Maxwell C. Bridges **
A fictional zoom meeting between characters based on real celebrities in the 9/11 Truth Movement. None of the real people name-dropped in this zoom-mockumentary said exactly or loosely the words that are attributed to them here. This is fiction, and yes, words are being shoved into their mouths that they didn't ever actually say. But those familiar with the real people upon whom this is based will probably agree that the fictional dialog is something in character for the real people and is probably something they wished to say. Why?
In terms of trying to have a rational and reasonable discussion:
"Reason wasn't working."
"Polite requests weren't working."
"Personal insults weren't working."
Let's try some mockery.
The 9/11 Truther celebrities being mocked in this theatrical drama in alphabetical order are:
Chris Bergier,
David Chandler,
Wayne Coste,
Richard Gage,
Jon Howland,
Sandra Jelmi-Laratonda,
Gene Laratonda,
Craig McKee,
Alfred Magaletta,
Adam Ruff,
Eric Sandstrom,
Susan Serpa,
Andy Steele,
Norman Swanepoel,
Adam Syed