by Maxwell C. Bridges
Spoiler: This article contains no sexual content... Except that if you read to its end, you may feel as if "blackhole #4" is a position for anal incest figuratively committed on your understanding of September 11, 2001 by entities whom you trusted and who should've known and responded better.
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As the quarter century anniversary to 9/11 approaches, the relevance of 9/11 to today deserves to be questioned. Why should anyone tune any further mental wavelengths into considering the 9/11 events? The short answer is that even the understanding of the 9/11 Truth community was "restricted into a narrow range of acceptable debate." 101 In this context, "blackhole" refers to a topic that evades legitimate analysis and discussion, even though Truth demands it.
The justification for your consideration of the premises in this work:
- It presents something new under the sun into the realm of 9/11 understanding.
- It exposes the key to much of the coordinated 9/11 disinformation; their fervor even with their lameness and incompleteness.
- It nuclear-energizes all other aspects of 9/11 Truth activism, narrowing down the list of suspects with the means and abilities.
This work aspires to be a scholarly effort into an "under-served" area of 9/11 research: the original World Trade Center Number Four (WTC-4), also known as the Southeast Plaza Building, that was seemingly destroyed by an approximately 30-story lattice of falling wall assemblies from one side of the WTC-2 tower.
WTC-4 is blackhole #4. The blackhole treatment was exhibited in how little analysis it generated by government agencies and 9/11 Truth groups who were charged with contemplating physics-compliant and reasonable explanations for the observed outcomes.
"Exotika" refers to exotic late-third generation and early fourth generation nuclear weapons (FGNW) as described by Dr. Andre Gsponer 102 in his peer-reviewed work. FGNW have varied nuclear yields that are not all primarily "nuclear blasts" and instead are in the category of directed energy weapons (DEW).
The southwest corner of the original 4 World Trade Center, as seen from Liberty Street on August 21, 2001.
The building's side facing Liberty Street housed the street-level entrance to The Mall at the World Trade Center on the basement concourse level of the WTC.
Note: The upper stories of WTC-4 overhung and extended beyond the building's footprint at the ground floor.
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Follow The Money
The dearth of reporting on WTC-4 is a testament to the power of money and its involvement with 9/11 as a motive (and enabler). Consequently the breadth of 9/11 objectives expands in a very "in for a penny, in for a pound" way. Starting that WTC-4 housed the U.S. Commodities Exchange.
Underneath WTC-4 was one of the world's largest gold depositories, owned by a group of commercial banks. The WTC-4 vaults were alleged to have had three thousand eight hundred (3,800) 100-Troy-ounce 24 carat gold bars and thirty thousand (30,000) 1,000-ounce silver bars -- $230 million in precious metals -- plus (860,000,000 g) of silver coins and 379,036 ounces (10,745,500 g) of gold coins -- an estimated $200 million. These were removed from basement vaults of WTC-4 seven weeks after 2001-09-11. 103
In prior works, this author promoted the notion of an in-progress WTC-4 bank heist on 9/11, fueled in part by reports of finding in the aftermath a large, damaged truck loaded with gold in the WTC-4 service tunnels and abandoned by its driver, 103 and in part by the empty vaults under the U.S. Customers building (WTC-6). 105
In researching WTC-4, however, it became apparent how impractical a traditional, time-constrained heist of precious metals -- not trivial in physical weight -- from a well secured vault would have been, and therefore hinting at other monetary goals.
[I]f the perceived objective of the attack is re-defined from its commonly suggested ‘symbolic’ designation as either ‘a terrorist attack’ or a ‘new Pearl Harbor,’ and one begins by looking at it as purely a crime with specific objectives (as opposed to a political action), there is a compelling logic to the pattern of destruction. ... [T]he attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources” and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause. 106
Control of a resource isn't limited to simply "making it available", a myopic notion often attributed in strawman fashion to, say, the "accidental" destruction of Iraqi oil fields. Making the resource unavailable is also control, and allowed the Saudi allies of the US to step up to meet any demand for oil caused by the temporary loss of the Iraqi oil on the market, until the resource is made available again by the new corporate owners of Iraqi oil fields.
In a parallel fashion, when the precious metals below WTC-4 were made unknown and unavailable by the events of 9/11 (until many weeks later), when the COMEX trading floors and records were destroyed, and when the trades trickled into the tightly re-opened markets, control was exercised by moneyed interests. Blackhole that some of you readers might only be discovering it now, and is covered in detail in E.P. Haidner's work 106.
It is beyond the scope of this work to expand upon the financial motives for WTC-4's destruction, except to point out that WTC-4 was an objective rather than simply collateral. 107
The following image shows a vetted person with safety gear studying the neat stacks of gold in the vault after September Eleventh, with no ceiling damage visible or alluded to in any of the reports.
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WTC-4 Location and Damage Inflicted
The original World Trade Center Four (WTC-4) was a nine-story, 118 ft (36 m) tall, steel-framed office building at the southeast corner of the World Trade Center complex. 108
For comparision, the South Tower (WTC 2) that fell on it was 200 ft wide on each side, was 1,362 ft tall, had 110 stories (8 as mechanical floors), with each floor having 40,000 ft 2 (3,700 m 2) of available space.
The following image shows how WTC-4 was right next to the WTC-2 tower. In yellow is an exaggerated outline of the potential amount of WTC-2 wall assemblies that fell onto WTC-4.
The following image shows the layout of the WTC complex and the radii of debris from the towers' destruction.
The following image shows an arial view of what remained of WTC-4, namely its North wing depicted in the lower-left of the picture. Within the picture are the footprints of where WTC-2 and WTC-4 main edifice were.
The red circle indicates the first anomalous area to pay attention to. It will be flagged in different perspectives in subsequent images. It circles a corner of WTC-4's main edifice that was hit by wall assemblies and wasn't crushed nearly as thoroughly as the rest of the building.
The following image shows an arial view of the 9/11 destruction with outlines of the original footprints for WTC-4 and WTC-2. The yellow lines indicate the approximate width of the WTC-2 face, aligned with the cut-off to the WTC-4 North Wing.
This image was taken a week or later after 9/11, as noted by the number of cranes and trucks.
Also added to the image were green lines drawn on the spandrels of the visible WTC-2 wall assemblies to assist in counting them.
For the sake of discussion and because it can be tweeked later, let's say 30 floors were counted from the spandrels of the wall assemblies visible on top of the remains of WTC-4's main edifice.
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The Falling Wall Assembly from WTC-2
In the previous section, we observed the before and after of WTC-4's main edifice, but in particular, the visible remnants of WTC-2 wall assemblies lying on top of the rubble of the main edifice.
In this section, rewind briefly in time to when the crushing wall assemblies were first separated from the WTC-2 tower to then fall on WTC-4. Let's ignore the mechanisms that caused this anomaly and assume it as a given. 109
A compilation video of the WTC-2 collapse is the main reference for this section. Armed with the insights of this section, readers are encouraged to study the video (and others) later.
The following images are screen-captures from a cropped browser session that was at the visible YouTube URL and paused at the time stamp. Three different perspectives of the same event, each with a few captured images taken in sequence moments apart, highlight anomalies that happened within the first moments of WTC-2 destruction.
Additionally, these images serve to validate a later estimation in the applied Newtonian physics. Namely, the upper stories did not fall as a cohesive block onto WTC-4; the wall assemblies were separated from concrete and the inner core. Thus only the wall assemblies' mass for one side needs to be considered in the energy equations for crushing the main edifice.
Leaning Upper Blocks of WTC-2
The following image [1:24] shows the upper 20-30 stories of WTC-2 as a cohesive block that had started to lean (towards WTC-4) and had angular momentum.
The following image [1:26] shows moments later that the upper stories of WTC-2 were still a cohesive whole, as evident from the visible structural lines between each building face and at the roof.
The following image [1:28] from a couple moments later shows the wall assemblies (red circle) falling through content-rich dust clouds, but it no longer has a neat structural line where the face met the roof.
The following image [1:29] from a mere moment later shows the wall assemblies (red circle) more clearly popping out of the content-rich dust clouds that seemed to stream, if not "steam-off" behind it as it falls.
For the sake of discussion and to get a worst-case energy limit, let's assume that these top-most wall assemblies are the very ones that crushed WTC-4's main edifice, and therefore either their height in the towers (or their recorded fall time) can be plugged into the Newtonian equations to determine their energy upon impact.
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Leaning Upper Blocks of WTC-2
The following is a different perspective on the same event.
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Leaning Upper Blocks of WTC-2
[8:52] Shows the corner between faces and the roof line in tack and the outer wall assemblies holding together as a cohesive whole.
[8:55] Shows that the wall assemblies had been separated from adjacent faces and the roof in an exhuberant display of fresh content-rich dust surrounding the freed falling group of wall assemblies.
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Falling Wall Assemblies of WTC-2
The following image shows several groupings of wall assembly falling.
The following image shows not only the grouping of some falling wall assemblies, but also how little of the surrounding WTC-2 structure and concrete existed at that point in time.
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The important revelations from these stop-motion sequences are:
- The wall assemblies had detached themselves from adjacent faces and from content that made them a cohesive whole: the trusses which supported the pans that held the concrete and rebar floors.
- The mass of the the wall assemblies from 30 stories of one face of the WTC-2 is all that plugs into the physics equations to provide energy to thoroughly "pulverize" WTC-4's main edifice.
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Applied Newtonian Physics
A trait of really good professionals is their ability to perform "ballpark" estimations that are close enough for discussions, planning, and scoping of projects, until the detailed analysis comes in later to provide additional significant digits of accuracy. Engineers, among others, are noted for considering the edge, or boundary, conditions that limit their project, such as the best- and worst-case scenarios.
Let's consider one particular (over-driven) worst-case scenario to see if it would have the expected energy to create the observed outcomes. Why?
Because if we find that the over-driven worst-case is enemic and incapable of generating the energy for the observed outcomes, then we don't even have to do the math and tweak for real-world values. Such tweaking only reduces the involved energy and consequently makes the scenario even less likely to produce the observed outcomes. 110
The following image depicts an over-driven, worst-case scenario. A large section of wall of WTC-2 is positioned horizontal and at a height of "h" over the main edifice of WTC-4.
Note: When depicted in this manner, the understanding changes from "a cohesive block of upper stories of WTC-2 fell onto WTC-4" into "a group of wall assemblies as thick as its hallow box columns fell onto WTC-4 like a flattening cooking spatula to squash it."
The over-driven worst-case scenario begins:
- The wall assemblies of WTC-2 were a cohesive lattice and already tipped to be horiztonal or flat, and directly over WTC-4.
Details about the wall assembly construction
The cohesive mass of wall assemblies were at a height of "h" over WTC-4, where h could be the height where tower destruction initiated.
NIST tells us the time it took to fall h was about 10 seconds, so let's use this over-driven factor instead in the physics energy equations.
- The cohesive mass of wall assemblies had "n" number of floors. Previous images of debris on WTC-4 suggest a ballpark number of n=30. [WA(vertical) = n/3]
- The cohesive mass of wall assemblies had "m" box columns across. [WA(horizontal) = m/3] The worst-case is m=59. 111
- The number of wall assemblies involved is:
WA(total) = WA(vertical)*WA(horizontal) = (n/3)*(m/3) = (n*m)/9
- The average weight of a wall assembly from the top 30 floors is, given by q(avg). Therefore the total weight of the cohesive mass of wall assemblies is:
q(total) = WA(total)*q(avg) = q(avg)*(n*m)/9
- Velocity at a point in time.
v(t) = (a0)(t) + v0
Where t is time; a0 is initial acceleration which in this case is gravitational acceleration 32 [ft/(sec^2)]; and initial velocity v0 = 0.
Velocity of these horizational wall assemblies falling for 10 seconds (negating wind resistance) is:
v(10) = (32)(10) ft/sec = 320 ft/sec
The kinetic energy on impact is:
K.E. = (1/2) q(total) (v^2)
where q(total) is the mass of the wall assemblies and v is velocity at impact.
K.E. = (1/2) q(total) (320)^2 [J] = 51,200 * q(total) [J] = 51,200 * q(avg)*(n*m)/9 [J]
Important: The wall assemblies were not "speared" into the WTC-4 where that "51,200*q(total)" is all inflicted at their bottom, a small surface area. Nor are the wall assemblies "knife-bladed" into the WTC-4, which is a narrow but long surface area.
That "51,200*q(total)" energy is distributed over the faces of the counted wall assemblies, whose surface area is calculable from known dimensions. Energy distribution of a belly-flop.
- Busy-work: It is left as an assignment to the reader to research what the weight of an average wall assembly was so that this number can be plugged into q(avg) and multiplied out with the factors and by n stories and m columns to get an energy amount.
- Busy-work: That total energy amount is then divided by the surface area of its n x m dimensions to arrive at the energy of a given localized area of the main edifice roof.
- Busy-work: Newtonian equal and opposite: what structural resistance would the steel-framed WTC-4 main edifice offer to a belly-flopping group of falling walling assemblies from WTC-2? 112
- Important: If the width of the lattice of falling wall assemblies was narrower than the dimensions of the main edifice footprint, what are the common-sense expectations for the portion of WTC-4 that wasn't impacted?
Much to the reader's consternation, the detailed math is left in an unsolved and unresolved state, not having carried out the calculations to any decimal places. Why?
The width of the lattice of falling wall assemblies, as shown in pictures, was narrower than the dimensions of the main edifice footprint, reducing the involved energy. Whatever the calculated energy, it would be distributed across the surface area and structure of the same narrower width of the main edifice impacted.
Our gut estimating skills should be sending up red flags and telling us that a narrow lattice of wall assemblies cannot "crush down to street level" portions of WTC-4 that it did not hit or land on. Portions of the main edifice not hit should still be present in a more or less cohesive state. Just as importantly, equal and opposite is the physics laws, so the energy that allegedly pulverized into small bits the steel framing of the main edifice should have done the same to the steel of the wall assemblies. The wall assemblies were not so afflicted.
This deviation of the observed outcome from the expectation is an anomaly worth studying more closely.
The observable evidence in the aftermath pictures needs a physics-compliant explanation, and falling wall assemblies do not do that.
Something else must have provided the energy to reduce the main edifice to rubble before the wall assemblies landed on them.
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Rising Content Rich Dust Clouds
In a previous section, various still images were captured from different perspectives of the WTC-2 collapse in order to highlight the state and nature of the wall assemblies that fell onto WTC-4.
In this section, we'll play the videos forward and capture other moments of interest in the demise of WTC-4.
Note: The URLs depicted within the images take precedence.
At all of the time stamped instances, the anomaly to observe is a rising, content-rich, cloud of dust. It differs in color, substance, and energy from the pulverized dust trailing the falling wall assemblies. In some perspectives, the rising dust cloud is captured while the alleged requisite falling wall assemblies were still in the air.
What makes the anomalous rising dust cloud relevant is that it originates from the location of the WTC-4 main edifice.
When watching the videos with audio portions, note that detonations -- if heard at all -- are only near the start. Once the rumbling of the destruction begins, one can argue hearing a distinction as a few detonation levels kick off, but one does not hear any loud detonation that would be the cause of the rising dust clouds from WTC-4.
Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[0:31] The red circle in the following image shows the rising anomalous dust cloud. Note its height with respect the buildings, indicating its initiation happened mere seconds earlier than the time stamp.
[0:33] The red circle is the same dust cloud a couple of seconds later, growing in size.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[2:09] Shows dust in the air and falling from WTC-2.
[2:13] Dust from WTC-2 has fallen below the roof line of the long white building more in the foreground from the action.
[2:13+] Shows an energetic, content rich, dust cloud rising up much higher than the roof of the white building in the foreground.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[2:51] Shows dust in the air and falling from WTC-2, with WTC-7 in the lower right corner of image.
[2:57] Shows an energetic, content rich, dust cloud rising up much higher than the roof of the WTC-7.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[4:38] Shows dust and steel in the air and falling from WTC-2.
[4:39] Shows the wall assemblies that will allegedly flatten WTC-4's main edifice still in the air. Meanwhile, it also shows the top of the rising anomalous dust cloud, in the red circle.
[4:44] Shows the air between the buildings suddenly engulfed in the content rich, dust cloud that rose up.
The falling wall assemblies from WTC-2 were still in the air when the anomalous dust cloud originating from WTC-4 had already risen a great height. Thus, the wall assemblies from WTC-2 were not the cause of the WTC-4 main edifice turning to dust.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
In this sequence of images, WTC-5 is in the foreground on the right. WTC-4 is in the lower-left of the images.
[6:31] Shows on the left content raining down from WTC-2. WTC-4 is just below the frame of the picture.
[6:31+] Shows barely a portion of WTC-4 in the lower-left with content raining down from WTC-2.
[6:32] WTC-4 is in the lower-left. A yellow line in the image separates dust and debris falling from WTC-2 from where the rising anomalous cloud is going to appear.
[6:34] The anomalous rising dust cloud from WTC-4 has reached the height of the yellow line in the image, and clearly separates in the still image dust the contrast of dust from above versus dust from below.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[8:20] Although the view is obscured, the red circles show the anomalous dust cloud rising above the buildings more in the foreground.
[8:24] Shows the growth in a few seconds of the anomalous dust cloud in rising up and spreading.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[9:24] Shows the anomalous cloud of content-rich dust reaching into the lower frame of the image.
[9:32] Mere seconds later shows the anomalous cloud of content-rich dust at a height greater than WTC-7.
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Anomalous Rising Dust Cloud Sequence
[10:33] Shows to the right dust and smoke lingering in the air from WTC-2. Towards the bottom of the image, the anomalous dust cloud can be seen and already at a great height.
[10:39] Mere seconds later shows the anomalous cloud of content-rich dust has grown in length, breadth, and height, already reaching the height of WTC-7.
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Assessing the WTC-4 Damage
Let us return to two images, one of which illustrates the "smashing" over-driven case, while the other has an arial view of the remnants of WTC-4 and WTC-2 with their original footprints shown.
The over-driven case from WTC-2 is where a large section of its wall -- n stories by m hollow box columns -- is positioned like a "smashing spatula" horizontal over WTC-4 at a height of h and simply dropped.
For clarity, the arial view of WTC-4 and WTC-2 is shown without additional mark-up, followed by the same view view with mark-up.
The added yellow lines indicate the approximate expected width of the WTC-2 wall, had it remained together and simply fallen over. The lime colored lines help mark the visible spandrels that connected three hollow box columns into a wall assembly.
The image was taken a week or so after 9/11, as noted by the number of cranes and trucks and where they were positioned in the debris pile. Readers might be tempted into thinking that the in-progress clean-up efforts already hauled off some of the expected evidence from this location on Liberty Street. What sort of expected evidence?
The width of a WTC-2 face was about 200 feet, and the hypnotic suggestion begins that one side of that falling lattice face cut the main edifice from the North wing at the depicted bottom yellow line. If we assume that the lattice of wall assemblies maintained inter-assembly connection, then hypnotic logic suggests the wide lattice's other side would have cut through the protusion of the main edifice of WTC-4. We expect it would have left a mangled steel remnant of the fascade, and the nine stories would be stacked beneath it.
It didn't do the expected. The "smashing spatula" of WTC-2's falling wall assemblies doesn't appear to have been a full-width spatula. Visual inspection of the image concludes that the m number of column represented and counted lying on top of WTC-4's footprint were much less that the WTC-2's maximum width of 200 feet. So how did almost the entire main edifice get razed so efficiently to street level?
Hypnotic suggestion continues that the week or so of activity prior to the date of the image allowed them to remove the expected but missing WTC-2 wall assemblies from the WTC-4 pile that is attributed to destroying WTC-4's fascade on Liberty Street and left nothing of it. Except realities and priorities.
The footprint of WTC-4 had hot-spots preventing immediate excavation work. Other than the gold in the basement, why would WTC-4 above-ground clean-up take precedence over other rescue operations, recovery of human remains, or simply making the streets passable for big equipment and trucks? [They recovered the precious metals via the service tunnels and through the opened vault doors after jerry-rigging power to it to get operational. Recovery wasn't from the top and through the debris pile.]
Thus, the assumption is probably valid that the WTC-4 debris area on the date of the picture was largerly unchanged from the 9/11 event. Subsequently, an insufficient width of WTC-2 wall assemblies is represented on the remains of the main edifice of WTC-4 to account for getting "smashed to ground level."
An equally damning anomaly for the wall assemblies visible is how many were lying at about ground level, with the exception of some dust, and at the same level as the escavating equipment. There isn't a stack of 9 floors of main edifice under the wall assembly fragments.
Therefore, more significance must be given to the content-rich dust clouds that rose up while the wall assemblies were still in the air. The WTC-4 debris pile suggests that its main edifice was "dustified" before the wall assemblies landed on them.
To paraphrase the title to Dr. Judy Wood's book, "Where did the main edifice of WTC-4 go?" 113
Note the area circled in red.
A different perspective of the same area circled in red in earlier images.
A corner of WTC-4 main edifice is all that stands with a two wall assemblies draped over it along with another large wall assembly chunk.
To the right in the image is the North wing of WTC-4 still standing and smoldering. [Remember the smoldering and rhetorically ask how come?]
The significance of these images (above and below) is the contradiction it exposes. This corner of the main edifice was clearly hit by falling wall assemblies that are still present, but the corner remained standing. Meanwhile, other parts of the main edifice were hit by wall assemblies (some still present on top) and completely smashed through 9 stories to near ground level with hardly anything but rubble and dust underneath.
The following image shows a close-up perspective of what was highlighted in red in the previous images. It shows those six or so floors of wall assemblies that had fallen beyond the length of WTC-4 main edifice and are leaning against the surviving corner.
The surviving corner appears a bit "wilted".
Below is another view of the same red circled area from other images.
We will defer analyzing the destroyed vehicle, because it is not known where it was located when it was damaged. The cleanliness of the street around and below the damaged vehicle suggest the area had been cleaned prior to the vehicle being placed there, possibly as staging for later pickup and transport to scrap yards.
The image above shows the wall assemblies that tried and failed to smash the corner of WTC-4 main edifice into rubble.
More importantly, the image shows the charred North wing, its severed and "wilted" boundary with the main edifice, as well as the corner of the main edifice in a somewhat "wilted" and leaning state.
The following image shows a different perspective of the corner of WTC-4's main edifice (red circle) and the surviving North wing (blue circle), plus outlines for the footprints of the original buildings.
This perspective shows that around 6 floors of wall assemblies had fallen beyond the length of WTC-4 main edifice, and are leaning against the surviving corner.
Important: Note the smoldering hot-spot circled in orange. Regardless of how WTC-2 wall assemblies were separated from the rest of the tower to fall on WTC-4, why a hot-spot would exist underneath it all is an anomaly that neither gravity nor nanothermite explain.
Other perspectives of WTC-4 Destruction
This image shows what the WTC-4 roof looked like with respect to the WTC-2 tower (width 200'). It shows the 160 foot dimension of the North wing, and also where it would be decimated.
The following image was taken while the dust from the towers was still settling. It shows the wall assemblies, and lots of dustified content. The corner of the main edifice is visible.
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WTC-4 North Wing
The following image shows a black or charred WTC-4 North wing, which previous images circled in blue.
An important anomaly on the left-side of the building is the cut line that leaves the North wing standing while crushing the main edifice.
The following image shows a black or charred building in the middle, which is the remains of WTC-4's North wing. In the lower-left of the image is the "slumping wilted" corner of the main edifice that other images circled in red, as well as the WTC-2 wall assemblies leaning against it. WTC-5 in the foreground on the right.
The following image shows the black charred remains of WTC-4's North wing. In the lower-left of the image is the "slumping-wilted" corner of the main edifice that other images circled in red.
In the following image taken at a much later date to the left and behind the orange equipment is WTC-5. To the right and behind the yellow equipment is the North wing of WTC-4.
In the following image, we do not see sufficient cohesive debris from WTC-2, nor do we see sufficient remnants of WTC-4 main edifice underneath.
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Evidence of Fission
The evidence for fission in the WTC dust were first published in a report by the USGS and their analysis of dozens of dust samples.
[ ]
The USGS report's data tables clearly document the fissile by-product elements (Uranium, Barium, Strontium) and their decay elements. The following image shows the nuclear decay paths from Uranium.
The fingerprints of fission were confirmed by the report "Characterization of the Dust/Smoke Aerosol that Settled East of the World Trade Center (WTC) in Lower Manhattan after the Collapse of the WTC 11 September 2001" by Paul Lioy et al.
[ ]
The data tables in the WTC dust reports from both USGS and Paul Lioy have most of the elements in the periodic table. Both reports endeavor to have a plausible scientific explanation for why most of the given elements would be present at those quantities in the WTC dust.
Except for the fissile elements. Neither report has any explanation for why the dust would contain Uranium (U) and its decay elements Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr), and their subsequent decay elements. Or Chromium (Cr), known for usage in nuclear weapons.
Mr. Jeff Prager reviewed the USGS data and explains their true nuclear significance.
The USGS report on the dust provides compelling evidence
of the fission pathway of Uranium to Thorium and Helium, with subsequent
decay into Lithium. These correlations are the signature of a nuclear explosion and could not have occurred by chance.
The presence of rare Trace elements such as Cerium, Yttrium and
Lanthanum should have caught the attention of any nuclear physicist,
particularly when found in quantities of 50ppm to well over 100ppm. The
USGS report shows that these quantities vary widely from place to place
but still correlate with each other according to the relationships
expected from nuclear fission.
The USGS report shows Barium and Strontium present and in absolutely
astronomical concentrations of over 400ppm to over 3000ppm, varying from
place to place but varying in lockstep and according to known nuclear
The presence of Thorium and Uranium correlated to each other by a
clear mathematical power relationship and to other radionuclide daughter
The dust samples provide an unprecedented insight into the action of a
nuclear device. Nuclear weapon scientists should have seized this data to analyze it and determine exactly what type of device produced it.
However, both reports on the WTC dust prove a fission process was involved and that interference was required to control the nuclear narrative.
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Evidence of Fusion
Tritium is a building block of fusion stages in many nuclear devices. Tritium's involvment with 9/11 is confirmed by the report:
"Study of Traces of Tritium at the World Trade Center"
by T.M. Semkow, R.S. Hafner, P.P Parekh, G.J. Wozniak, D.K. Haines, L. Husain, R.L. Rabun, P.G. Williams.
Disclaimer: The tritium report was scope-limited from the onset to consider only "building & aircraft content" and to minimize public health concerns about tritium.
Despite its untrustworthy scope, the tritium report proves that a fusion process was involved and that interference was required to control the nuclear narrative.
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Evidence of Extremely High Temperatures
The RJ Lee report titled "WTC Dust Signature" identified in the dust "[s]pherical iron and spherical or vesicular silicate particles that result from exposure to high temperature."
The presence of lead oxide on the surface of mineral wool indicates the existence of extremely high temperatures during the collapse which caused metallic lead to volatilize, oxidize, and finally condense on the surface of the mineral wool.
The presence of molybdenum spherules documented by the USGS study. Molybdenum is known for its extremely high melting point of 2,623°C (4,754°F).
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Evidence of Very Hot Heat Source
Professor Thomas Cahill of the the UC Davis DELTA Group (Detection and Evaluation of Long-range Transport of Aerosols) described some of this WTC finding on February 11, 2002.
"The air from Ground Zero was laden with extremely high amounts of very small particles, probably associated with high temperatures in the underground debris pile."
Many different metals were found in the samples of very fine particles, and some were found at the highest levels ever recorded in air in the United States.
Prof. Cahill also explained the meaning of the generation of the particles to reporters more clearly:
"The presence of coarse particles immediately after days of rain indicated that they were being continually re-generated from a dry, hot source, not re-suspended from roadways and other surfaces."
Nuclear devices of the 1st through 3rd generation in general could not be used in close-proximity tandem, because the spherical emission of neutrons would cause "Nuclear Fizzle" in neighboring devices.
A fizzle occurs when the detonation of a device for creating a
nuclear explosion (such as a nuclear weapon) grossly fails to meet its
expected yield. The bombs still detonate, but the detonation is much
less than anticipated. ... A fizzle can spread radioactive material
throughout the surrounding area, involve a partial fission reaction of
the fissile material, or both. For practical purposes, a fizzle can
still have considerable explosive yield when compared to conventional
The FGNW thesis proposes multiple devices per detonation level. This is possible because the neutron emission isn't spherical, but is conic and can be aimed so as not to foul neighbors.
Still, the 9/11 psyops wasn't perfect, and it is entirely possible for some of the multiple devices to get fouled or not initiate properly, but ultimately "nuclear fizzle" for months as underground hot-spots.
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Exotic Nuclear Weapons
"Exotic" 4th gen nuclear weapons (FGNW) are a few generations removed from the neutron bombs proposed by Dr. Edward Teller in the 1970's. A conventional chemical-based charge is ignited to smash fissile material together in the fission stage, whose sole purpose is to generate the requisite heat for the fusion stage. Then they release 80% of their nuclear yield as highly energetic neutrons, but in a targeted fashion such as in a conic-shaped from the ignition point; they release 20% as thermal pulse, blast effects, and EMP.
For comparision purposes, a hybrid thermo-nuclear device has the fission and fusion stages, but releases 95% of its nuclear yield as a thermal pulse and blast effects, and 5% as prompt radiation and EMP.
Aside from an earlier book, Dr. Andre Gsponer wrote the peer-reviewed article in 2005: "Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects"
According to Dr. Andre Gsponer, FGNW are primarily very intense sources of penetrating radiation that can produce direct work on a target and thus induce a very different response within their targets. 102
Depending on design goals, FGNW can:
- Generate a fireball (in air or a material).
- Launch a shockwave (in air or in a material).
- Heat the surface of a material.
- Accelerate or compress a material.
- Transfer momentum to a material.
- Heat the volume of a material.
- Energize a working material.
- Forge and project missiles.
- Form and send high-velocity jets.
- Ablate a material and produce a shock wave in it.
The following image shows a crude and incomplete FGNW configuration for WTC-4.
Not depicted accurately: the footprint of the ground floor of WTC-4 was smaller than the footprint of its upper-stories that overhung the sidewalk. Theoretically, the placement of FGNW at WTC-4 could have been outside the building from inside, say, fake utility hubs, fake newspaper machines, or fake trash cans positioned around the building and under the overhang.
More crude examples of tandem FGNW configuration on 9/11.
Here are possible tandem FGNW installations and configurations in just a few of the WTC buildings.
The following image shows the partial FGNW configuration for one WTC tower.
Note that the detonation level is five or ten (or more) stories below where the effects are observed coming out of the outer wall assemblies.
The following image shows a sequence for the initial moments of WTC-2 tower's destruction.
- Left-most rendering: Has only fires and billowing smoke from WTC-2.
- Second from left rendering: The inside content and through the roof of WTC-2 is zapped.
- Third from left: Causes the upper-stories to lean towards WTC-4.
- Fourth from left: Before the angular momentum of a cohesive block becomes an issue, FGNW from lower in the tower zap upwards through inside content. The expanding cone at this point grazes the outer wall assemblies of the upper stories. Angular momentum is halted because the wall assemblies are no longer connected at the corners to other faces of the towers.
- Right-most rendering: Approximately 30 stories from the one-side of the upper block are separated and fall towards WTC-4 and all around the tower's footprint.
The following image continues the sequence for the initial moments of WTC-2 tower's destruction.
- Left-most rendering: Approximately 30 stories from the one-side of the upper block are separated and fall towards WTC-4 and all around the tower's footprint.
- Second from left: While subsequent demolition levels in WTC-4 dustify content and send wall assemblies from higher above scattering, FGNW are ignited where WTC-4 main edifice was.
- Third from left: Content-rich clouds rise up from WTC-4 and meet the falling wall assemblies from WTC-2.
- Right-most rendering: a section of inner core that had remained briefly standing like a multi-record player spindle after the albums dropped. This was nicknamed "the spire", and it suddenly telescoped in on itself.
Both towers' destruction had elements of a "spire" of inner-core that remained briefly standing after the building around it was dustified and wall assemblies peeled off. This is given as a purple line going up the middle of the towers. Its purpose in the FGNW paradigm?
Ignition to full nuclear yield may have had a time element associated with. The nuclear yield itself might have had a time duration. As such, requisite would be a stable platform to mount the FGNW on that won't be immediately destroyed by the device itself, by its neighboring devices at that level, or by devices at lower detonation levels. A clean-up operation later can remove the remnant spire.
The following image is an imcomplete beginning of the WTC-7 FGNW configuration. Note that all FGNW could be installed on the same lower level.
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Figurative Nuclear Fallout
It is beyond the scope of this work to cast deserving dispersions against government agencies, government officials and elected representatives, and corporate media for successfully suppressing and blackholing any notions of 9/11 nuclear involvement in the public sphere. Figurative nuclear fallout onto their reputations and integrity can still be added to the history books.
As for casting deserving dispersions on the organized groups of the 9/11 Truth Movement for also suppressing and blackholing legitimate nuclear analysis, thereby proving infiltration of the 9/11 Truth Movement? 114
Such spell-casting onto sincere seekers of Truth within the movement is foiled simply by the person publicly declaring one of the many forms of the "contrition & apology" spell.
The nuclear research of Dr. Andre Gsponer was new to me, as was the analysis that ties such exotic nuclear devices (FGNW) to the many anomalies of 9/11. Described properly, these exotic nuclear devices seem to address and answer more facets of the WTC destruction than other leading main-stream concensus premises (such as nano-thermite, deep-underground nukes, and DEW-from-afar).
As an objective, rational, open-minded person of integrity in the face of new information and analysis, I now change my mind on what destroyed the WTC on 9/11.
What changed my mind was not just the proponderance of evidence and anomalies that FGNW can explain rationally. A big factor in my evolution was the on-going and concerted actions, even from within the 9/11 Truth Movement, (a) to blackhole and suppress legitimate nuclear considerations and (b) to prop up weaker, incomplete theories in lame ways.
I apologize for having led other people astray with my previous (9/11) beliefs that are now exposed as limited hang-outs and that I may have championed quite vigorously.
With my evolved understanding of 9/11 and the likelihood of exotic nuclear means, I now promise to champion this correction as my new Truth and nuclear energize my other areas of (9/11) activism to awaken the masses.
The ways need not be listed in which the spell for "contrition & apology" can be fouled after casted, but insincerity, lack of objectivity, and obtuseness in avoiding the legitimate consideration of the exotic nukes premise will put a crater the size of WTC-6's into reputations. The only honorable way to go forth with integrity undamaged is to allow for "evolution in beliefs" based on this new and different analysis.
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"Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda" by Norm Chomsky
The book highlights how media control is achieved through various techniques, such as narrowing the range of acceptable debate, manipulating language and framing, and constructing an illusion of diversity and objectivity. Chomsky argues that these tactics effectively limit genuine democratic discourse and prevent alternative viewpoints from gaining widespread exposure.
[102^] "Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects" by Dr. Andre Gsponer [2008-02-02].
"The physical principles of
thermonuclear explosives, inertial
confinement fusion, and the quest for
fourth generation nuclear weapons" by Dr. Andre Gsponer and Dr. Jean-Pierre Hurni [2009-01-20]
To this author's knowledge, Dr. Andre Gsponer has not written a single word of speculation regarding the devices used to destroy the WTC on 9/11. His works on FGNW in the decade leading up to 9/11 were peer-reviewed and published in reputable science publications. It isn't as if nuclear scientists were stepping out in droves (or even as individuals) to debunk his efforts; quite the contrary, many of his works went through multiple revisions, which would indicate that nuclear scientists were providing feedback to improve his works.
[103^] "Gold, Recovery of The Towers' buried treasure" By Geoffrey Gray (2011-08-27)
Archived February 25, 2015, at the Wayback Machine, NY Mag, August 27, 2011.
Earlier in the morning, before the attack, an armored truck had made its way through an underground tunnel below the World Trade Center. Inside the truck was millinos of dollars worth of bullion. Through a maze of underground tunnels, the truck had just left a vault in which COMEX, the commodities exchange, kept thousands of gold [G2] and silver bars stacked on pallts, a warehouse of megariches beneath the city surface.
The armored truck and the bullion inside were found in the first couple of days of the recovery effort, crushed along with other cars in the subbaement by falling steel; the driver had evidently excaped before the collapse. People thought the gold in the vault might be accessible to looters. But it turned out that the most difficult problem was bringing in electricity to rewire the vault doors. Soon, under the watch of dozens of armed guards, thousands of bars of gold and silver were haulted out of the bi-level 6,000-square-foot vault. All told, there wre 379,036 ounces of gold, stacked in 30-pound ingots. There was much more silver, in bars as big as bread loaves, weighing 70 pounds per loap. Eventually, workers hauled out all 29,942,619 ounces.
All the precious metal under the Towers was accounted for. At one point, as workers were hauling out the treasure, they broke for lunch. There were no tables or chairs. Instead, they ate their meals on stacks of gold bars.
Buried WTC gold returns to futures trade (2002-11=17)
A fortune in gold trapped for seven weeks in the ruins of the World Trade Center officially returned to the global bullion trade Friday, but dealers had already closed the book on the tale of tragedy and buried treasure.
"You could in theory say that if things had gone much worse since September 11 and there had been rampant demand or something like that, that it might have been a story that affected the price. But at this point, I don't think it really was," said a metals specialist at a large commodity brokerage.
The $230 million in precious metals has been moved from the basement vaults of ScotiaMocatta Depository at 4 WTC, where it was stored on behalf of the New York Mercantile Exchange when the September 11 attacks brought down the twin towers. All warehouse staff got out safely.
In a joint statement Friday, NYBOT and ScotiaMocatta, the metals trading division of Canada's Bank of Nova Scotia, said the metals had been relocated and were again available to guaranty delivery of futures contracts exchange traded at the COMEX metals division of the NYMEX.
"All of the silver, gold, platinum, and palladium stored in its vaults at 4 World Trade Center have been successfully relocated by an Exchange-approved carrier to a newly Exchange-licensed Brink's Inc depository in Brooklyn," they said.
Spurred by authorities who wanted to demolish the building, by the potential for crime, and by whatever has always driven men to hunt for gold, emergency crews dug through the rubble and got a first glimpse of the gleaming booty on Oct 30.
Guarded by a small army of heavily armed federal agents, city policemen and firefighters began the massive task of moving about 12 tonnes of gold and 30 million ounces of silver. The hoard was estimated to be worth at least $230 million.
There were about 3,800 100-Troy-ounce registered gold bars in the underground COMEX warehouse. While gold is very dense, the task of loading the indestructible yellow metal onto armoured Brinks trucks was not nearly as cumbersome as moving the silver.
Experts said it would take some 50 tractor trailers to transport 30,000 1,000-ounce silver bars.
On top of that, it is believed that other treasures were kept in the vaults, including additional precious metals, jewels and securities. But there has been no information on whether these valuables were there or recovered.
ScotiaMocatta has applied to establish a new exchange-licensed depository in New York for silver, gold, platinum and palladium. Upon approval, the metal being held in ScotiaMocatta's custodial account at Brinks will be relocated to this facility, they said.
The NYMEX has another warehouse in Manhattan, operated by HSBC Bank USA.
Despite initial concern among precious metals dealers, the temporary lack of access to the metal hardly caused a ripple in the markets. The buried gold amounted to about 2 per cent of the 600-tonne-a-day global bullion market.
The metal was insured and supply was available from facilities at refiners elsewhere in the United States, though some may have been remelted into the 100-ounce bars of 99.5 per cent pure gold to meet COMEX delivery specifications.
The exchange said it plans to rescind its emergency rules which allowed an individual or firm taking delivery of metal under the terms of a futures contract to reject a warrant -- a document giving title -- for metal on deposit at the buried ScotiaMocatta vault.
[105^] "The Fugitive, His Dead Wife, and the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory That Explains Everything" by Evan Hughes 2016-06-28
[Sonnenfeld] has suggested that FEMA must have had foreknowledge of the attacks, given how quickly he got a call summoning him to the scene. Once there, he says, he saw a large empty vault beneath World Trade Center 6—a heavily damaged building adjacent to the Twin Towers that housed offices of U.S. Customs—and he posits that the vault could only have been cleared of its important contents in advance.
[106^] "Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001" by E.P. Heidner
However, if the perceived objective of the attack is re-defined from its commonly suggested ‘symbolic’ designation as either ‘a terrorist attack’ or a ‘new Pearl Harbor,’ and one begins by looking at it as purely a crime with specific objectives (as opposed to a political action), there is a compelling logic to the pattern of destruction. This article provides research into the early claims by Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham and Karl Schwarz that the September 11th attacks were meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th. 1
After six years of research, this report presents corroborating evidence which supports their claims, and proposes a new rationale for the September 11th attacks. In doing so, many of the anomalies – or inconvenient facts surrounding this event - take on a meaning that is consistent with the claims of Eastman et al. The hypothesis of this report is: the attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources”2 and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause.
"Collateral Damage (Part 2): The Subprime Crisis and the Terrorist
Attacks on September 11, 2001" by E.P. Heidner
Abstract: The U.S. Subprime and global financial crises of 2008 was the direct result of a covert monetary policy implemented by the U.S. financial institutional caretakers of the World War II Black Eagle Gold Fund. Major growth in this fund occurred in 1986 when the Reagan/Bush administration ousted Ferdinand Marcos and confiscated the Philippines holdings of Japanese pre-WWII treasury, buried in the Philippines due to the U.S. Naval blockade of Japanese ports. Not being able to publicly acknowledge the illegal confiscation of multiple national treasuries, U.S. officials and their banker-agents have released major portions of this fund to the money market in excess of monetary demand, expanding the money supply by $3.5 to $7 trillion. The individuals responsible for releasing this gold were also responsible for deliberately opening the subprime mortgage market to national banks, thus creating inflationary demand in the high risk, subprime housing market. In addition to the ‘coincidence’ that virtually all of the troubled mortgages which are at the source of the 2008 economic crisis seem to come from a timeframe and monetary growth spurt linked to the ‘9/11 bond dump’ this report will document that the primary source of funds for the liar’s loans and troubled subprime loans comes from banks that are in lock-step with the covert funding operations. Given that these same individuals covertly financed the collapse of the ruble in 1991 using these same funds, and then orchestrated the buy-out of key Russian industries for pennies on the dollar, this analysis provides evidence that a similar gambit is being made for the takeover of key U.S.
- The terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001 was marked by a sharp plunge in the stock market, causing a $1.4 trillion loss in market value.
- The first week of trading after the attacks saw the S&P 500 fall more than 14%, while gold and oil rallied.
- The industries most directly impacted were airlines, whose flights were subsequently grounded, and insurers, who paid out billions of dollars in claims, including to victims and property owners.
- The U.S. stock market has risen dramatically over the past 20 years despite the relatively short-term sell-off after the Sept. 11 attack.
- The stock market remains vulnerable to a major disruption, 22 years after Sept. 11.
- The fallout from Sept. 11 may weigh on the U.S. economy and taxpayers for decades after spending trillions of dollars on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Anticipating market chaos, panic selling and a disastrous loss of value in the wake of the attacks, the NYSE and the Nasdaq remained closed until Sept. 17, the longest shutdown since the Great Depression. 1 Moreover, many trading, brokerage, and other financial firms had offices in the World Trade Center and were unable to function in the immediate aftermath of the loss of life and collapse of both towers.
On the first day of NYSE trading after Sept. 11, the Dow Jones fell 684 points, a 7.1% decline, setting a record at the time for the biggest loss in the exchange's history for one trading day. (This has since been eclipsed by the market reaction during the global coronavirus pandemic). The close of trading that Friday ended a week that saw the biggest losses in NYSE history. The Dow Jones Average was down more than 14%, the S&P 500 Index plunged 11.6%, and the Nasdaq dropped 16%. An estimated $1.4 trillion in value was lost during this period.
Major stock sell-offs hit the airline and insurance sectors when trading resumed. Hardest hit were American Airlines and United Airlines, whose planes were hijacked for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The immediate impact was significant. Gold prices leapt nearly 6% to $287 per ounce, reflecting the uncertainty and flight to safety of nervous investors.
Gas and oil prices also shot up as fears emerged that oil imports from the Middle East would be curtailed. Within a week, these prices returned to around their pre-attack levels as no new attacks occurred and crude oil shipments to the U.S. from continued uninterrupted.
Airlines and Insurers Take a Hit
Airline stocks experienced among the worst declines due to the attack. American Airlines (AAL) stock dropped 39% between Sept. 11 to the close on Sept. 17, and United Airlines (UAL) plummeted 42%.
Insurance companies eventually paid $40 billion in claims related to the Sept. 11 attack. 2 Among the biggest losers was Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. 3 Most insurance companies subsequently dropped terrorist coverage. Most insurers survived the financial fallout from the attack because they held adequate cash reserves to cover these obligations.
Investing in Protection
Some stock sectors, however, experienced major gains after the attacks. Certain technology companies, as well as defense and weapons contractors, saw their shares increase. Many buyers were investors anticipating a boost in government business as the country prepared for the long war on terror. Stock prices also spiked for communications and pharmaceutical firms.
On the nation's options exchanges, including the Chicago Board Options Exchange, the world's largest, put and call volume increased correspondingly. Put options, which allow an investor to profit if a specific stock declines in price, were purchased in large numbers on airline, banking, and insurance shares. Call options, which allow an investor to profit on stocks that go up in price, were purchased on defense and military-related companies. In the short term, many investors who had purchased these options made money.
The Market Remains Vulnerable to a Major Disruption
The Sept. 11 attack shut the stock market for nearly a week and revealed its vulnerability to physical destruction. While the NYSE building wasn’t damaged, many communications links were severed by the fall of the two trade towers. And the reopening of the NYSE was hampered by the Ground Zero recovery operation nearby. 4
In response, the NYSE and other exchanges made dramatic steps to bolster their defenses against a physical disruption, including moving largely to electronic trading. While this has made the U.S. markets less vulnerable to physical attacks, it's made them much more vulnerable to a major cyberattack.
“As we have digitized our lives, which has generally been a great blessing, we have sown the seeds for even greater destruction in terms of the ability to hack into our systems,” said former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey Pitt, who led the agency on Sept. 11, 2001. “That is today’s equivalent of a 9/11 attack. There is a potential ‘black swan’ event every single day." 4
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell shares a similar view. In an interview with CBS in April 2021, he said cyberattacks had become the foremost risk to the financial system, greater than the factors that led to the 2008 financial crisis. 4
1 Congressional Research Service. "The Economic Effects of 9/11: A Retrospective Assessment," Page CRS-28.
2 Insurance Information Institute. "Terrorism Risk: A Reemergent Threat," Page 2.
3 Berkshire Hathaway. "To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway."
[109^] Although speculation into the methods or mechanisms that caused wall assemblies to detach and fall from WTC-2 is beyond the scope of this work, the conclusions of this work -- namely exotic 4th gen nuclear devices -- can be re-purposed from WTC-4 and plugged back into the equations for WTC-1 & 2 speculation as well as WTC-5, WTC-6, and WTC-7.
This author's earlier works do speculate into the towers and the WTC complex.
"9/11 FGNW Exotic Nuclear Weapons"
[110^] If the worst-case did produce energy sufficient to generate the outcomes, then tweaking smaller of the mass or height (or angular momentum) to bring them closer to real-world values will be required, and its lesser calculated energy measured against the expected energy of the outcomes.
Spoiler: The over-driven, worst-case is found energy-wise and anomaly-wise implausible.
Each of the World Trade Center towers had 236 high-strength, load-bearing perimeter steel columns which acted as Vierendeel trusses.
The perimeter structure containing 59 columns per side was constructed with extensive use of prefabricated modular pieces, each consisting of three columns, three stories tall, connected by spandrel plates. The spandrel plates were welded to the columns to create the modular pieces off-site at the fabrication shop. Adjacent modules were bolted together with the splices occurring at mid-span of the columns and spandrels. The spandrel plates were located at each floor, transmitting shear stress between columns, allowing them to work together in resisting lateral loads. The joints between modules were staggered vertically so that the column splices between adjacent modules were not on the same floor.
The core of each tower was a rectangular area 87 by 135 feet (27 by 41 m) and contained 47 steel columns running from the bedrock to the top of the tower. The large, column-free space between the perimeter and core was bridged by prefabricated floor trusses. The floors supported their own weight as well as live loads, providing lateral stability to the exterior walls and distributing wind loads among the exterior walls. The floors consisted of 4-inch (10 cm) thick lightweight concrete slabs laid on a fluted steel deck. A grid of lightweight bridging trusses and main trusses supported the floors. The trusses connected to the perimeter at alternate columns and were on 6 foot 8 inch (2.03 m) centers. The top chords of the trusses were bolted to seats welded to the spandrels on the exterior side and a channel welded to the core columns on the interior side. The floors were connected to the perimeter spandrel plates with viscoelastic dampers that helped reduce the amount of sway felt by building occupants.
[112^] Details about WTC-4 construction
The following are images related to WTC-5, which was designed and constructed in a manner similar to WTC-4. So although the footprint is not applicable, the inner-frame structure is.
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Dr. Judy Wood book "Where Did The Towers Go?" and website contain many excellent WTC images of destruction that require explaining by any 9/11 conspiracy theory-du-jour, and which FGNW does explain.
Disclaimer: Dr. Wood's book is clever disinformation, and that makes it all the more worthy to study for the nuggets of truth, the evidence. Be warned that she drops lots of dangling innuendo, connects no dots, draws no conclusions, and provided shoddy research into nuclear considerations.
ABL (airborne lasers) and beams-from-space are real things, but the latter in particular has optic issues going through the atmosphere hampering frequencies suitable for energy transmission (to destroy the WTC in some manner). Both ABL and beams-from-space require a source for their energy (such as chemical-based lasers) that directly complicate logistics regarding quantities of source materials required to generate the observed energy at a distance. Unless the ABL or beams-from-space are nuclear powered.
But why nuclear power the destruction from a distance when they can nuclear power right at the target a most unique decimation sequence?
Aside from the omission of legitimate & somewhat thorough research in directed energy weapons (DEW) and nuclear weapons, Dr. Wood and her followers do not contemplate DEW-from-within.
[114^] "Gummiworms of 9/11 Destroyed the WTC" by Maxwell C. Bridges
Celebrities of the 9/11 Truth Movement get lampooned in this parody Zoom conference attempting to legitimately debunk the thesis that gummiworms destroyed the WTC on 9/11, only to discover a gummiworm trojan horse that hides the blackholed premise of exotic nuclear weapons.
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// Maxwell C. Bridges
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