
Exotika 911 Blackhole #4

by Maxwell C. Bridges

Spoiler: This article contains no sexual content... Except that if you read to its end, you may feel as if "blackhole #4" is a position for anal incest figuratively committed on your understanding of September 11, 2001 by entities whom you trusted and who should've known and responded better.



RFC to FAQs #14(/#15 PDF) and #13

by Maxwell C. Bridges

Email to: Roland Angle, CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

CC: Susan Serpa, Chris Begier, Craig McKee, Adam Ruff, Gene Laratonda, Ted Walter, Norman (9/11 Revisionist)

Dear Mr. Roland Angle,

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (ae911truth) submitted a “request for correction” (RFC) to NIST's final report on World Trade Center Building 7 and filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging NIST's response. The goal was to force the agency to perform new analyses and develop a new "probable collapse sequence" that is physically possible and consistent with the available evidence.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

As a vetted member of ae911truth (under my Bruce Wayne) I have standing to submit a "Request for Correction" from ae911truth for:

* FAQ #14 (website) / FAQ #15 (PDF): Various authors claim that nuclear blasts caused or contributed to the WTC destruction. Why does AE911Truth not endorse this claim?


* FAQ #13: What is AE911Truth's assessment of the directed energy weapon (DEW) hypothesis?


FGNW Discussions Vol. 5

Maxwell C. Bridges


This article defends the premise that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed as the primary mechanisms of destruction in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. Discussions from 2023-09 through 2024-12.


9/11 Exotic Nuclear Weapons (Version 3)

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by Maxwell C. Bridges

This is version 3 -- scaled-down to 2k-words -- of "9/11 Exotic Nuclear Weapons" submitted to the International Center for 9/11 Justice on 2024-08-25.

The destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001 was accomplished using "exotic," fourth generation nuclear weapons (FGNW). They were hybrid-fission/fusion and released 80% of their tactical nuclear yield as highly-energetic neutrons in a conic, targeted fashion, thus permitting multiple tandem devices.


Gummiworms of 9/11 Destroyed the WTC

Maxwell C. Bridges  **


A fictional zoom meeting between characters based on real celebrities in the 9/11 Truth Movement. None of the real people name-dropped in this zoom-mockumentary said exactly or loosely the words that are attributed to them here. This is fiction, and yes, words are being shoved into their mouths that they didn't ever actually say. But those familiar with the real people upon whom this is based will probably agree that the fictional dialog is something in character for the real people and is probably something they wished to say. Why?

In terms of trying to have a rational and reasonable discussion:

"Reason wasn't working."

"Polite requests weren't working."

"Personal insults weren't working."

Let's try some mockery.

The 9/11 Truther celebrities being mocked in this theatrical drama in alphabetical order are:

Chris Bergier, David Chandler, Wayne Coste, Richard Gage, Jon Howland, Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda, Gene Laratonda, Craig McKee, Alfred Magaletta, Adam Ruff, Eric Sandstrom, Susan Serpa, Andy Steele, Norman Swanepoel, and Adam Syed


9/11 FGNW Exotic Nuclear Weapons

by Maxwell C. Bridges

Fourth generation nuclear weapons (FGNW) were used in the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. The evidence for nuclear components leaks out of the entire 9/11 record. The overkill energy of the observed sudden complete decimation of the towers is a clue, purposely missed.

The tower is being peeled downward.


Pleiadian Esoteric Masonic Discussions

This article re-purposes discussions about Masonry, the Pleiadians, and other insightful things.

Covid-Vax ChatGPI in Action

This article discusses COVID, vaccines, and mRNA technology.


FGNW Discussions Vol. 2

This article defends the premise that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed as the primary mechanisms of destruction in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. Discussions happened on Facebook between 2020-02 and 2020-08.


FGNW Discussions Vol. 3

This article defends the premise that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed as the primary mechanisms of destruction in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. Discussions happened on Facebook between 2021-08 and 2022-11.

FGNW Discussions Vol. 4

This article defends the premise that Fourth Generation Nuclear Weapons (FGNW) were deployed as the primary mechanisms of destruction in the annihilation of the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001. Discussions from 2023-07 through 2023-10.