard Gage, Jon Howland, Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda, Gene Laratonda, Craig McKee, Alfred Magaletta, Adam Ruff, Eric Sandstrom, Susan Serpa, Andy Steele, Norman Swanepoel, and Adam Syed.

Followed by the moonlighting members of the Boston Police Department: Dtc. Beaumont, Ofr. Black, Ofr. Green, Ofr. Red, and Ofr. White


[**] Maxwell C. Bridges The author of this work of fiction.

These are placed in reverse order, because the newer versions represent the improvements and latest evolution in thought. Newer works borrow freely from previous works, and all of the works become repetitive with one another.

[1] Craig McKee is the owner of the blog Truth & Shadows [T&s] where Maxwell C. Bridges participate as "Señor El Once" shortly after it came on-line in ~2010.

The following are collections of communication after Bridges was banned from T&S but still in communication with Mr. McKee through e-mail and Facebook.

[2] Adam Syed was an infrequent participant on T&S and generally rational. However, he avoided technical discussions about demolition, feeling it outside his sphere of understanding.

[3] Adam Ruff was frequently a tag-team partner on T&S with HybridRogue116. All discussions with him from T&S were collected below. Mr. Ruff was PWNed pretty heavily when his bluff was called.

[Wild-ass speculation] The HR1 and Ruff T&S relationship may have been as sockpuppets. Weak evidence?

  • HR1 and Ruff did not often engaged one another, which Ruff attributed to hardly ever disagreeing with HR1.
  • Where HR1 was active, if Ruff appeared, it was back-slapping approval of HR1.
  • HR1 and Ruff conspired openly about collaborating on a DEW and Nuke debunking. HR1's blog does have such an attempt, but no credit is given to Ruff. Part of Ruff's PWNing was later bragging about having available a DEW/Nuke debunking piece, yet not being able to supply a link to his own work or that of others, such as what he knew his friend HR1 had produced.
  • Despite Ruff proclaiming HR1 as an upstanding netizen with views that aligned with his own and "McKee's MVP", Ruff never went to HR1's blog and participated in the discussions there.
  • Ruff shows talent and fortitude when he created his Unspun Newz blog and attempted to keep it full of content. He suddenly stopped maintaining it. While HR1's blog seemed to overflow.
  • Wouldn't surprise me if Ruff -- an individual -- was completely tapped in trying to maintain his HR1 sockpuppet.
  • HR1 had previously been outed as manning the A.Wright sockpuppet who argued in a stilted manner for the official conspiracy theory that HR1 would then show up and patiently debunk; arguing boths sides. The A.Wright name had family ties to HR1, as did a telephone number.

ruffadam — April 4, 2016 at 3:45 pm
“For the record if you invite Senior El Once into your circle of contacts you are going to regret it because the guy is OCD to the extreme and will NEVER leave you alone! Ever. I told him many times to stop contacting me and he kept doing it anyway. He sends very long elaborate diatribes which are confusing and hard to decipher and which are full of all sorts of erroneous conclusions and logical fallacies. By contacting him you are letting a crazy person into your company. You have been warned.”

Note: "Señor El Once" or "Senior El Once" was an an alias by Maxwell C. Bridges on Craig McKee's "Truth & Shadows".

[4] Gene Laratonda hosts a weekly Zoom gathering called The 9/11 War Room.

The following is a hit-and-run that Mr. Laratonda did under one of my articles. The response was posted to the blog and sent to him via email. And also was mentioned while participating in his zoom conference.

Recently, Mr. Laratonda pre-banned me from attending any future war room meeting, filters my emails to trash, and unfriends me in Facebook. Why? Because I documented the weaknesses in his nanothermite beliefs.

[5] Richard Gage has only been engaged directly a few times, with the early attempts below. In recent years, he created a substack, where relevant comments were made relating to the FGNW thesis. They were removed. Mr. Gage runs away from engagement on Facebook. I haven't pressed the issue when we've been in zoom conferences together, allowing him space, I don't engage. I'm trying to build up critical mass so that he'll engage me.

[6] David Chandler, after an appearance on T&S, was engaged in conversation both in that forum and via e-mail. He did minimal effort.

[7] Wayne Coste has a reputation that preceeds him from discussions elsewhere on the internet (other than T&S) with Craig McKee and Adam Ruff. He lived up to weasel expectations.

[8] Andy Steele has his own 9/11 free fall podcast. We have had FB comments to Craig McKee that have passed one another in the same threads. Mr. Steele may have forewarned by Ruff not to engage me. However, the FGNW topic ought to be considered for his show.

[9] Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda has more claim to fame than recently marrying and moving in with Gene Laratonda.

[10] Norman Swanepoel aka "911 Revisionist" is a Dr. Judy Wood brain-dead fanatic. Probably a team, and one member might be ChatGPT. Will not acknowledge weaknesses in Dr. Wood's work, which cripples him in seeing that outside theories (such as FGNW) are the missing piece that takes her efforts to the next leve.

Participation with Norman is very repetitive, as if he doesn't know he's dealing with the same participant. Norman deleted my comments on his substack and blocks me. His emails lacked sincerity and depth.

[11] Chris Bergier is an occassional participant on Laratonda's 9/11 War Room and Boston 9/11 Truth, and has canned lines from Dr. Wood's camp that he'll repeatedly drop into discussion. Avoids engagement with me, and claims he has no time to read and consider my premise. A collection of our email exchanges isn't ready for publication yet.

[12] Jon Howland is a reasonable participant and is open-minded and objective.

[13] Alfred Magaletta is a principal of Boston 9/11 Truth.

[14] Eric Sandstrom thinks everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement is a shill. Repetitive and doesn't evolve.

[15] Susan Serpa is a principal of Boston 9/11 Truth.

[16] HybridRogue1 (HR1) aka Willy Whitten was the most prolific participant on McKee's T&S, whereby a any sliding window of 3000 comments would have a full third coming from HR1. Many of his comments were quotes or tidbits from others, proving his credentials for being reasonable.

On another forum, COTO, he'd use the comments under a posting of his to bad-mouth participants from neighboring threads who didn't know this was going on. Later when this was pointed out to admin's as being against the forum rules, they deleted that posting. After he started his own blog, he'd use the comments section to write things unacceptable in other forums, including T&S.

++++ END

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