by Maxwell C. Bridges
Spoiler: This article contains no sexual content... Except that if you read to its end, you may feel as if "blackhole #4" is a position for anal incest figuratively committed on your understanding of September 11, 2001 by entities whom you trusted and who should've known and responded better.
As the quarter century anniversary to 9/11 approaches, the relevance of 9/11 to today deserves to be questioned. Why should anyone tune any further mental wavelengths into considering the 9/11 events? The short answer is that even the understanding of the 9/11 Truth community was "restricted into a narrow range of acceptable debate." 101 In this context, "blackhole" refers to a topic that evades legitimate analysis and discussion, even though Truth demands it.
The justification for your consideration of the premises in this work:
- It presents something new under the sun into the realm of 9/11 understanding.
- It exposes the key to much of the coordinated 9/11 disinformation; their fervor even with their lameness and incompleteness.
- It nuclear-energizes all other aspects of 9/11 Truth activism, narrowing down the list of suspects with the means and abilities.
This work aspires to be a scholarly effort into an "under-served" area of 9/11 research: the original World Trade Center Number Four (WTC-4), also known as the Southeast Plaza Building, that was seemingly destroyed by an approximately 30-story lattice of falling wall assemblies from one side of the WTC-2 tower.
WTC-4 is blackhole #4. The blackhole treatment was exhibited in how little analysis it generated by government agencies and 9/11 Truth groups who were charged with contemplating physics-compliant and reasonable explanations for the observed outcomes.